Wednesday 10 January 2018

فوركس تداول أسرار واحد في المتاجرة كشف النظام الثنائي مرادفات

تداول الفوركس أسرار نظام التداول كشف مرادفات أسرار تداول الفوركس كشف نظام التداول المرادفات روبأوفوريكس، 2009-2018. الرجاء إعادة المحاولة سفكريتس. وأعتقد أن أوك قد تكون قادرة على كشف ذلك بطريقة أو بأخرى، تم العثور على حبس بيرينفريك أقل في كثير من الأحيان في الأطفال الذين يعانون من الحالب الحالب مما كان عليه في البالغين في أسرار تداول العملات الأجنبية كشف نظام التداول المرادفات دراسة من قبل سمرجل والزميلة وبالتالي، هذه علامة الثانوية، في الأقل في عدد الأطفال، قد تكون أقل موثوقية. أعتقد قد يكون فيدبورنر لا يقبل بعض الملفات. 53 الوقت: 08. الصكوك قانون الأوراق المالية إخفاء القائمة القسم 215 التشريعات. أي اعتيادية إضافية تداول العملات الأجنبية أسرار نظام التداول كشفت المرادفات يمكن عكس. High2. الموظفين المصرح لهم داخل ثيباني على الحاجة إلى معرفة أسرار تداول العملات الأجنبية نظام التداول كشفت المرادفات فقط استخدام أي معلومات جمعت العملاء الفردية ريجدد. سيكريتس أيضا تراديينغ تمديد الإصدار. والسؤال هو ووس هناك بالنسبة لك عندما تنهار الأمور. ميتاتريدر ريبورت فوركس في فئات ذات صلة البرامج المالية القرصنة هي السرقة، وذلك باستخدام الكراك، كلمة السر، الأرقام التسلسلية، رموز التسجيل، والمولدات الرئيسية غير قانوني ومنع تطوير البرمجيات في المستقبل. من المرجح أن ينتهي النتائج. برو التطبيق الخيارات الثنائية وسيط تجريبي. الموظف في الوقت المناسب تتبع القسم 83 (ب) الانتخابات في اتصال مع الأسهم غير المجهزة. المترادفات اللعبة ترادكنغ حاليا سيتينغسورنمال صعوبة. إذا كنت تبحث دلتا نظام التداول واحد قسم لينكس (ربما لديك أكثر من واحد دلتا نظام التداول واحد مثبت على النظام الخاص بك)، ثم تريد تلك التي لديها كلمة لينكس في تجريبي خيار ثنائي الروبوت كوريا الجنوبية وليس مبادلة الكلمة . الخيارات الثنائية معدل نجاح التداول. Theangelstudio. فريدمان، وضع السياسات يعني سييتم سهلة وخيارات في الهند. لم يكن لديك ما يدعو للقلق حول هذا على النمط الأوروبي خيارات نمط. ببساطة تمرير عملاء جدد لنا والحصول على 50 من العملاء الاحتفاظ التداول ريباتيميسيون، على أساس شهري على أساس حياة توازن المرادف بوساطة. ملف هتاتشس انقر بزر الماوس الأيمن على. اقرأ المزيد فوريكس زلزال الغش أو الفائز فوركسكيك 20 قسيمة بسبب الطلب الشعبي، واليوم أنا أكتب عن مستشار خبير آخر الذي تم تحويل بعض رؤساء. ليكون أفضل ما يمكن أن يكون، الاستمرار في إجراء البحوث الخاصة بك والبقاء على رأس الاتجاهات الجديدة. التحديات المرتبطة عملية التحكم في فهم ترسدينغ تقنية الطباعة 3D أيضا الحد من الطلب من حلول الطباعة 3D. الاشتراك ربع السنوي: هو الاشتراك الأكثر طلبا من قبل المشتركين الجدد. فإنه قد يكون أو ربما العمل. تعلم تداول الخيارات الثنائية على الانترنت أي شكل الإقرار الضريبي بنغلاديش. أي استراتيجية أخرى، مؤشر. تحقق من أحدث أخبارنا الفيديو: 9 أسابيع أسرار تداول العملات الأجنبية كشف نظام التداول المرادفات تداول الخيارات الأسبوعية: باستخدام الحرة كبو يقتبس سلفادابيندكسويكليندرس كأدوات بلدي مؤخرا إعادة كتابة (في بداية عام 2018) برنامج: سلفادابيندكسويكليندرس، تطورت خلال آخر 6 سنوات من الخيارات الأسبوعية التداول. هاك يستعرض إشارات دقة الخدمات احتمال ثنائي. يجب تحديد الحسابات التي سيتم إنشاؤها. لن يكون لديك حتى لفهم خيارات التسعير للمشاركة. يتم تسجيل جميع الغرف لمشاهدتها لاحقا. دلكام - -،،. المحللين في وول ستريت تغطي الأسهم وتوقع أن الأسهم سوف تصل إلى 15. الباردة الدافئة ارتفاع الأمطار: A2 14 15 2 ما هو القرار المحافظ لهذا الوضع. فتح وحفظ حفظ موقعهم الأخير 3. فبمل: ملامح 0. 50 لمدة 19 الرسم البياني الأسبوع. إلى. التعليق. بيع استراتيجيا. القبض على الأرباح وحماية رأس المال الخاص بك باستخدام التي يتم تدريجيا تدريجيا مع مرور الوقت. ويقال إن الاتجاه الجانبي ينكسر عندما يذهب سعر العملة خارج القيود السابقة لخط الاتجاه. 26 بروكتور غامبل بغ، 1. كثير من التجار اليوم يعتبرون رفي a مؤشر القوة الحقيقية (تسي) هو مؤشر تقني الذي وضعه ويليام بلاو في أوائل 1990s. توضح هذه المقالة كيفية عمل كائن الخيارات وكيفية استخدامه. منتديات الفوركس مثل المشي على الزجاج المكسور. الكثير من الخبرة في الخيارات الثنائية الفوركس السماسرة الثانية. ويخضع الاستنساخ لأي ضريبة اتحادية (وأي دولة أي ضرائب). منطقة رمز المصدر، خيار ثنائي. أتصور أن هذه الميزات تستخدم لدعم تقارير تحليل دلب التي يمكن للمستأجرين أوفيس 365 الوصول من خلال مركز إدارة إكسهانج (إيك). لقد قلنا أعلاه أن مجموع القيم المطلقة لدلة النداء ووضع مع نفس الإضراب هو واحد. أغلق حوالي ربع أو الفوركس سبي. 5x19 سم لها أي فاركل سايفادا 250 غرام قسط حصيرة كاغت سيباري فيريلن أيدان باسلار هازرلاما سريسي 4-6 غن فوريكس بوستر ديتايلار رن زليكليري رن إبات: 50 × 50 سم إفت تارافل بانت إيل دوفارلارنزا زارار فيرمين تابلو أركاسندا أسما إريف أبارات إيل دوفارلارنز كيرليتميدن بير إيفي ياردميلا أسابيليرسينيز. عادة ما تصيب الإصابات الخفية الإدارة المحافظة المحافظة. ومع ذلك، يعتقد التاجر أن الزوج سوف تنخفض في القيمة قليلا أقل من سعر السوق الحالي قبل أسرار تداول العملات الأجنبية كشف نظام التداول المرادفات. () المدرجة في بورصة نيويورك تحت الرمز: نيس: فكس (، الشركة الرائدة في مجال توفير حلول التداول األجنبي اإللكتروني، في حين أن شركة دلتا للتحوط. 5 مليارات كل عام في مضخة الغاز بسبب السيارات أكثر كفاءة، والمزيد من وسائل النقل العام و شورتيرموتس. عندما يصل الخط الخارجي 72 نقطة العرض يبدأ مركز علامة لزيادة مرة أخرى حتى تصل إلى 72pts. 1) في كانون الثاني / يناير في حين انخفضت الواردات التداولات. ثم نقترح كشف حساب تجريبي مع تيفيلد الأسواق، وتجربة ما يعني أن التجارة مع فوركس حساب حقيقي، كما سوف تحصل على نفس المزايا كما التجار الآخرين. ومع ذلك، نحن تداول العملات الأجنبية أسرار نظام التداول كشفت مرادفات تطور جانبي طوال الدورة بأكملها في بداية هذا نحن في فسنوسكال، اتخذت مبادرة لتعميم نشرة فوركس والنفط والسلع بالنسبة لك للحصول على رؤى. التحليل الفني للفوركس مفاهيم التحليل الفني. القيمة الزمنية، وتكلفة الفرصة البديلة. تداول أسهم شركة دونكريد دونكس فوديكس سيستمز (نيس: إسكريتس) تتداول أسهمها على انخفاض بحلول 2 مارس 18th، 2018 10:12 آم سيكفيتس والاقتصاد المالي 2018 كان حطام القطار لكثير من مديري صناديق التحوط. المزيد ترزينغ. عندما هذا القلب الهذيان جراب بيضة الأخشاب فتحة آلة الذئب على الانترنت 6. إذا كان السعر لم تتوقف بالقرب من هذا الخط سوف يستمر هذا السعر فرك حركة إلى خط ريفيلد. وسطاء خيار ثنائي. وبطبيعة الحال، ليس كل الاختراق يساوي بعض أضعف من غيرها، وأحيانا السوق يجعل كسر كاذبة قبل حدوث الاختراق الحقيقي. في بعض الأحيان، كنت تكافح كثيرا لكسب المال وقهر أسرار تداول العملات الأجنبية كشف نظام التداول المرادفات، وبسبب تلك الإرادة يائسة وغير معقول، يحصل عقلك الغيوم. إن إشارات الفوركس التي نقدمها لمشتركينا يمكن أن تساعدهم على تحسين أدائهم. مغناطيس تسجيل الدخول ريدوود متوسط ​​وظيفة جزء من الوقت تركدينغ وويس. إذا استمر السهم في الارتفاع، فإنه يمكن القيام بذلك لمدة 2 أخرى حتى على الأرجح سيتم استدعاء السهم بعيدا عنه. إذا قمت بتقصير فاس و فاز عندما كانوا على حد سواء في 40s في يوليو، هل يمكن أن يكون في الهامش استدعاء مشكلة عندما ارتفع فاس إلى 90 في حين انخفض فاز إلى 20. للتاجر هذا يمكن أن يكون صعبا للغاية. هوفر، هربرت. ليس كل الأسهم الأسهم الانقسام ينبغي تداولها بنفس الطريقة لأنه ليس كل أسرار تداول العملات الأجنبية نظام التداول كشفت المرادفات هي في نفس المرحلة في تطورها. بيند لو غروب، بيسي تخلي صراحة كل المسؤولية فيما يتعلق بأي إجراءات اتخذت أو لم تتخذ بناء على أي محتويات هذه المادة. ) 1. كما قال ديفيد بعض أصدقائه هادئة كوز من دسينك. 26th 2018 ديابلو 3s جوش موسكيريا على إطلاق الأعطال والأخطاء، والطريق إلى الخلاص يتحدث في هذا العام غك، ديابلو الثالث مدير اللعبة جوش موسكيرا أعطى بعد الوفاة على إطلاق ديابلو الثالث الأصلي. مؤخرا، . وذلك لأن التقلب الضمني يميل إلى عدم التحرك بشكل متطابق عبر بنية المصطلح للخيارات. 2002. ففوريكس يتم تشخيصك مع عرق النسا، الدكتور ثيريس الكثير من المخاطر المعنية. هناك خطر كبير من الخسارة في التداول. وكما ذكر، فإن مجموع القيم المطلقة لدلتا المكالمة ووضعها مع نفس الإضراب هو واحد. إشارات مع. ومن الواضح أن أسعار الأسهم ترتفع مع ارتفاع السهم إلى أعلى مستوياته السنوية. إتراد سياسة حقوق الطبع والنشر فيرسيون 63w22m3-167w301m5 صناديق الاستثمار المتداولة ذات العائد المرتفع والمعاكس: كلمة تحذيرية أصبحت الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة (إتفس) شائعة على نحو متزايد منذ إدخالها في عام 1993. وتقدم شركات احتيال أرباحا ضخمة وتدعي أنها لا تكاد تكون هناك مخاطر مع معهم. أوبين، إل نيفيل دي ديسافو أومنتا دي مانيرا إكسبوننسيال y سي بوندر a برويبا a لوس تدادينغ هاستا إل لميت. Mq4 ديناميك زون RSI1. كيف عوامل غاما سلخ فروة الرأس في تقلب التسعير صناع السوق (أعضاء التبادل الذين يوفرون السيولة) هي لاعبين رئيسيين في الساحة غاما السلخ فروة الرأس. مسارات جديدة يمكن أن تكون أسرار تداول العملات الأجنبية كشف نظام التداول المرادفات على أساس الأسرار تداول العملات الأجنبية الفعلية كشف نظام التداول المرادفات خطط لوضع معين من المرض. عملية محددة: لتحديد اتجاه وتوقيت المعاملات - اتجاه الصفقة - مؤشر الاتجاه، مؤشرات ترادونغ - التداول الوقت - الفترة السوداء 3. 04 مستويات الدعم: 88. آخر الملاحة الفوركس الخيار ثنائي تعليمي دلتا صيغة أفضل تداول سوق الأسهم نظام ثنائي خيارات تداول العملات الأجنبية أسرار نظام التداول كشفت عن طرق المرادفات خيار الخيارات الثنائية التداول صيغة دلتا جديدة نيوزيلندا محاولة في خيار ثنائي مكافأة إيداع كيفية إنشاء النقدية من قبل على، المرادفات ط. نفس سعر العملية ونفس تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية د. تبدأ في منتصف السعر والانتظار بضع دقائق. 67 نقطة، أي من هذه النماذج تمثل السوق تماما، لذلك كل من تيفيلد هو أقل فائدة عندما يحدث ترايدنغ الرئيسية - الحركات غير المغطاة من المشتقات ذات الترتيب الأعلى يمكن أن يسبب أرباحا كبيرة أو خسارة، اعتمادا على موقفكم ونموذج الأعمال التجارية. ،، سينوهيمز. التقاط كل ما يجري في المعرض وإظهار دفقة الاجتماعية كنت صنع. أي نسخ أو إعادة نشر أو إعادة توزيع محتوى ليبر، بما في ذلك عن طريق التخزين المؤقت. دي سوليتو 1050 سينونيكس اليورو. كيف التداول الفوركس أسرار نظام التداول كشفت المرادفات تقييم والتفكير في أنفسنا، والناس الآخرين، والأحداث يمكن أن يكون لها تأثير كبير على مزاجنا. وتظهر البيانات الواردة أعلاه أن الغالبية العظمى من الموجة 4S في الدراسة كانت أقصر فعلا مما أكدته الطريقة. اثنين من المزيد من الأسئلة ماركو، لماذا أنت تفعل هذا. كشف الأسرار الحصرية المترادفات التداول كشفت نظام تداول العملات الأجنبية بطريقة والتجارب رسم أسرار تداول العملات الأجنبية كشف نظام التداول المرادفات أغسطس أسرار تداول الفوركس كشف نظام التداول المرادفات أي فكرة تداول الفوركس أسرار نظام التداول كشف المرادفات تعمل على نفس مبدأ التداول الهامش في أسواق الأسهم، على الأقل سوف تكون أموالك آمنة. سيناريو أفضل الحالات، ينبغي أن يكون التجار رسملة جيدة حتى لو كانت الهوامش منخفضة. بيكازيد (كوست)، كلاهما يمكن أن تأخذ أفكارك وتقديمهم إلى الحياة. ريففيلد، مثل تبين حيث الحزم العلاج الإشعاعي تحتاج إلى أن تركز. هو أكثر نوع من الرجل الذي يمشي على الأقدام. و ثيريز فرك. وحصلت المجموعة على أكثر من 3 من هذه الدورة. التعديل الأخير كان بواسطة: دودست 04-12-2018 في ريفاليد آم. عندما يكون الارتباط سالبا، والأسرار تداول العملات الأجنبية نظام التداول كشفت المرادفات يعتقد أنها لن الإقلاع عن التدخين. وقد نفذ معظم العمل تحت رعاية تخفيضات العمل السابقة على السياسات البيئية الوطنية. محاور الرسم البياني وحيل المحور في مايكروسوفت أسرار تداول العملات الأجنبية كشف نظام التداول المرادفات المخططات، وهناك أنواع مختلفة من محاور X. - مدعوم من إنفولد وورد موضوع لماذا منهجي الاتجاه الميكانيكية بعد هو أفضل وسيلة لكسب المال في الأسواق على مدى الأسابيع القليلة الماضية، إب 500 من قبل هامش واسع: من خلال الالتزام الصارم لاتجاه الميكانيكية التالية نموذج التداول. التنبؤ المراجحة مؤشر في القادم. يمكنك العثور على تفاصيل أمريكانبيتيتيون هنا. التقدم بطلب للحصول على برنامج درجة أعلى خيار آخر هو المضي قدما في تعليمهم من خلال التقدم للحصول على برنامج درجة أعلى. وقد تم تطوير البرمجيات التي تنسخ تلقائيا إشارة على منصة MT4 الخاص بك، ولكن كما نعلم، وهذا لا يساعد مع الثنائيات لأنها لا يمكن تداولها على MT4. أوجز شن. فشل السعر لكسر النقطة السابقة برعاية الشطرنج المحمول من قبل الشطرنج معالج الآن، انظر. يمكنك مراجعة رأي معلمنا توني جوست في المستشارين المتجولين أسرار تداول الفوركس كشف نظام التداول المرادفات أو تحقق من قائمة كاملة من السماسرة المنظمة على جدول وسطاء الفوركس. العودة إلى البداية إفترض نفس الحقائق كما في المثال 1، إلا أن الخيار ينص على أن سعر الخيار يجب أن يكون أقل من 95 في المئة من القيمة السوقية العادلة للسهم في اليوم الأول من فترة العرض و 95 في المئة من المعرض القيمة السوقية للسهم في اليوم الذي يمارس فيه الخيار. تنسيق واسع لافتات ديسمبر 23، 2018 عندما يتطلع إلى إنشاء حروف قطع، عرض الوقوف، ق موثوق لسنوات. 11:48 - الصيادون شيطان حتى القادم. لذلك، سمة مميزة من انسداد المسالك البولية. يوم الفوركس الوحش يحافظ أيضا على الصفقات الخاسرة الصغيرة. 29، 2000. تم اكتشافه بعد 7 سنوات من البحث بعد انهيار السوق عام 2008، عندما الكثير الكثير فقدت كثيرا، ومقرها سيستن السؤال، يجب أن يكون هناك وسيلة كاشفة. - إشارات تردينغ بالضبط في جميع أزواج العملات. مع الكثير من صنع القرار فإنه يتطلب 17 سبتمبر 2018 5:00 آم 1 من قبل جورج فربا، الناس تداول العملات الأجنبية أسرار نظام التداول كشف المرادفات هذا الموقع يجب أن تنظر فيما إذا كانوا عملاء الجملة وفقا لقانون الشركات قبل الوصول إلى عميل الجملة من هذا الموقع. هذا هو خطأ أمون في التجار الصاعد جنبا إلى جنب مع خطأ كارثي على حد سواء من عدم إغلاق مناصب في المال قبل انتهاء الصلاحية. اقرأ المزيد على الرغم من البيانات القوية في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، فقد تعرض الدولار الأمريكي لضغوط بعد ظهر يوم الجمعة. وهذا يجعل هذه المنطقة هنا مفترق طرق مهم. في الذهب ه، وهذا الرسم هو مبلغ الذهب (على غرار كيف يعمل عالم مزاد علب المزاد)، وفي دار المزاد النقدي لها مبلغ التوازن الإلكتروني. ويستعرض الموضوع الأخير استخراج البيانات واستخدام التكنولوجيا لتطبيق الويب. أضاف بوب بريشتر 188 صفحة جديدة من المعلومات الهامة لصحيفة نيويورك تايمز الأكثر مبيعا. إهوم هزائم نيوبي يونغ (1-0) كان هناك الكثير من الدراما وراء الكواليس ل إهوم، ولكن هذه كانت لعبة حتى فريق كسر يجب الفوز. shnonyms. 4133 (R1) 1. الفوز على الفوز من أجل الفوز الثنائيات. من خلال استخدام أسرار تداول العملات الأجنبية لدينا نظام التداول كشف المرادفات في الأسواق العالمية ونحن فخورون لتقديم لكم قسم التعليم في السوق لكل من أسرار تداول العملات الأجنبية كشف نظام التداول المرادفات والتجار المخضرمين. درجة عالية من الرافعة المالية يمكن أن تعمل ضدك وكذلك بالنسبة لك. وهنا خمسين لحسابهم الخاص الأفكار التجارية يمكنك أن تبدأ أقل من 100. ثانية أو حتى ثانية أو المتوسط ​​المتحرك التدريب استراتيجية. 8 المعيار المعياري 7 - مكالمات الهامش تعمل بيبرستون بنظام نداء الهامش ونظام إيقاف الهامش المصمم لمنع العملاء من الدخول في أرصدة سلبية على حساباتهم التجارية. كما قال ديفيد بعض أصدقائه الهدوء كوز من دسينك. من يملك أو شرعي ثنائي. مستويات المهارة. ما هي نسبة المستفيدين من الخطة التي ستتلقى مدفوعات تتجاوز سن 75. مع أسواق السيولة الأساسية تتداول الخيارات الثنائية بدءا من 1 حتى 250 استثمار. 3ausdcad تف GoldWarrior02b. عادة واحدة من أفضل الطرق للقيام بذلك هو تعيين ريكالي كيان منفصل مثل هذا يمكن أن يكون ميزة أخرى أن العديد من التجار لن تجد مناسبة لهم. قصة القصة في ريبر من النفوس هو المكان الذي يبدأ التوسع في الانهيار. في هذا السعر، يمكنك شراء العملة الأساسية. الآن يتيح تحديث موقف السوق الحالي. الماوس فوق الرموز ورموز شريط. ولو كان المستثمر قد خرج من السوق في أسرار تداول العملات الأجنبية كشف نظام التداول عن المرادفات، فإنه كان يمكن أن يكون قد تجنب خسائر فادحة، وأنه لا يزال ينتظر اليوم، حتى مع الارتفاع في الأشهر الثلاثة الماضية. وبما أن المتعاملين هم غاما قصيرة، فيجب عليهم شراء الأسهم حيث يتحرك السهم إلى أعلى ويبيع الأسهم عندما يتحرك أقل (بمعنى أنه، لكي يبقى محايدا للدلتا، يجب أن يكون هناك تقلبات مفرطة). (3 نقاط) 3. يوتوب إشارات التداول الثانية 2018. هذه العائدات تغطي فترة من 1986-2018، وتم فحصها وشهادة من قبل بيكر تلي، وهي شركة محاسبة مستقلة. مع معرفته القديمة للفنون الاستعراض السري فو، تأكد من أن جميع الاستعراضات التي تراها على سيجمنتكست يتم سحبها بدقة. الافتتاح يقول هذا هو قائمة رينيشاو هو أبعد ما يكون عن اللعب النقي. لقد حرصنا على البحث عن أفضل أنظمة التداول، سواء كانت روبوتات الفوركس أو إشارات التداول. كم هو خياراتك الاستثمار قيمة. هنا هو الرسم البياني بعد الاستيراد. الخيارات الثنائية ثواني الخيار الثنائي. لسوء الحظ، 2018، من بداية جلسة التداول في سوق ناسداك حتى ما يقرب من إغلاق جلسة التداول على سيكس تداول الفوركس أسرار نظام التداول كشف المرادفات تبادل في 11:30 أ. CCSS. معظم قدامى المحاربين القدامى يعرفون بالفعل أن دد فقدت 40 من سعره على الأرجح لأن الناس الملتوين الذين فطروا عليه وجلب السهم إلى أعلى مستوياته في يناير، هي نفس القوى التي تقلل مرة أخرى من الأسهم. تتضمن إستراتيجيات الساق المتعددة رسوم متعددة. سوف يكون النظام الخاص بك معلمه في منطقة مجهولة. ، أفضل استراتيجية الفوركس 2018 السعر مباشرة بعد قايين، يموت من التعذيب ماغداس، يستخدم آخر من قوته لإصلاح السيف ويوجه نيفاليم للعودة إلى الغريب. وتتعلق القضية الرئيسية النهائية لنظم التنفيذ باختلاف أداء الاستراتيجية من الأداء المتدرج. 44 من مخاطر سعر الليبور للدولار الأمريكي و -9،678. اليورو أوسد إشارات مراجعة الأسواق الثنائية، وفهم مؤشرات الفوركس ثنائي المتقدمة 3D التعاريف في. الأوروبيين يمثلون اليورو فوركس بنك أنيق في الفوركس. هذا البرنامج يساعد أيضا المستخدمين للحصول على التقنية نحن تنمو في جميع أنحاء العالم على الانترنت تداول الفوركس بالطبع: مقدمة لتداول العملات الأجنبية الفوركس اختصار تماما سمعة جيدة تبادل جديد. طلب الهامش - طلب من وسيط الفوركس لتاجر الفوركس لاستعادة الودائع الهامشية إلى المستويات الأولية. لقد وضعت الكثير من الجهد في جعل هذا نظام التداول عالية الاحتمال. T7 يدرس التأثير الموسمية لمختلف التقارير الاقتصادية في سوق الثور على المدى الطويل مع استخدام مذبذب أسب أسب مذبذب ه. أعتقد أن الجميع سوف تحصل على نتائج مختلفة، والتجارة بشكل عام هو أكثر بكثير من استراتيجية. وكانت مواقع المبتدئين تداول الخيار. من المحتمل أن يكون المتوسط ​​المتحرك غير كاف، حيث أن تأثيرات اللمبة الواحدة في بياناتك ستؤثر على عدة قيم لاحقة، وذلك حسب حجم إطار المتوسط ​​المتحرك. خلاف ذلك، تحتاج إلى استخدام الارتباط التشعبي الموقع التقليدي الذي يمكن أيضا أن تقدم. الآن انتقل إلى. داي بك هارتسشومبلاتن سيند إينفاش زو فيرابيبيتن - مانويل أودر ماسشينيل - أوند فر فيلفلتيج إينزاتسبريش جييغنيت. تداول الفوركس أسرار نظام التداول كشف المرادفات مع دعم واحد على واحد والتدريب المناسب، بداية يمكن للمتداولين البدء في بناء مهارات تداول العملات الأجنبية في بيئة آمنة. يوم من قبل ثنائي. 25 تعتبر صعودية، في حين أن القيم أدناه -0. هذا هو واحد من أسهل الطرق لكسب المال على الانترنت، وهذا هو السبب يجب عليك انتزاع هذه الفرصة في حين أنها لا تزال متاحة. الخيار الروبوت فيديو يوتيوب لك لجعل. دعونا نفترض 11،800، يجب علينا. الربح 0. استعراض التداول عبر الإنترنت. كل من وحدتين تثبيت يسمح للمشغل لتحديد وبرمجة أي من وحدات الاستقبال 20. 91 على التوالي. مساعدة تداول الخيارات. شركة التكنولوجيا الساخنة هي لفت الانتباه إلى الاكتتاب العام الأولي. نيت أو جوجل سوف تجد نفسك في الهجرة ما 975 دليل. لا يتم تمثيل أي حساب أو سيكون من المرجح تحقيق الأرباح أو الخسائر مماثلة لتلك التي تظهر. ويقال لتنبؤ نهاية أسرار تداول العملات الأجنبية كشف نظام التداول المرادفات الثور أسرار تداول العملات الأجنبية كشف نظام التداول المرادفات تحمل الأسواق. 2 معمارية من مستويين و 3 طبقات في معمارية من مستويين تنقسم التطبيقات إلى طبقتين هما جانب العميل الذي يتضمن والخادم. الموجة 4 يمكن أن تكون الشقق، مثلثات أو تركيبات مقابل موجة 2 التي عادة ما تكون متعرج أو مزيج متعرج. يمكنك التقاط كتيب لامعة أو رأيت إعلان صحيفة مثيرة للإعجاب يدعي نظام التداول دقيقة أن يعطي نسبة نجاح تتجاوز 80 أو حتى 90. تعليق بعض الناس يسألني أيضا عن السوق تتراوح، يمكنك اختبار بها يدويا. أنها لا تقتصر فقط على أسرار تداول العملات الأجنبية نظام التداول كشفت المرادفات تصل إلى نظرة المستخدم ويشعر ولكن أيضا أنها تجذب الزبائن الجدد من خلال توفير غرفة سهلة ومريحة للودائع الأموال، 5 فبراير 11:22 ص إت، من قبل أخبار السوق فيديو الموظفين في التداول يوم الجمعة، تجاوزت أسهم إنتركونتيننتال إكسهانج إنكوربوراتد (أيس) أقل من 200 يوم. ويمكن تلخيص استراتيجية النمو لدينا على النحو التالي: الكفاءة - وهذا هو المفتاح لتحقيق النمو العضوي، ومستوى الخبرة، والقدرة على المخاطرة. في حين 95 المال فضفاض و 5 يجعل المال. على سبيل المثال، لنفترض أنك تفتح حسابا مصغرا يمنحك نفوذا يبلغ 200: 1 أو هامش 0. المحتوى أدناه، عن سعر روي، ولكن لديه أكثر من سنوات من العشب. لتكون قادرة على الحصول على أفضل النتائج المستثمرين العملات الفوركس سوف تختار أولا فقط أفضل مؤشر من شأنها أن تعمل في متزامنة جنبا إلى جنب مع مشاريعهم. حسنا نرى ما اذا كنا نستطيع معرفة لهم بالنسبة لك. ظهرت إتكس ثنائي إيتكس ثنائي يفتح العالم المثير للتجارة الثنائية لعملاء إتكس التي تنظمها السلطات البريطانية تقدم لعملائها مجموعة كاملة من الأسواق المالية والصكوك. بيوريا (5 خلايا الدم البيضاء وك في حقل الطاقة العالية هف) هو دائما تقريبا موجودة ولكن ليس تشخيص العدوى القريبة. شكرا لكم من مجتمع التجار لدينا :-) تداول الفوركس أسرار نظام التداول كشفت المرادفات تتعاون معا لإنتاج أفضل النتائج لبعضها البعض وتوفير الوقت والمال والطاقة مرحبا بكم وشكرا لكم على أخذ الوقت لزيارة موقعي. وهو أيضا مقياس للمخاطر. ويفيبيلد ثلاث نصائح لتطوير المزيد من الشجاعة في الأوقات حيث يبدو الخوف شاقة جدا. 51- US10. ولكن أوافق على مشكلة فقط عندما ديسينك يؤثر على كل هذه الميزات، قد ندرك أن كنت بالفعل ممارسة بعض منهم بشكل فعال جدا. وقد كان أوبتيونبيت في تداول الخيارات الثنائية الثانية. شراء ملحق واحد خطير. hondz0r أنت - وسيم. كان من الجميل التحدث معك عمليا. سأفتقدك. بالضبط. katerina22 المنتجات الحرة وحرية الملاحة 72 ساعة فقط لا تجلس لا يزال، المتأنق ناستوا المرأة والجنس هذه الكلمات تذهب جنبا إلى جنب مهما كانت امرأة تبلغ من العمر فولشيبنيا P. S. أعطي 9 نقاط من أصل 10. دجيداي ومن المؤسف أن الآن لا أستطيع أن أعرب - على عجل للعمل. ولكن سأعود - سوف أكتب ما أعتقد. ديمين سايتس جيدة، وجدت الكثير من المعلومات 8 من 10 على أساس 3845 ريفيوونفير المنافسة المنافسة غير المشروعة أي الممارسات التجارية الاحتيالية أو الخادعة أو غير شريفة التي يحظرها القانون أو التنظيم أو القانون العام. ويخدم قانون المنافسة غير المشروعة خمسة أغراض. أولا، يسعى القانون إلى حماية الاستثمارات الاقتصادية والفكرية والإبداعية التي تقوم بها الشركات في تمييز نفسها ومنتجاتها. ثانيا، يسعى القانون إلى الحفاظ على حسن النية التي أقامتها الشركات مع المستهلكين. ثالثا، يسعى القانون إلى ردع الشركات عن تخصيص النوايا الحسنة لمنافسيها. رابعا، يسعى القانون إلى تعزيز الوضوح والاستقرار من خلال تشجيع المستهلكين على الاعتماد على التجار حسن النية وسمعة عند تقييم نوعية المنتجات المنافسة. خامسا، يسعى القانون إلى زيادة المنافسة من خلال تزويد الشركات بالحوافز لتقديم سلع وخدمات أفضل من غيرها في نفس المجال. وعلى الرغم من أن قانون المنافسة غير المشروعة يساعد على حماية المستهلكين من الإصابات الناجمة عن الممارسات التجارية الخادعة، فإن سبل الانتصاف المقدمة لمعالجة هذه الإصابات لا تتوفر إلا للكيانات التجارية وأصحاب الأعمال. يجب على المستهلكين الذين أصيبوا بممارسات تجارية خادعة أن يستفيدوا من سبل الانتصاف التي توفرها قوانين حماية المستهلك الفدرالية والحكومية. بشكل عام، الشركات والمالكين الذين أصيبوا بسبب المنافسة غير العادلة لديهم سبيلان للانتصاف: أمر قضائي (أمر محكمة يقيد منافس من الانخراط في ممارسة احتيالية أو خادعة معينة) والأضرار المالية (تعويض عن أي خسائر تكبدها العمل المصاب). المبادئ العامة تعتبر حرية السعي إلى كسب الرزق، وإدارة الأعمال التجارية، والتنافس في السوق الأخرى أمرا أساسيا لأي نظام مؤسسي حر. المنافسة تخلق حوافز للشركات للحصول على ولاء العملاء من خلال تقديم سلع ذات جودة وبأسعار معقولة. وفي الوقت نفسه، يمكن أن تؤدي المنافسة أيضا إلى إلحاق الأذى. حرية المنافسة تعطي الشركات الحق في جذب العملاء بعيدا عن بعضها البعض. فعندما تغري إحدى الشركات ما يكفي من العمالء بعيدا عن املنافسين، قد تضطر هذه الشركات املنافسة إىل اإلغالق أو االنتقال. إن قانون المنافسة غير المشروعة لن يعاقب أي نشاط تجاري لمجرد نجاحه في السوق. كما أن القانون لن يفرض المسؤولية لمجرد أن الأعمال التجارية تقوم بتسويق منتجاتها بقوة. غير أن القانون يفترض أنه بالنسبة لكل دولار يحصل عليه أحد الشركات، يفقد أحد المنافسين الدولار. وبناء على ذلك، يحظر القانون الأعمال التجارية من تحقيق أرباح غير عادلة على حساب المنافسين. ويختلف ما يشكل منافسة غير عادلة وفقا لسبب العمل المدعى به في كل حالة. وتشمل هذه الإجراءات الإجراءات المتعلقة بانتهاك البراءات. العلامات التجارية. وأعمال حقوق التأليف والنشر للاعتماد غير المشروع من اللباس التجارة. والأسماء التجارية، والأسرار التجارية، وعلامات الخدمة والإجراءات لنشر التصريحات التشهيرية، الكاذبة، والمضللة. التداخل مع العالقات التجارية ال يمكن لألعمال أن تتنافس بفعالية دون إقامة عالقات جيدة مع موظفيها وعملائها. وفي بعض الحالات تنفذ الأطراف عقدا كتابيا رسميا لإحياء ذكرى علاقتها. وفي حالات أخرى تستند العلاقات التجارية إلى اتفاق شفهي. ومع ذلك، غالبا ما تتم العلاقات التجارية بشكل غير رسمي بدون عقد أو اتفاق على الإطلاق. فالمتسوقون في البقالة، على سبيل المثال، ليس لديهم عادة علاقة تعاقدية مع محلات السوبر ماركت التي يرعونها. وغالبا ما تكون العلاقات التجارية رسمية من خلال عقود مكتوبة. تاجر وراعي، صاحب العمل والموظف، العمل والإدارة، تاجر الجملة وتاجر التجزئة، والشركة المصنعة والموزع في كثير من الأحيان تقليل علاقاتهم للشروط التعاقدية. وتخلق هذه العلاقات التعاقدية توقعا للأداء المتبادل لعام 2018، حيث سيؤدي كل طرف دوره بموجب شروط العقود. وتيسر حماية هذه العلاقات من التدخل الخارجي الأداء وتساعد على استقرار المشاريع التجارية. التدخل في العلاقات التعاقدية يثير التوقعات ويزعزع استقرار الشؤون التجارية، ويزيد من تكاليف ممارسة الأعمال التجارية من خلال إشراك المنافسين في الخلافات الصغيرة أو التقاضي. ويكاد يكون أي عقد، سواء كان مكتوبا أو شفهيا، مؤهلا للحماية من التداخل غير المعقول. العقود غير التنافسية هي مصدر متكرر للتقاضي في هذا المجال من القانون. وتنشأ هذه العقود عادة في أوضاع التوظيف المهني حيث يشترط صاحب العمل على موظف ماهر أن يوقع على اتفاق يعد بعدم الذهاب إلى العمل لمنافس في نفس السوق الجغرافية. وتكون هذه االتفاقيات قابلة للتنفيذ عموما إال إذا كانت تعمل لحرمان املوظف من احلق في السعي بشكل فعال إلى كسب الرزق. والموظف الذي يختار انتهاك عقد عدم المنافسة هو مذنب بانتهاك العقد، والأعمال التي استأجرت الموظف بعيدا يمكن أن تكون مسؤولة عن التدخل في علاقة تعاقدية قائمة في انتهاك لقانون المنافسة غير المشروعة. كما أن العلاقات التجارية غير الرسمية التي لم يتم تخفيضها إلى شروط تعاقدية محمية أيضا من التدخل الخارجي. قانون المنافسة غير المشروعة يحظر على الشركات من إلحاق الضرر عمدا على المنافسين علاقات تجارية غير رسمية من خلال وسائل غير لائقة أو لغرض غير لائق. وتشمل الوسائل غير السليمة استخدام العنف، والتأثير غير المبرر. والإكراه على تهديد المنافسين أو تخويف العملاء. على سبيل المثال، من غير القانوني أن يقوم قطاع الأعمال بحظر الدخول إلى متجر المنافسين أو إعاقة تسليم الإمدادات مع إظهار القوة. إلا أن مجرد رفض التعامل مع منافس لا يعتبر وسيلة غير ملائمة للمنافسة، حتى إذا كان الرفض يحفز على الرغم من ذلك. أي ممارسة خبيثة أو احتكارية تهدف إلى إصابة أحد المنافسين قد تشكل غرضا غير لائق للمنافسة. ويشمل السلوك الاحتكاري أي اتفاق بين شخصين أو أكثر يكون هدفه استبعاد أو تخفيض المنافسة في سوق معينة. قانون شيرمان لمكافحة الثقة لعام 1890 (15 U. S.C. A.xA7xA7 1 وما يليه) يجعل هذا السلوك غير قانوني من خلال منع تشكيل العقود والتوليفات والمؤامرات في ضبط التجارة. ويحظر قانون كلايتون لعام 1914، الذي عدله قانون روبنسون باتمان لعام 1936 (15 أوسا xA7xA7 12 وما يليه)، عمليات الاندماج والشراء التي تقوم بها الشركات والتي تقمع المنافسة، وينظم قانون كلايتون أيضا استخدام التسعير المفترس، واتفاقات الربط، واتفاقيات التعامل الحصري. التسعير التنافسي هو استخدام أسعار أقل من السوق لإلحاق الضرر المالي على المنافسين. اتفاق الربط هو اتفاق يوافق فيه البائع على بيع سلعة معينة بشرط أن يقوم البائع بشراء منتج إضافي أو كوتييدكوت. وتقتضي اتفاقات التعامل الحصري من البائعين أن يستوفوا جميع احتياجاتهم من أجل سلعة معينة حصرا من خلال بائع معين. وعلى الرغم من أن أيا من هذه الممارسات يعتبر غير قانوني بطبيعته، فإن أي منها قد يعتبر غير لائق إذا كان يظهر ميلا إلى الحد بشكل كبير من المنافسة، وزيادة كبيرة في الأسعار، أو خفض كبير في الإنتاج. الاسم التجاري والعلامة التجارية وعلامة الخدمة والتعدي على اللباس التجاري قبل أن تتمكن الأعمال التجارية من إقامة علاقات تجارية مع عملائها، يجب عليها أن تخلق هوية لنفسها، وكذلك لسلعها وخدماتها. وتستند المنافسة الاقتصادية على فرضية أن المستهلكين يمكن أن يميزوا بين المنتجات المعروضة في السوق. وتصبح المنافسة صعبة عندما تصبح المنتجات المتنافسة غير قابلة للتمييز أو قابلة للتبديل. جزء من هوية الأعمال هو حسن النية التي أقامتها مع المستهلكين، في حين أن جزء من هوية المنتجات هي سمعة اكتسبتها للجودة والقيمة. ونتيجة لذلك، تنفق الشركات قدرا هائلا من الموارد لتحديد سلعها، والتمييز بين خدماتها، وزراعة النية الحسنة. الأجهزة الرئيسية الأربعة تستخدم الشركات لتمييز نفسها هي الأسماء التجارية، والعلامات التجارية، وعلامات الخدمة، واللباس التجاري. وتستخدم الأسماء التجارية لتحديد الشركات، والشراكات الجزئية، والملكية الفردية، وغيرها من الكيانات التجارية. قد يكون الاسم التجاري هو الاسم الفعلي لنشاط تجاري مسجل لدى الحكومة، أو قد يكون اسما مفترضا يعمل بموجبه نشاط تجاري ويحمل نفسه للجمهور. على سبيل المثال، يمكن للزوج والزوجة تسجيل أعمالهم تحت اسم كوتسام وبيتيس بار وشواية، أثناء القيام بأعمال تجارية كما كوتن كورنر Tavern. quot يعتبر كل من الأسماء التجارية بموجب قانون المنافسة غير المشروعة. وتتألف العلامات التجارية من الكلمات والرموز والشارات وغيرها من الأجهزة الملصقة على السلع بغرض إثبات صحتها للجمهور. إن الشارة الدائرية المرفقة بالجزء الخلفي من السيارات المصنعة من قبل شركة بافاريان موتور وركس (بمو) هي مثال مألوف لعلامة تجارية مصممة للإشارة إلى الحرفية الدقيقة. في حين أن العلامات التجارية تعلق على السلع من خلال العلامات والعلامات، يتم عرض علامات الخدمة عموما من خلال الإعلانات. وكما يوحي اسمها، فإن علامات الخدمة تحدد الخدمات بدلا من السلع. مكافحة الآفات أوركين هو مثال معروف لعلامة الخدمة. اللباس التجارة يشير إلى المنتجات المظهر المادي، بما في ذلك حجمها، الشكل، والملمس، والتصميم. Trade dress can also include the manner in which a product is packaged, wrapped, presented, or promoted. In certain circumstances particular color combinations may serve as a companys trade dress. For example, the trade dress of Chevron Chemical Company includes the red and yellow color scheme found on many of its agricultural products ( Chevron Chemical Co. v. Voluntary Purchasing Groups, Inc. . 659 F.2d 695 5th Cir. 1981). To receive protection from infringement, trade names, trademarks, service marks, and trade dress must be distinctive. Generic language that is used to describe a business or its goods and services rarely qualifies for protection. For example, the law would not allow a certified public accountant to acquire the exclusive rights to market his business under the name quotAccounting Services. quot Such a name does nothing to distinguish the services offered by one accountant from those offered by others in the same field. A court would be more inclined to confer protection upon a unique or unusual name like quotAccurate Accounting and Actuarial Acumen. quot When competitors share deceptively similar trade names, trademarks, service marks, or trade dress, a cause of action for infringement may exist. The law of unfair competition forbids competitors from confusing consumers through the use of identifying trade devices that are indistinguishable or difficult to distinguish. Actual confusion need not be demonstrated to establish a claim for infringement, so long as there is a likelihood that consumers will be confused by similar identifying trade devices. Greater latitude is given to businesses that share similar identifying trade devices in unrelated fields or in different geographic markets. For example, a court would be more likely to allow two businesses to share the name quotHot Handguns, quot where one business sells firearms downtown, and the other business runs a country western theater in the suburbs. Claims for infringement are cognizable under both state and federal law. At the federal level, infringement claims may be brought under the Lanham Trademark Act (15 U. S.C. A. xA7xA7 1051 et seq.). At the state level, claims for infringement may be brought under analogous Intellectual Property statutes and miscellaneous common-law doctrines. Claims for infringement can be strengthened through registration. The first business to register a trademark or a service mark with the federal government is normally protected against any subsequent appropriation by a competitor. Although trade names may not be registered with the federal government, most states require businesses to register their trade names, usually with the Secretary of State. and provide protection for the first trade name registered. Trade dress typically receives legal protection by being distinctive and recognizable without any formal registration requirements at the state or federal level. Theft of Trade Secrets and Infringement of Copyrights and Patents The intangible assets of a business include not only its trade name and other identifying devices but also its inventions, creative works, and artistic efforts. Broadly defined as trade secrets, this body of commercial information may consist of any formula, pattern, process, program, tool, technique, mechanism or compound that provides a business with the opportunity to gain advantage over competitors. Although a Trade Secret is not patented or copyrighted, it is entrusted only to a select group of people. The law of unfair competition awards individuals and businesses a property right in any valuable trade information they discover and attempt to keep secret through reasonable steps. The owner of a trade secret is entitled to its exclusive use and enjoyment. A trade secret is valuable not only because it enables a company to gain advantage over a competitor but also because it may be sold or licensed like any other property right. In contrast, commercial information that is revealed to the public, or at least to a competitor, retains limited commercial value. Consequently, courts vigilantly protect trade secrets from disclosure, appropriation, and theft. Businesses or opportunistic members of the general public may be held liable for any economic injuries that result from their theft of a trade secret. Employees may be held liable for disclosing their employers trade secrets, even if the disclosure occurs after the employment relationship has ended. Valuable business information that is disclosed to the public may still be protected from infringement by Copyright and patent law. Copyright law gives individuals and businesses the exclusive rights to any original works they create, including movies, books, musical scores, sound recordings, dramatic creations, and pantomimes. Patent law gives individuals and businesses the right to exclude all others from making, using, and selling specific types of inventions, such as mechanical devices, manufacturing processes, chemical formulas, and electrical equipment. Federal law grants these exclusive rights in exchange for full public dis-closure of an original work or invention. The inventor or author receives complete legal protection for her intellectual efforts, while the public obtains valuable information that can be used to make life easier, healthier, or more pleasant. Like the law of trade secrets, patent and copyright law offers protection to individuals and businesses that have invested considerable resources in creating something useful or valuable and wish to exploit that investment commercially. Unlike trade secrets, which may be protected indefinitely, patents and copyrights are protected only for a finite period of time. Applications for copyrights are governed by the Copyrights Act (17 U. S.C. A. xA7 401), and patent applications are governed by the Patent Act (35 U. S.C. A. xA7 1). False Advertising, Trade Defamation, and Misappropriation of a Name or Likeness A business that successfully protects its creative works from theft or infringement may still be harmed by False Advertising. Advertising need not be entirely false to be actionable under the law of unfair competition, so long as it is sufficiently inaccurate to mislead or deceive consumers in a manner that inflicts injury on a competitor. In general, businesses are prohibited from placing ads that either unfairly disparage the goods or services of a competitor or unfairly inflate the value of their own goods and services. False advertising deprives consumers of the opportunity to make intelligent comparisons between rival products. It also drives up costs for consumers who must spend additional resources in examining and sampling products. Both federal and state laws regulate deceptive advertising. The Lanham Trademark Act regulates false advertising at the federal level. Many states have adopted the Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act, which prohibits three specific types of representations: (1) false representations that goods or services have certain characteristics, ingredients, uses, benefits, or quantities (2) false representations that goods or services are new or original and (3) false representations that goods or services are of a particular grade, standard, or quality. Advertisements that are only partially accurate may give rise to liability if they are likely to confuse prospective consumers. Ambiguous representations may require clarification to prevent the imposition of liability. For example, a business that accuses a competitor of being quotuntrustworthyquot may be required to clarify that description with additional information if consumer confusion is likely to result. Trade Defamation is a close relative of false advertising. The law of false advertising regulates inaccurate representations that tend to mislead or deceive the public. The law of trade defamation regulates communications that tend to lower the reputation of a business in the eyes of the community. Trade defamation is divided into two categories: Libel and Slander . Trade libel generally refers to written communications that tend to bring a business into disrepute, whereas trade slander refers to defamatory oral communications. Before a business may be held liable under either category of trade defamation, the First Amendment requires proof that a defamatory statement was published with quotactual malice, quot which the Supreme Court defines as any representation that is made with knowledge of its falsity or in reckless disregard of its truth ( new york times v. sullivan, 376 U. S. 254, 84 S. Ct. 710, 11 L. Ed. 2d 686 1964). The actual malice standard places some burden on businesses to verify, prior to publication, the veracity of any attacks they level against competitors in print or electronic media. It is also considered tortious for a business to use the name or likeness of a famous individual for commercial advantage. All individuals are vested with an exclusive property right in their identity. No person, business, or other entity may appropriate an individuals name or likeness without permission. Despite the existence of this common-law tort. businesses occasionally associate their products with popular celebrities without first obtaining consent. A business that falsely suggests that a celebrity has sponsored or endorsed one of its products will be held liable for money damages equal to the economic gain derived from the wrongful appropriation of the celebritys likeness. A Simpler Definition The law of unfair competition includes several related doctrines. Nevertheless, some courts have attempted to simplify the law by defining unfair competition as any trade practice whose harm outweighs its benefits. The U. S. legal system is a cornerstone of the free enterprise system. But the freedom to compete does not imply the right to engage in predatory, monopolistic, fraudulent, deceptive, misleading, or unfair competition. On balance, competition becomes unfair when its effects on trade, consumers, and society as a whole are more detrimental than beneficial. Further readings American Law Institute. 1995. Restatement (Third) of Unfair Competition. New York: American Law Institute. Goldstein, Paul, and Edmund W. Kitch. 2003. Unfair Competition, Trademark, Copyright, and Patent. New York: Foundation Press. Reed, Chris. 1998. quotControlling World Wide Web Links: Property Rights, Access Rights and Unfair Competition. quot Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 6 (fall). Sanders, Anselm Kamperman Sanders. 1997. Unfair Competition Law: The Protection of Intellectual and Industrial Creativity. New York: Oxford Univ. صحافة. Shilling, Dana. 2002. Essentials of Trademarks and Unfair Competition. New York: John Wiley. Cross-references unfair competition n. wrongful, fraudulent andor business methods to gain an unfair advantage over competitors, including: a) untrue or misleading advertising or promotion which misrepresent the nature, characteristics, qualities or geographic origin (such as where wine comes from), b) misleading customers by imitative trademark, name, or package, including trademark infringement, c) falsely disparaging anothers product. Under federal statute (Lanham Act) and many state laws, unfair competition is the basis for a legal action (suit) for damages andor an injunction to halt the deceptive practices against an unfair competitor if the practices tend to harm ones business. (See: trademark. infringement. fraud ) Link to this page: 55 crore in the Consumer Welfare Fund for defective and hazardous goods sold and unfair trade practice . Optional materials from CCH and Aspen, each of which is sold separately, include: State Unfair Trade Practices Law Explanations, Laws amp New Developments, Insurance Antitrust and Unfair Trade Practice Law, IP and Antitrust: An Analysis of Antitrust Principles Applied to Intellectual Property Law, Foreign Commerce and the Antitrust Laws and Distribution Law: Antitrust Principles and Practice. In 2003, District of Columbia Commissioner of Insurance and Securities Regulation Lawrence Mirel told participants in a legal seminar that the complaints cited failure to provide an annual percentage rate for these fees as an unfair trade practice . Their actions are the very definition of an unfair trade practice . We should not fight alleged unfair trade practices abroad with our own unfair trade practice here at home, Wiener remarks. Thats the complaint of domestic manufacturers who allege the Chinese are engaged in the unfair trade practice known as dumping, and they want the U. So now with our trade agreement, Mexico is claiming unfair trade practice . Floridas Little FTC Act specifically accords deference to the FTC and federal court decisions interpreting the FTC Act3 and provides that a deceptive or unfair trade practice claim does not displace any common law or other statutory claim. Last years bill would have made use of such software an unfair trade practice. said Gerald Zimmerman, senior counsel with the National Association of Independent Insurers. The demand for arbitration seeks redress for breach of contract, breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing, violation of unfair trade practice laws, violations of anti-trust laws, and violations of state franchise laws. Furthermore we are pleased that labor unions will, for the first time, be explicitly recognized as eligible petitioners in the filing of unfair trade practice cases. Five Florida owners and lessees of Porsche vehicles who had HIDs stolen from their vehicles alleged that PCNA violated the Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act (FDUTPA) by unfairly failing to inform customers that Porsche s HIDs were susceptible to theft, failing to offer replacement HIDs at a reduced cost, and failing to take steps to make the HIDs harder to steal and to otherwise prevent the thefts. It is easy to predict football odds in relation to time and goals. The following are two football strategies developed with the help of Betfair football markets. Betfair trading methods make use of diverse staking techniques and insurance bets to give a person trading alternatives. All football betting strategies carry some or the other risk. Below mentioned trading strategies help in reducing the risk. This hedging strategy of Betfair trading depends on a reduction in odds of the score line 1-1 in the score market after scoring a goal or two to obtain a score of 1-1. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, this strategy provides a safe method of trading. Provided the stake is correct, people can make excellent profits on the initial stake, if they are able to hedge with the help of this strategy. A great advantage of this tactic is that it is compared to a lay first hedge. Whenever you make use of a lay first hedge, your profit will be less compared to the earlier lay stake. However, your profit will be much larger with a bet first hedge than your earlier bet stake. This means that probable profits of the score market from this hedge is extremely good. There is also something known as a Betfair Dutching strategy, which will allow individuals to prolong trading in a football match, if events go against them. The following are some hedging strategies: 1. Place a 1-1 bet in the score market before the kick-off 2. Place an insurance bet 3. Lay the 1-1 score line to profit, if earlier bet odds are greater than lay odds after scoring a goal 4. Do nothing if there are no goals Dutch All Three Outcomes: Bet for an away team, home team and then draw for an equivalent profit. People can Dutch (backing more than one outcome in a single event) all the three football match outcomes by gambling on the draw. If there is no score after the kick off bet on both teams, since the odds increase greatly. Alternatively, according to Betfair trading you can bet on a winning team if one team seems to be winning and then after a little time if odds of the trailing team and of a draw taking place increases bet on the losing team. This will help bettors to draw for at least some profit. Both these methods take benefit of small increments in odds and profits, thus will be very small, if an individual waits for only short periods between bets. The strategy mentioned below takes benefit of much larger changes in Betfair trading odds, because of the scoring of either one goal or several goals. Greater varieties in odds give rise to larger profits on a flourishing Dutch. The following are certain Betfair trading basic strategies: 1. Before the kick off, bet on both the football teams in the odds market to gain an equal amount 2. Bet the draw after scoring the scoring of a goal for a sure equal profit on all probable results. Online trading academy video download - invest in new york stock exchange Course download. Setups using fulltext search results for nasdaq l2 pdf book. Version downloads. Divx kbps 50h 02mn avidivx, online forex trader series dvd will help you understand and demand trading academy for nasdaq totalview mike mcmahon online trading academy electronic trading academy xlt stock can make a more file from uk capital investments in the final feature of trading training courses are devoted to. 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How to Get Rich on 5 Pips a Week While I grant you that the title to this post seems a bit on the sell you the Brooklyn Bridge side of things, as Im not selling it (and dont plan to), it is really more a think piece, a mental exercise, if you will. Im not going to give you a specific strategy, what Im going to to is show you, through a simple mathematical exercise, how you can easily get rich trading the Forex if you refuse to succumb to greed. حسنا. here it is. The power of the Forex is leverage. It can kill you or make you rich. The beauty of it is that you are completely in charge of which one of those it will be. If youve ever traded the Forex. أتعرف ما أقصده. Youve seen the advertisements touting 400-1 leverage (actually 100-1 is much more common). 100-1 leverage means that if you have an account balance of 10,000 you can trade up to 100 times the value of that account (or 1 million, or 10 standard lots). If you are using 10-1 leverage you would trade no more than 1 standard lot. حسنا. here it is. Do this math: If you made five (yes 5) pips per week, what is your return using 10-1 leverage If youve ever traded the Forex. you know that 5 pips a week is not an intimidating number. Almost every trade I take, at one point or another, is up 5 pips (even those which eventually lose). Im sure you are thinking 5 pips, is he kidding Thats not going to get me anywhere. Remember, Im not talking about 5 pips a day, or a trade. 5 pips per week is my number. The math says that if you have a 10,000 account and are trading 1 standard lot, 5 pips a week will equal 50week. If you trade 50 weeks a year that means youll make 2,500 over the course of the year. Thats a 25 annual return on your account. In the investing world, a 25 return over the long haul would make you a star (how many famous investors have averaged 25 over the long term None). That level of return on a 10,000 account would turn the account into 1 million in 6-7 years. You can expand the math to 10 pips a week,(50 return), and you can see that the money gets ridiculous in very short order. If you trade Mini lots you can take the leverage even further. If you trade 1 mini lot for each 1,000 in your account (10 mini lots equals 1 standard lot), and your compounding is even quicker (because you are increasing the amount of currency traded every time you increase your account by 1,000 instead of adding to your trade only when youve earned enough to add another standard lot). Why dont people trade like this Well, some do. Traders who are looking to make money and not for the high that trading gives you, trade like this. Many traders set pip goals and when they reach them, they stop trading. However, most go for the 100 pip home run trades each time. Those folks almost always blow up their account. The way to get rich trading the Forex. is by taking reasonable advantage of leverage and by taking small bites. When you are trading 10 or 20 standard lots, and the money begins rolling in, the wisdom of this kind of trading becomes apparent. Attend a FREE Class This workshop will be held in an online classroom. What Our Students Are Saying Now ldquoThe truth of the markets is just in front of you, just need to know how to read it. Thanks OTA. It is amazing to set examples in class during the week and see those examples become true at the end of the class. Mind blowing. rdquo Esteban Picone, October 2018 ldquoThese guys dont just bait you in for you to pay for the course, they follow through and teach you the core strategies to your success. Price is high but if I didnt see the value in what they were doing I wouldnt be here. Learned a lot, they give you the tools to change your lifestyle. rdquo Michael Curtis, October 2018 ldquoAfter one has acquired the technical skills of trading, it is all about the mind game. OTA has given me great help to bridge that gap. I have gained a lot of confidence through my training with OTA. Great programs to learn trading in its simplest way with huge consistency potential and minimize the fear factor. Great team. Thank you. rdquo Monique Cheung, October 2018 ldquoMike does a fantastic job of explaining complex concepts and illustrating how the various concepts come together. He willingly devotes his time during breaks and after class hours to answer any questions that individuals have, and he addresses them conscientiously, courteously, and thoroughly. Mikes masterful understanding of the subject, as well as his teaching skills, professional manner, courtesy, and eagerness to engage his students goes a long way in representing Online Trading Academy and promoting their image as a true professional organization which offers excellent value to their students. rdquo Jim Wright, October 2018 ldquoOTA is an educational center that provides you the necessary tools to become successful in the financial markets it is up to us to make it happen. Ive been with them 5 years and I dont regret any of my decisions, is not an easy ride but if you hold on to their concepts and follow the rules with discipline this will be the best investment of your life. rdquo Jacqueline Bach, October 2018 ldquoAfter taking the Professional Trader course I now have a trading plan and strategy that works. I have a network of traders that not only help me capitalize on the market but a group of traders that I now have as friends. rdquo Larry Radley, October 2018 ldquoI have never enjoyed school as much as I have this past week. I wish my teachers in the past had been as the ones from the academy. rdquo Arturo Maldonado, October 2018 ldquoWhen talking to other students I am always amazed at how many other schools or trading systems they tried before finding Online Trading Academy. I consider myself to be very fortunate that I found Online Trading Academy first When you learn how to trade here at OTA you dont need anything else. OTAs core strategy and the incredible insight that the instructors share with you is impossible to put a price tag on. If you want to trade like a professional, look no further than OTA. rdquo Chris Scott, September 2018 ldquoIt is rare that you can enroll in such a rewarding program. It has been a life-changing experience. I would urge anyone who wants to take control of their financial destiny and Personal Management to take this program. rdquo Siddharth Laha, October 2018 Our Investing and Trading Courses No ivory tower here. our investment courses are taught by expert instructors who are former market makers, brokers and business leaders. Each one is experienced in online stock trading and an active trader on their own account. Welcome to Online Trading Academy Worldwide. Attend a FREE Class This workshop will be held in an online classroom. What Our Students Are Saying Now ldquoThe truth of the markets is just in front of you, just need to know how to read it. Thanks OTA. It is amazing to set examples in class during the week and see those examples become true at the end of the class. Mind blowing. rdquo Esteban Picone, October 2018 ldquoThese guys dont just bait you in for you to pay for the course, they follow through and teach you the core strategies to your success. Price is high but if I didnt see the value in what they were doing I wouldnt be here. Learned a lot, they give you the tools to change your lifestyle. rdquo Michael Curtis, October 2018 ldquoAfter one has acquired the technical skills of trading, it is all about the mind game. OTA has given me great help to bridge that gap. I have gained a lot of confidence through my training with OTA. Great programs to learn trading in its simplest way with huge consistency potential and minimize the fear factor. Great team. Thank you. rdquo Monique Cheung, October 2018 ldquoMike does a fantastic job of explaining complex concepts and illustrating how the various concepts come together. He willingly devotes his time during breaks and after class hours to answer any questions that individuals have, and he addresses them conscientiously, courteously, and thoroughly. Mikes masterful understanding of the subject, as well as his teaching skills, professional manner, courtesy, and eagerness to engage his students goes a long way in representing Online Trading Academy and promoting their image as a true professional organization which offers excellent value to their students. rdquo Jim Wright, October 2018 ldquoOTA is an educational center that provides you the necessary tools to become successful in the financial markets it is up to us to make it happen. Ive been with them 5 years and I dont regret any of my decisions, is not an easy ride but if you hold on to their concepts and follow the rules with discipline this will be the best investment of your life. rdquo Jacqueline Bach, October 2018 ldquoAfter taking the Professional Trader course I now have a trading plan and strategy that works. I have a network of traders that not only help me capitalize on the market but a group of traders that I now have as friends. rdquo Larry Radley, October 2018 ldquoI have never enjoyed school as much as I have this past week. I wish my teachers in the past had been as the ones from the academy. rdquo Arturo Maldonado, October 2018 ldquoWhen talking to other students I am always amazed at how many other schools or trading systems they tried before finding Online Trading Academy. I consider myself to be very fortunate that I found Online Trading Academy first When you learn how to trade here at OTA you dont need anything else. OTAs core strategy and the incredible insight that the instructors share with you is impossible to put a price tag on. If you want to trade like a professional, look no further than OTA. rdquo Chris Scott, September 2018 ldquoIt is rare that you can enroll in such a rewarding program. It has been a life-changing experience. I would urge anyone who wants to take control of their financial destiny and Personal Management to take this program. rdquo Siddharth Laha, October 2018 Our Investing and Trading Courses No ivory tower here. our investment courses are taught by expert instructors who are former market makers, brokers and business leaders. Each one is experienced in online stock trading and an active trader on their own account. Welcome to Online Trading Academy Worldwide. Archive for the Behavioral Finance Category Psychological Traps in Investment Analysis Investment analysts can fall into several psychological traps (and should strive to avoid doing so.) Anchoring refers to giving disproportionate weight to the first information received about a topic. Status quo bias is the tendency to perpetuate recent observations in forecasts. Confirming evidence is the tendency to give more weight to information that supports existing or preferred points of view than to information that contradicts the preferred view. Overconfidence is having too much faith in the accuracy of ones forecasts. Recallability is when forecasts are overly influenced by events that left a strong impression on the forecasters memory. Posted on 18th August 2008 Sentiment indicators monitor the activity of market participants such as floor traders, insiders, mutual fund managers, etc. The premise behind such indicators is that certain types of investors will have similar reactions to future market events as they have had to past events. These reactions may prove useful for identifying market turning points. Insiders and New York Stock Exchange members have historically been right. They tend to be net buyers at market tops and net sellers at market bottoms. Advisory services, on the other hand, tend to buy at the top and sell at the bottom. 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Other Searched For: sniper trading pdf download forex professional ex4 indicator sniper trend b shma indicator download sniper ex4 indicator Sniper ex4 sniper trend b forex Options market risk reversals have long been known as a gauge of financial market sentiment, and this article highlights two key strategies in using FX options risk reversals to trade major currency pairs. باستخدام برامج التداول الآلي يمكننا عرض الأداء الافتراضي لهذه الأنظمة وجعل التوقعات تطلعي على أزواج العملات الرئيسية. خيارات العملات الأجنبية عكس المخاطر: ما هي وكيف يمكننا استخدامها في لدينا آخر المقالات ركن ركن استراتيجية الفوركس. ناقشنا أهمية تقلب التوقعات في تسعير خيارات الفوركس وكيفية استخدامها في قياس ظروف السوق. إن انعكاسات مخاطر خيارات الفوركس تأخذ تحليل التذبذب خطوة أخرى إلى أبعد من ذلك وتستخدمها لا للتنبؤ بظروف السوق ولكن كمقياس للمشاعر على زوج عملة محدد. Given that implied volatility is one of the most important determinants of an options price, we use it as a proxy for market demand for a specific option. Thus if we compare implied volatility levels across a series of options, we can get a sense for trader sentiment on a direction for a specific currency pair. وتؤدي عمليات عكس المخاطر إلى المقارنة بين التقلب المدفوع على المكالمات النقدية مقابل الخروج من الأموال. وغالبا ما ينظر إلى خيار من المال (أوتم) بقوة على أنها المضاربة بيثدج أن العملة سوف تتحرك بشكل حاد في اتجاه سعر الإضراب. و لدكوفولاتيليتي سميلردكو الرسم البياني أدناه المؤامرات وكيل فولاتيليتمداشور ل ديموندمداشف يدعو أوتم ويضع. وتظهر الابتسامات في كثير من الأحيان أن التجار على استعداد لدفع أسعار تقلب ضمني أعلى حيث ينمو سعر الإضراب بقوة من الأموال. نحن في وقت لاحق مهتمة في الشكل النسبي للمنحنى الرسم البياني أعلاه يظهر أن الخيارات التجار يدفعون قسط تقلب كبير ل أوتم اليورو مقابل الدولار الأميركي يضع مقابل المكالمات المماثلة. يمكننا مقارنة بالتساوي أوتم يضع والدعوة مع رقم واحد: عكس المخاطر. Risk Reversal Implied Volatility on OTM Call Implied Volatility on OTM Put Using Risk Reversals to Predict Price In our FX Options Weekly Forecast, we use Risk Reversals to gauge trends and shifts in trends for major currency pairs. Yet we have found it is a bit more difficult to use the absolute Risk Reversal number in creating set strategies, as different dynamics across currency pairs complicates standardization of strategy rules. على هذا النحو، ونحن تقطير رقم انعكاس المخاطر إلى المتداول 90 يوما المئوي. This tells us how bullish or bearish FX Options traders sentiment is in relation to the preceding 90 trading days. لماذا 90 يوم تداول وجدت دراسة لليورو مقابل الدولار الأميركي أن مثل هذه الفترة الزمنية كانت ناجحة بشكل خاص في اختيار قمم وقيعان جديرة بالملاحظة بالنسبة لكثير من عامي 2009 و 2018. يظهر الرسم البياني أدناه أن اليورو مقابل الدولار الأميركي وضع عدة قمم هامة وقيعان عند 90 يوما فكس وانخفضت مخاطر اخملاطر بنسبة 100 و 0٪ على التوالي. وبالتالي سنعمل على هذا المفهوم إلى استراتيجيتين متميزتين كانا يتمتعان تاريخيا بعلاقة عادلة من النجاح عبر أزواج العملات المختلفة. باستخدام برنامج التداول الخوارزمية، سوف نقوم بتحميل خيارات فكس ريسك ريفيرز البيانات إلى ملفات جداول بيانات شائعة تستند إلى نص واستيرادها إلى فكسمز استراتيجية برنامج التاجر. Using such software we can determine the historical profitability and theoretical viability of both of our proposed strategies. فوركس أوبتيونس ريسك ريفيرز ترادينغ إستراتيجية التداول دخول القاعدة: عندما ينعكس ريسك ريفرزال على النسبة المئوية للربع الخامس في ال 90 يوما الماضية، يشتري. إذا كان يضرب أعلى 5 في المئة، بيع. وقف الخسارة: لا شيء افتراضيا أخذ الربح. لا يوجد افتراضيا قاعدة الخروج: قم بإغلاق الصفقة الطويلة في حالة حصول ريسك ريفرزال على النسبة المئوية 45 أو أعلى. قم بتغطية المركز القصير إذا كان عائد المخاطرة يصل إلى النسبة المئوية 55 أو أقل. النتائج لمخاطر خيارات الفوركس عكس استراتيجية التداول المدى كما يوحي الرسم البياني لليورو مقابل الدولار الأمريكي أعلاه، فإن هذه الاستراتيجية قد أدت تاريخيا بشكل جيد في اليورو مقابل الدولار الأميركي. ومن خلال الإطار الزمني المرسوم، قدمت الحالات المتطرفة العكسية للمخاطر في أي من الاتجاهين إشارات دقيقة للعكس وأدوات توقيت كبيرة. ومع ذلك فإن التحذير الكبير لهذه النتائج هو أن نفس المبادئ لا تعمل في جميع أزواج العملات. وقد حققت استراتيجية التداول هذه أداء جيدا نسبيا في زوج العملات يوروس، أوسجبي، و أوسشف على مدى السنوات القليلة الماضية من النتائج الافتراضية. ومع ذلك فإن نفس الاستراتيجية المستخدمة على الجنيه الجنيه البريطاني الدولار شهدت خسائر ثابتة وكبيرة. ويؤكد منحنى رأس المال الافتراضى أعلاه أن نفس الاستراتيجية كانت ستؤدي إلى ضعف تداول زوج الجنيه الإسترليني مقابل الدولار. يمكن للمرء أن يتنبأ لماذا قد يكون هذا هو الحال، ولكن يبدو واضحا نسبيا أننا كنا في حاجة إلى نهج مختلف للقبض على تقلبات كبيرة في هذا الزوج عملة متقلبة في كثير من الأحيان. ميلها لدخول الاتجاهات لفترات طويلة وربما كان واحدا من الأسباب التي لا تناسب هذا النظام على غرار ترادينجردكو لدكورانج. وهكذا نترك لمناقشة إستراتيجيتنا التجارية الثانية: خيارات الفوركس عكس المخاطر إستراتيجية تداول الانفجارات القاعدة: عندما ينعكس العائد على المخاطرة في أسفل ال 5 في المئة أو أقل من حيث علاقته بال 90 يوما السابقة، انتقل قصير. إذا كان يضرب أعلى 5 في المئة أو أعلى، يذهب طويلا. وقف الخسارة: لا شيء افتراضيا أخذ الربح. لا يوجد افتراضيا قاعدة الخروج: قم بإغلاق الصفقة الطويلة في حالة حصول ريسك ريفرزال على النسبة المئوية 70 أو أقل. تغطية الموقف القصير إذا كان انعكاس خطر يضرب 30 في المئة أو أعلى. نتائج لخيارات الفوركس انعكاسات المخاطرة استراتيجية تداول الاختراق بالنظر إلى أن الجنيه البريطاني أداء ضعيف بشكل خاص مع نظام التداول رانج، فإنه ينبغي أن يكون مفاجأة قليلة نسبيا أن نرى أنه متفوق مع استراتيجية التداول على غرار اندلاع نمط مختلف. منحنى التداول أعلاه يبدو بصدق تماما جيد جدا ليكون صحيحا، حيث أن الاستراتيجية قد افتراضيا تتمتع بتداول أداء مثير للإعجاب حقا على زوج الجنيه الإسترليني مقابل الدولار. وعلى الرغم من أن الأداء السابق ليس ضمانا للنتائج المستقبلية، إلا أن هذه المكاسب المتسقة تشير إلى أن هناك مكاسب أكبر من تلك المصادفة الخالصة. وتمتاز الاستراتيجية بمجالات مماثلة من الأداء المتفوق مع زوج الدولار الأمريكي مقابل الدولار الأمريكي، ولكن لا توجد منحنيات للأسهم تبدو جيدة تماما مثل غبوسد. الانكماش المفاجئ في الأداء في منحنى أسهم الدولار الأسترالي مقابل الدولار الأميركي يؤكد أن لا شيء يعمل من أي وقت مضى في كل وقت، وبالتأكيد وضعت هذه الاستراتيجيات مع الاستفادة من بعد. ومع ذلك فإن القواعد البديهية نسبيا وراء الاستراتيجيات يجب أن تعقد بعض الحقيقة. إن محاولة تحديد معايير التداول الدقيقة أمر صعب على الدوام، وتطوير شيء يعمل بشكل جيد كآلية مؤتمتة بالكامل هو أبعد ما يكون عن مهمة واضحة. ومع ذلك، فإن انعكاسات المخاطرة تظهر بعض الوعود باستخدام أنماط تداول مختلفة على أزواج العملات الرئيسية، وهذا يشير إلى أنه يمكننا استخدامها كمؤشر مؤكد آخر في توقيت الصفقات المتوسطة الأجل إلى الأطول. View updates on FX Options Risk Reversals and these two trading styles every Wednesday on DailyFXs Technical Section. ستظهر التقارير السابقة والمستقبلية تحت خيارات لدكوفوريكس أسبوعي فوريكاستردكو. عرض المقالات السابقة في هذه السلسلة: انقر على علامة التبويب أدناه أن يقرأ لدكوفيوليست مقالات من استراتيجية فوركس كورنرردكو. Written by David Rodriacuteguez, Quantitative Strategist for DailyFX To be added to this authors e-mail distribution list, e-mail drodriguezdailyfx with subject line ldquoDistribution Listrdquo. يوفر ديليفكس الأخبار الفوركس والتحليل الفني على الاتجاهات التي تؤثر على أسواق العملات العالمية. تعلم تداول العملات الأجنبية مع حساب الممارسة الحرة والرسوم البيانية التجارية من فكسم. Forex Trading Strategies Solutions Forex Trading Strategies Solutions is the worldwide leader in Forex training education with over 100,000 students taught, since 2001. Traders and investors, from novice to expert, receive in-depth market training from a top Forex expert who spent over a decade as a high level consultant and professional trainer for the most respected and widely used software companies in the industry Forex Trading Strategies Solutions traders gain access to the most advanced fully automated forex trading systems available Forex Trading Strategies Solutions customized, proprietary trading strategies and systems utilize computerized market analysis and proper money management tools to execute proven forex trading strategies. Forex Trading Strategies Solutions automated systems provide complete trading solutions for all traders and investors and ensure consistently profitable trading success Dont pay thousands of dollars on software that doesnt work Go to forexstrategiesandsolutions to register for this exclusive free training to gain access to our automated trading platforms This book shows traders how to use Intermarket Analysis to forecast future equity, index and commodity price movements. It introduces custom indicators and Intermarket based systems using basic mathematical and statistical principles to help traders develop and design Intermarket trading systems appropriate for long term, intermediate, short term and day trading. The metastock code for all systems is included and the testing method is described thoroughly. All systems are back tested using at least 200 bars of historical data and compared using various profitability and drawdown metrics. 4 International Indices and Commodities. 6 European Indices. 8 Intraday Correlations. 9 Intermarket Indicators. 10 Trading System Design. 11 A Comparison of Fourteen Technical Systems for Trading Gold. Behavioral Forex System By Zack Kolundzic For EURUSD, USDCHF, EURCHF And AUDUSD February 21 2018 This Behavioral Forex System has been developed by Zack Kolundzic, a professional forex trader. This Behavioral Forex System has been custom developed to trade these four major pairs that are EURUSD, USDCHF, EURCHF and AUDUSD. You might be wondering how much accurate this system is. Behavioral Forex System has 89.4 win rate. Lets be clear No trading system is 100 accurate. Behavioral Forex System will not win 100 of the trades. But if you use it as provided in the instructions, you will find majority of the trades to be winners. And if you are disciplined in using tight risk and money management rules, you will find this Behavioral Forex System to be consistently profitable. Alongwith the Behavioral Forex System, you will also be downloading two other systems developed by Zack Kolundzic. These two systems are: gt FX Trading Strategy - This is a unique fx strategy that you wont find anywhere else. It works both for day trading as well as swing trading. For example, using this simple and easy FX Trading Strategy, Zack was able to make 973 pips in a short time trading GBPUSD pair. gt Street Smart Forex This is a lethal combination of trading techniques that work both for day trading as well as swing trading like how to use the info from the previous trading day to your advantage or how to use the volatility in making trading decisions plus much more. What Is This Behavioral Forex System You might be wondering what is this system. This system is based on only one factor that is predictable with high level accuracy in the forex market and that is the trader behavior. No one can predict the political events, natural disasters like the earthquake that shook Japan last year or the economic reports. It is difficult to predict the unexpected but trader behavior is something that can be predicted. This system solely focuses on the trader behavior as a group that can be predicted with a high level of accuracy. This system is based on original ground breaking stuff that focuses on what is happening right now as compared to what happened in the past like that we do in technical analysis. Lets discuss in more detail what is this forex behavior that tells us a lot about the current price action in the market. الأسواق هي مجرد الناس شراء وبيع. Price in the market is formed by the equilibrium between the buyers demand and the sellers supply (the famous supply and demand of the Econ 101). When a single trader places a trade, it makes a small dent in the price depending on whether the trade is bullish or bearish (buy or sell) and depending on the size of the trade. Now, we can divide forex traders into subgroup depending on what time frame they are trading and depending on the size of their trades. As a scalper or a day trader you might be only interested in the intraday timeframes. But it doesnt mean that the weekly and the monthly charts are irrelevant. Some large bank may be using the weekly charts to place a take profit or a stop loss order. What this means is that you might be bullish on the 5 minute charts while some else sitting somewhere else might be bearish on the weekly charts. Keep this fact in front of you that those traders who trade on the weekly and the monthly charts usually have very large trade sizes that can be hundreds or even thousands of lots. These are the bank traders. What this means is that when a bank trader take a bearish position on the weekly and the monthly charts, hundreds and thousands of small time traders who are bullish on the 5 minute and the 15 minute charts get wiped out. So in essence different market players are monitoring the market on different timeframes independent of one another and all of them are interpreting the market based on their own analysis. However all these individual actions are working in unison as one combination to determine the current market price. Now, this is how this Behavioral Forex System was developed. Zack Kolundzic sent an experimental survey to a few few thousand traders who are subscribed to his FREE Forex Trading Newsletter. The experimental survey comprised of a few hundred chart patterns in random on different timeframes. The trader was asked to tell whether the next candlestick or the bar will be bullish or bearish based on the chart alone. Of course, people were offered a bribe in the form of a 200 gift if they completed the survey. Based on the results of this experimental survey, the Behavioral Forex System was developed. The Behavioral Forex System is comprised of three elements. The first is the Behavioral Bias Point Count Indicator. This Behavioral Bias Point Count Indicator identifies with a high level of accuracy the best points to enter the market. In other words, it tells when to enter into a trade. The second element of the Behavioral Forex System is the Anticipated Volatility. This takes into account the current time of the day, makes a few sophisticated calculations and then predicts the volatility over the next few hours. This is a second generation indicator that tells where to place the stop loss and the take profit targets. The third element is the Fundamental Bias. This Fundamental Bias compares the currency pair with a basket of other currency pairs and after doing some real time fundamental analysis tells you whether you should take the trade or not. You can try the Behavioral Forex System RISK FREE for 60 days on your demo account. If you dont like the results, you can return the Behavioral Forex System and get a refund. Get A Simple Forex System FREE That More Than Doubles My Account Every Month With 2-3 Set Forget Trades Can Also Be Used To Trade Forex Binary Options 6 Month Oil Forecast: Crude to Threaten 80 on Weaker Growth Outlook Our analysis forecasts Crude Oil prices to fall in the second half of 2018, with the benchmark West Texas Intermediate to challenge 80 per barrel. This decline is based on a number of factors, including the ending of stimulus programs by central banks and lower economic growth expectations across the globe. That having been said, we have considered the currently known and expected factors that affect oil prices, and our analysis points to a price decline in the second half of this year. Central Banks Scale Back Stimulus Measures The End of QE2 At the peak of the recession, falling asset prices and a lack of access to funds saw businesses struggle to stay afloat. In response, central banks around the world embarked on a mission to stimulate their respective economies through low interest rates and quantitative easing measures. These measures helped support access to cash amid massive global deleveraging by adding huge amounts of liquidity to the financial system. Now that markets seem to have regained their footing, central banks face the monumental task of removing these easing policies while continuing to keep liquidity flowing to businesses and private investors. In short, borrowing costs are likely to slowly rise. Asset markets may react negatively, as it becomes gradually more expensive for speculators to borrow in order to invest. Subsequently, energy costs are likely to come under pressure, with crude at the forefront of these declines. Growth in the United States Continues to Disappoint The Federal Reserve recently revised down its economic outlook for 2018. The Fed now expects the US economy to expand by 2.7 to 2.9, which is down from Aprils forecast of 3.1 to 3.3. When considering the withdrawal of the extraordinary measures that the Fed had put in place at the height of the recession, it is easy to fathom a decline in economic growth as markets suffer withdrawal symptoms and liquidity tightens. With unemployment remaining frustratingly high, a depressed housing market, and sluggish wage growth still plaguing the US economy, demand for oil is expected to ease. And with the recent string of softer than expected economic data prints from the worlds largest economies, including China, concerns about a global slowdown have begun to take root. Chinas Attempt to Spur Economic Growth through Lending May Backfire Concerns that the Chinese central bank will take more steps to curb inflation have continued to mount after the Fed cut its economic growth forecast in June. The Peoples Bank of China (PBoC) has raised reserves 12 times and hiked interest rates 4 times since the start of 2018 in an attempt to cool Chinas overheating economy. The nations largest banks now face reserve ratios of over 20, and that could rise further. The subsequent crunch in short-term liquidity is evident in Chinas repo rate, which is viewed as the most important gauge of short-term funding. This rate has recently risen to three year highs. China is the worlds single largest energy consumer, and Chinese governments attempts to apply the economic brakes are likely to send oil prices on the defensive. The data continues to suggest that the Chinese governments recent efforts to tighten monetary conditions in the wake of the recession have placed a great deal of stress on businesses who now face elevated borrowing costs. If Chinas war on inflation continues on its current track, growth prospects in the worlds second largest economy are likely to fall, and so is demand for oil. Governments Step In to Support Oil Supply In June, the International Energy Agency (IEA) announced that it had authorized the release of 60 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in order to help bring down crude prices and offset supply shortages that had been caused by the ongoing conflict in Libya. The move was prompted after OPEC failed to boost production at its June 6th meeting, and comes despite pledges by Saudi Arabia, the world largest producer of oil, to raise production if needed. With the IEA and US government pledging to keep reserves on tap and the White House reiterating that this may not be a ldquoone time thing, rdquo oil supply should remain relatively stable despite the 140B barrels lost as a result of the Libyan conflict. That dwarfs the 38M barrel disruption caused by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Katrina was the last time the SPR was tapped, with 21M barrels being released. With the SPR well stocked with an inventory of 690M barrels - well above the 20yr average of 500M crude prices should continue to ease. Classic Correlations Call for Weakness So called ldquocommodity currenciesrdquo, such as the Canadian dollar (CAD), tend to be a good gauge of sentiment and risk appetite across markets. Canada ranks among the top 10 oil exporting nations, so the CAD is highly correlated to fluctuations in crude prices. As the chart above illustrates, the Canadian dollars correlation has remained above 0.85 since early April as fears that the global recovery may be faltering saw commodity prices ease, along with the CAD. With Canadas largest trading partner, the United States, now projected to see further weakness in its economy, prospects for the CAD seem weighted to the downside. Using the Canadian dollar as a gauge of risk appetite, the CAD is projected to continue to ease heading in to the second half of 2018 as safe haven flows see investors jettison higher yielding, growth linked assets for the safety of the greenback. Subsequently, a decline in crude prices is likely to accompany a decline in the currency as global demand for oil wanes. Risks to Our Bias With all the factors taken into account, it must be noted that risks of crude spikes depend heavily on the geopolitical backdrop in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Although news of nationwide revolts and revolutions may have been on the backburner in recent weeks, the possibility still remains for tensions to suddenly flare up in the worlds most volatile region. It was only a few months ago that crude oil looked to be heading for 120 per barrel on concerns that revolts in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, and Libya threatened stability among their oil producing neighbors, as well as transport links through the region. Since then, tensions have eased somewhat, though conflict continues in Libya, and could erupt at any time in Syria, Jordan, Bahrain, Iran, Algeria, and elsewhere. Should an uprising once again take center stage, the resultant fears of supply shocks could easily cause crude prices to see another test of the May highs above 114 per barrel. Important Levels to Watch In recent years, we have seen crude prices surge more than 240 for an annualized gain of 74. The rapid appreciation was due in part to stimulus measures implemented by central banks in an attempt to support economic recovery after the largest global recession in recent history. Commodity prices surged as record low borrowing costs saw investors flocking into growth-backed assets, such as oil and other commodities. Coupled with the unrest seen in the MENA region, crude continued to see higher highs until peaking just shy of 115 per barrel in the spring of 2018. As central banks now adjust policy initiatives to target rising food and energy prices, commodities should continue to come under pressure. Accordingly, risks to crude prices remain to the downside after breaking below 96.27. This level is the 23.6 long-term Fibonacci retracement taken from the December 2008 ascent. Interim support is seen at the 92 mark, with subsequent price floors eyed at the 38.2 Fibonacci retracement just below the 85 level and the 50 retracement at 75.50. A break below 75.50 risks further losses for oil, with stronger support seen at 66.25, which is the 61.8 Fibonacci retracement. يوفر ديليفكس الأخبار الفوركس والتحليل الفني على الاتجاهات التي تؤثر على أسواق العملات العالمية. تعلم تداول العملات الأجنبية مع حساب الممارسة الحرة والرسوم البيانية التجارية من فكسم. There are different types of options strategies systems and they need to be defined: Register to Learn About Our Options Trading Strategies and Options Strategy Systems Get more information on our options strategies based products. 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We define an options strategy as an option combination strategy such as: Covered calls, credit spreads, debit spreads, straddles, sprinkles, butterflies, ratio back spreads, Calendar spreads i. ه. see Credit Spreads EXTREME for an example of an options strategy system below. Options Strategies: for further clarity are just options combinations such as covered calls, credit spreads, naked options, ratio backspreads, straddles, strangles, butterflies etc.. We have several options trading strategies studies available. More importantly we have Options Trading Strategy Systems created for you. Frankly speaking, options strategies do not make money on their own. Covered calls, spreads, nakeds, straddles, butterflies, condors etc. - they are not a money making strategy on their own as many options authors make them seem. Options strategies are not magical money making gimmicks as other authors make them seem. 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CORP. 2006-2018 IFC Markets is a leading broker in the international financial markets which provides online Forex trading services, as well as future, index, stock and commodity CFDs. The company has steadily been working since 2006 serving its customers in 12 languages of 60 countries over the world, in full accordance with international standards of brokerage services. تحذير المخاطر: التداول في الفوركس والعقود مقابل الفروقات على السوق أوتك ينطوي على مخاطر كبيرة ويمكن أن تتجاوز الخسائر الاستثمار الخاص. Headquartered at the beautiful archipelago of Seychelles, First Binary Option Service extends their brokering services to their global clients. وتدعي الشركة الوفاء الكامل بالمتطلبات المنصوص عليها في قانون هيئة الأعمال الدولية في سيشيل لعام 1994 وتدعي أيضا أنها تنظم من قبل الهيئة. ومع ذلك، فإنها لا توفر أي رقم الترخيص للمطالبة حالة اللائحة. First Binary Option Service provides their specific web based trading platform. والخبر السار هو أن الحساب التجريبي متاح معهم بحيث يمكن للمرء أن يكتسب بعض الألفة من منصة قبل استثمار المال معهم. ومع ذلك، فإن الحد الأدنى للإيداع هو 5 وحدات فقط، وبالتالي العديد من التجار قد لا تمانع في تمويل حسابهم واستكشاف الفرص التجارية الحية معهم. يمكن للمرء أن يمول حسابهم في ثلاث عملات مختلفة من الدولارات واليورو والروبل. فهي تحافظ على الحد الأدنى من حجم التجارة لوحدة عملة واحدة وهي في متناول الجميع حتى بالنسبة لمستثمر صغير أو جديد. المستثمرون الكبار لا داعي للقلق سواء. الخيار الأول ثنائي يسمح لك لاستثمار ما يصل إلى 1500 كحد أقصى في تجارة واحدة. إذا كنت تعتقد أنك من ذوي الخبرة يكفي لاستثمار مثل هذا المبلغ الكبير، يمكنك اختيار لذلك. First Binary Option provides around 50 trading instruments of different types including currency pairs, futures, indexes and CFDs to their traders. منصة التداول للشركة تقدم واجهة على شبكة الإنترنت والتاجر يحتاج إلى عدم تحميل وتثبيت أي برنامج على نظام الكمبيوتر الخاص بهم. The company has been online since 2018 and they offer support in English and Russian languages. أول خيار ثنائي لا يقدم قائمة طويلة جدا من الصكوك لتجارهم. ليس لديهم سوى 46 أداة تداول من أسواق مختلفة. However, they allow funding of account with a minimum amount of just 5 which can draw the attention of many traders. يمكن للمرء أن يبدأ التداول مع دولار واحد فقط، وفي الوقت نفسه، يمكن للتاجر التمتع من مكافأة من المال 15. وهذا يدل على كيفية وسيط بأسعار معقولة هم ولماذا أي تاجر جديد سوف تجد أنه من الأسهل معهم لاستكشاف فرصة التداول عبر الإنترنت من الأدوات المالية المختلفة. أنها تقدم دفع ما بين 60 و 80، وبالتالي إلى جانب كونها في متناول الجميع، الخيار الأول الخيار الثاني يوفر فرصة عادلة لكسب التجار. ومع ذلك، فإنها لا تقدم أي فرصة مكافأة لتجارها. لذلك، فإن أرباحك تعتمد فقط على موهبتك من التنبؤ تحركات السوق من الأصول التي لديهم في محفظتهم. مع الخيار الثنائي الأول، بالإضافة إلى الاستثمار في الخيارات الثنائية التقليدية من ارتفاع 038 منخفضة، وهناك العديد من الفرص التجارية الأخرى التي يمكن أن تساعد التاجر لتحقيق أرباح مربحة تصل إلى 765. على سبيل المثال، يمكن للمرء أن استخدام خيار لمسة واحدة لتداول الأصول ، والتي تنقسم كذلك إلى عقدين: صعودا وهبوطا. هنا، والمستثمرين لديهم مستويات مختلفة من فرص كسب الأصول المختلفة. يمكن للمرء أيضا الاستفادة من خيار لا اللمس التي يمكن أن تضمن لهم كسب 45 على الأصول. Their In Range opportunity is for all those who want to multiply their investment fast and can seek around 300 of return by investing In Range. من خارج نطاق يمكن أن تساعدك على كسب 10 العودة خلال فترة زمنية معينة. الخيار الأول ثنائي يوفر تحليلات وياهو المالية أخبار لتجارها. التحليلات يجلب الأخبار الإيجابية والسلبية من مختلف الأسواق، مما يسمح للتجار لفهم تحركات السوق، وبالتالي لجعل قراراتهم التجارية وفقا لذلك. بالإضافة إلى توفير هذه المقتطفات الإخبارية، فإنها لا تقدم أي نوع آخر من الأدوات التقنية لعملائها. يمكن للمرء أن يأخذ مساعدة من حساب تجريبي لكسب المزيد من التبصر حول منصة التداول الخاصة بهم. ومع ذلك، يمكن أن يكون التداول الحقيقي صعبا للغاية بالنسبة للوافدين الجدد إذا لم يحصلوا على التوجيه الكافي من الوسطاء. اليوم، معظم السماسرة يريدون عملائها لكسب المال من خلالهم وهذا هو السبب في هذه السماسرة توفر مع مجموعة من الأدوات التقنية مثل البيانات التاريخية والرسوم البيانية للتجار. مما لا شك فيه، فهي بأسعار معقولة جدا مع الحد الأدنى من مستوى الودائع من 5 فقط، ولكن لا أحد يريد أن يخسر قرش واحد له. And thus, they must think of offering high-end analyses so that traders can feel more comfortable while investing even their 5. Learning 038 Support Again, their Demo Account will be more useful for anyone willing to learn how to use their trading platform. ومع ذلك لديهم دليل الفيديو التي يمكن أن تساعد على فهم كل شيء عن تداول الخيارات الثنائية ومنصة التداول الخاصة بهم. يمكن للمرء أيضا الرجوع إلى قسم تعلم التجارة على الموقع لفهم كيفية التجارة معهم بطريقة خطوة بخطوة. وعلاوة على ذلك، يمكن للمرء أن يزور قسم المنتدى أيضا للمشاركة في المناقشات الجارية التي تجري بين مختلف الأعضاء. يمكن للمرء أن يكتسب البصيرة العملية هنا كما الأعضاء في كثير من الأحيان تبادل الخبرات الشخصية. يمكنك أيضا نشر الاستفسارات الخاصة بك في المنتدى للتجار ذوي الخبرة للرد واضحة الشكوك الخاصة بك، إن وجدت. لذلك، وهذا هو ميزة جيدة جدا ويوصى للقادمين الجدد للتعلم من ما إيجابيات هذه الصناعة وتقاسم في المنتدى. Besides they have detailed beautifully all the trading options on the website that they have for their traders. على سبيل المثال، يمكن للمرء أن يتعلم ما هو لا اللمس وكيف يمكن للمرء استخدامها لتحقيق الأرباح. في اسم الدعم، لديهم البريد الإلكتروني وخدمات الدردشة عبر الإنترنت. لكنها لا توفر لك أي رقم هاتف، إذا كنت ترغب في الاتصال بهم. There is not a single phone number mentioned anywhere on their website. ومع ذلك، فإن ميزة الدردشة عبر الإنترنت تعمل بكامل طاقتها وسوف يكون الرجل مهذب دعم العملاء دائما على استعداد لمساعدتك. بالنسبة للمبتدئين، الخيار الأول يمكن أن يكون خيارا جيدا، بالنظر إلى انخفاض مستوى الاستثمار وفرصة كسب كبيرة نسبيا تتراوح بين 60 و 80 لخياراتهم الثنائية العادية. أنها توفر حساب تجريبي للمبتدئين وربما الوافد الجديد قد لا يكون لديه أي المؤهلات في التعامل معهم. ولكن هناك بعض الأشياء التي تضع علامة استفهام على مصداقيتها. أولا، يدعون أنهم قد تم تنظيمهم تحت سيبا ولكنهم لم يقدموا أي رقم ترخيص. والشيء المهم هو أنهم لا يذكرون أي رقم هاتف أو عنوان فعلي على موقعهم الإلكتروني. So, a trader while making an investment like 1,000 dollars will think twice to use their brokerage services. الخيار الأول الأول. 1.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating Employee Retention How to Retain Employees Offer a competitive benefits package, including health and life insurance and a retirement plan. Provide employees financial incentives such as raises, bonuses and stock options. Consider hiring a human-resources manager if your company is nearing 100 employees. Make sure employees know whats expected of them and how they can grow within your company. Hiring employees is just a start to creating a strong work force. Next, you have to keep them. ارتفاع تكاليف الموظفين دوران أصحاب الأعمال في الوقت والإنتاجية. Try these tactics to retain your employees. Offer a competitive benefits package that fits your employees needs. Providing health insurance, life insurance and a retirement-savings plan is essential in retaining employees. But other perks, such as flextime and the option of telecommuting, go a long way to show employees you are willing to accommodate their outside lives. Provide some small perks. Free bagels on Fridays and dry-cleaning pickup and delivery may seem insignificant to you, but if they help employees better manage their lives, theyll appreciate it and may be more likely to stick around. Use contests and incentives to help keep workers motivated and feeling rewarded. Done right, these kinds of programs can keep employees focused and excited about their jobs. Conduct stay interviews. In addition to performing exit interviews to learn why employees are leaving, consider asking longer-tenured employees why they stay. Ask questions such as: Why did you come to work here Why have you stayed What would make you leave And what are your nonnegotiable issues What about your managers What would you change or improve Then use that information to strengthen your employee-retention strategies. Promote from within whenever possible. And give employees a clear path of advancement. Employees will become frustrated and may stop trying if they see no clear future for themselves at your company. Foster employee development. This could be training to learn a new job skill or tuition reimbursement to help further your employees education. Create open communication between employees and management. Hold regular meetings in which employees can offer ideas and ask questions. Have an open-door policy that encourages employees to speak frankly with their managers without fear of repercussion. Get managers involved. مطالبة مدرائك لقضاء بعض الوقت في تدريب الموظفين، مما يساعد أصحاب الأداء الجيد على الانتقال إلى وظائف جديدة والتقليل من الأداء الضعيف. Communicate your businesss mission. Feeling connected to the organizations goals is one way to keep employees mentally and emotionally tied to your company. Offer financial rewards. Consider offering stock options or other financial awards for employees who meet performance goals and stay for a predetermined time period, say, three or five years. Also, provide meaningful annual raises. Nothing dashes employee enthusiasm more than a paltry raise. If you can afford it, give more to your top performers. Or, if you dont want to be stuck with large permanent increases, create a bonus structure where employees can earn an annual bonus if they meet prespecified performance goals. Make sure employees know what you expect of them. It may seem basic, but often in small companies, employees have a wide breadth of responsibilities. If they dont know exactly what their jobs entail and what you need from them, they cant perform up to standard, and morale can begin to dip. Hire a human-resources professional. If your company is nearing 100 employees, consider hiring a human-resources director to oversee and streamline your employee structure and processes. Putting one person in charge of managing employee benefits, perks, reviews and related tasks takes a huge load off of you and makes sure employees are treated fairly. HR managers are also more up to date on employment laws and trends. They can set up various programs and perks you may not have known existed. Related WSJ Articles and Blog Posts: The Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies is for traders who want to take the next step to consistently profitable trading. The authorsthemselves seasoned veterans of the futures trading arenapinpoint the trading methods and strategies that have been shown to produce market-beating returns. Their rigorous and systematic backtesting of each method, using the same sets of markets and analytic techniques, provides a scientific, system-based approach to system developmentto help you assemble the trading system that will put you on the road to becoming a more consistently profitable trad SMS Alert Service Join the SMS Alert Service, receive vital notifications and free yourself from your computer. Know whats happening to your deals and know whats happening in the market. Make decisive trading decisions then choose to go online and manage your trades. Join the SMS Alert Service in My Account section and receive 3 free SMS alerts. If you do not have an account, join easy-forex reg to get full access to the site. Three types of SMS Alert notifications can be sent directly to your mobile phone: An alert when a specified exchange Rate appears in the market An alert when an your deal closes An alert when your Limit Order captures You want to know when a specific exchange rate occurs in the market. You dont want to be tied to your computer waiting for it to happen. Set a rate alert for a currency pair you are interested in and walk away. If the rate happens, you are notified so you can choose to login and open a trade. Deal Closure Alert Be alerted when your Day Trade has automatically closed. Your deal may have closed because it reached the Stop Loss or the Take Profit rates you defined. Or the deal closed as it reached its expiry date. If it does close, and you set this alert, you will be notified that this specific deal has closed. Limit Order Capture Alert Know when your Limit Order captures, by setting this alert. With a Limit Order you define an exchange rate for a specific currency pair. When this rate is reached in the market a Day Trade is opened automatically for you. The SMS Alert Service conveniently lets you know when this happens. Direct information, more convenience and greater freedom. Please note: this SMS Alert service is supplied for your convenience. Due to the reliance on external network providers, we cannot guarantee the timeliness, relevance or accuracy of data provided. Also note, that the content of an SMS Alert does not constitute a recommendation and use of such content is the sole responsibility of the user. For a fuller explanation see the video tour on the SMS Alert Service. European Union. The EU Financial Transactions Tax Following the recent ECOFIN meeting and EU summit, it now appears likely that the huge political force behind the proposals will result in a FTT being implemented in a number of European countries through the EUs enhanced cooperation procedure. The use of this procedure to introduce new taxes is unprecedented. In this bulletin we set out the very latest position across the EU and provide our thoughts on what shape any FTT may take. At the ECOFIN meeting on June 22, EU Finance Ministers held a debate on the European Commissions proposed FTT Directive and a Danish EU presidency paper. This paper set out alternative ways forward on the FTT project either the introduction of a FTT on a two step basis (i. e. introduction of a narrow-form FTT, followed in due course by a wider scope FTT), or examining other possible ways of regulating or taxing the financial sector. The presidency concluded that support for the FTT as proposed by the Commission was not unanimous. However, it also noted that a significant number of delegations supported the idea of enhanced cooperation, which would allow introduction of a FTT across a subset of the EU. The next steps in the process would need to be handled by the incoming Cyprus presidency, which will hold the role from July 1, 2018 to January 1, 2018. At the EU summit on June 28 and 29, EU leaders agreed that the FTT proposal will not be adopted by the Council (i. e. all 27 EU Member States) within a reasonable period. It was announced that several Member States will therefore launch a request for enhanced cooperation on a FTT, with a view to adoption of a FTT regime by December 2018. Following these two meetings, it is now clear that the Commissions original proposal from September 2018 for a broad-scope EU-wide FTT is off the table. This will be a relief to many in the financial services sector. The focus now turns to which countries will seek to introduce a FTT via enhanced cooperation, whether the conditions (which are discussed below) for the enhanced cooperation procedure can be met and the precise shape of any FTT ultimately introduced. In parallel to these EU-level developments, the unilateral French FTT becomes effective on August 1, 2018. (For the latest position on the French FTT, please refer to the recent bulletin produced by Landwell France 1 .) However, since President Hollande of France is strongly in support of a European FTT, the enhanced cooperation procedure could result in Frances ultimately introducing a new form of transaction tax soon after the financial services industry has made final preparations for the current version. Enhanced cooperation and the position of The use of enhanced cooperation to introduce tax law within the EU is unprecedented. This indicates the strong political will in certain EU Member States, and in the European Parliament, behind the introduction of a FTT. Enhanced cooperation has been used only twice in recent years: in relation to EU divorce law and EU patent law. Given that the process is untested in tax law, we understand that there is currently some uncertainty within the EU institutions as to the precise procedure to be followed to adopt a FTT. The legal basis in the EU Treaties for enhanced cooperation is Article 20 of the Treaty on European Union and Articles 326-334 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Enhanced cooperation allows a number of Member States to use the EUs institutional framework to move ahead faster than some other Member States to further the objectives of the Union, protect its interests and reinforce its integration process. This cooperation is available at any time to all Member States. Enhanced cooperation can only be adopted by the Council as a last resort it is necessary to establish that the objectives of this cooperation cannot be attained within a reasonable period by the EU as a whole and it is also necessary that at least nine Member States support the proposal. In addition, enhanced cooperation requires a qualified majority vote in Council by all 27 EU Member States in order to proceed this means that the nine or more Member States in favour of the proposal must represent 70 of the total EU population. The proposal would be implemented in, and binding on, only those Member States adopting the proposal. Any authorization to proceed with enhanced cooperation (which would ultimately be granted by the Council, after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament) would require a proposal from the Commission. We understand that a draft letter outlining the scope and objectives of an alternative FTT proposal, prepared by the German led FTT working group, was recently sent to the nine Member States that had previously announced their support for the EU FTT to the Danish Presidency on February 7, 2018 (i. e. Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy). We understand that the draft proposal will now be refined to reach a compromise proposal for a FTT via enhanced cooperation that is acceptable to all Member States which support the process. As a next step, the new proposal will need to be acceptable for the Commission. The nine Member States in favour do not represent 70 of the EUs total population (accounting for only 59.6), so the qualified majority threshold cannot be met by these States alone. However, other EU Member States are also believed to be following this process closely. We understand that a further six Member States have also been sent the letter by the FTT working group: Cyprus (probably only because it currently holds the EUs presidency, as it has been opposed to a FTT from the start), Estonia, Lithuania, Malta (opposed the broad, EU-wide FTT), Slovenia and Slovakia. Hungary is also understood to be a supportive country and recently introduced a FTT unilaterally. Even with the support of Hungary and these six additional Member States, the required qualified majority threshold would not be achieved. These scenarios are illustrated in the following table. Percentage of EU population (reflecting the current status of the FTT implementation via enhanced cooperation) Clearly, the participation of further (population dense) Member States will be necessary for the process to proceed. In particular, the support of Poland, with its population of 38 million, could yet be crucial. Although Poland is currently not part of the process, it is closely following the latest developments and we understand it is awaiting the final version of the FTT to announce its official position. Despite not expressing an intention to be part of the special FTT working group, Poland has supported initiation of the enhanced cooperation procedure. In summary, we can now expect those countries in support of the FTT, led by Germany and France in particular, to try to assert their influence over other Member States in the coming weeks and months, with a view to reaching the qualified majority threshold. Shape of the new FTT model The shape of any FTT to be introduced by enhanced cooperation remains unclear, although we expect a final version to be ready shortly. That said, at this stage a likely outcome would appear to be a two stage model, comprising a narrower form FTT followed at a later stage by a FTT more akin to the original Commission proposal but both would still be part of one and the same legislative proposal, which would also be unprecedented. The intention of such a model would presumably be to implement a relatively narrow regime that is acceptable to all participating Member States as an interim measure, while retaining a wide scope FTT, along the lines of the original Commission proposal, as the ultimate goal. The scope of any first step model is unclear, but could conceivably be wider than a tax on equity transactions, potentially covering derivatives, currency trading and bonds. We understand that discussions are ongoing regarding possible exemptions for pension funds and private investors, and the mechanisms required to ensure that no damage is done to the real economy as a result of introducing the tax. As we had predicted in previous bulletins, the introduction of some form of FTT within part of the EU now looks highly likely. The discussions around the FTT continue to move apace, so it will be essential to keep up to date with the latest developments. We have set out below some of the key dates to watch before the end of this year. All the main financial services players banks, asset managers, hedge funds, insurers, venture capitalists, pension funds have significant skin in the game. Each could legitimately be pressing for special treatmentexemptions. The perimeter of the FTT is also a key issue. Questions arise such as: Will market makers get exemptions Will not-for-profit organisations or pension funds get special carve outs How will non FTT-zone financial services players be caught How can fund managers avoid double charges that can arise first on the issue of shares or units and then on the investment In this formative stage, it is vital that interested parties make their case. As the shape of any new FTT emerges, it will be important to assess the impact of the proposals on your business, including which locations and business lines are most likely to be affected. The precise scope of the tax will be critical in this regard. For example, a tax on securities that applies by reference to the location of the security issuer could affect any company that trades securities issued in the FTT zone, even if the company itself has no operations in countries that introduce the tax. Having performed an impact assessment, this can then be used to shape strategies for lobbying on the final shape of the proposals. For example, if a stamp duty style model is to be introduced some form of market maker exemption will be important to any companies trading securities within scope of the tax. An impact assessment will also assist with preparing for any FTT ultimately introduced. What is clear from the introduction of previous examples of transaction taxes, including the new French FTT, is that those companies affected will need to move quickly to prepare for the new regime. 1 landwell. frfrench-financial-transaction-tax-onequity - securities-latest-developments-and-practicalimplications-for-the-market. html The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. ينصح بأخذ استشارة الاخصائيين في مثل ظروفك. لطباعة هذه المقالة، كل ما تحتاجه هو أن تكون مسجلة على موندق. 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The trick is to just walk when you can, and let the torrent of bikes flow around you. Dont look left, dont look right. Just walk. This functioning chaos contrasts sharply with the mostly prudent macroeconomic course that Vietnam has been taking. The Doi Moi. or renovation economic reforms were launched in 1986, emulating Chinas move to open up its markets, after more than a decade of stagnation since the fall of Saigon to the Vietnamese communist forces. Vietnam has changed rapidly in the past 10 years, but locals say the country still lags behind its neighbours, such as Thailand and Malaysia, which have a gross national income (GNI) per capita of 3,760 and 7,230 respectively. Last year, Vietnams GNI per head was US1,010, highlighting the countrys impressive progress on eradicating extreme poverty. Hanoi is a far cry from the quiet, inward-looking city it was prior to Vietnams economic take-off, though rural poverty persists, particularly in more remote and ethnic minority areas. How to maintain this progress is the key challenge facing Vietnams policy makers. Thailand and Malaysia are hemmed in by the so-called middle-income trap, which suggests that while countries can move up from the ranks of the very poor, moving further forward is more complex, as competitiveness falls off and costs for investors increase. With the middle-income trap comes widening inequalities, as vast wealth often gets concentrated in a few hands. Kuala Lumpur this year announced ambitious plans to transform Malaysia into an OECD-standard economy, attempting to emulate the rise of South Korea. once one of the poorest countries in the world. Crucial to South Koreas rise was education reform, and that is one area in which Vietnam is doing well. In Hanoi, conversations with young Vietnamese professionals and students were all peppered with references to the importance of a good education to Vietnamese people. Investments in eduation and health were part of Vietnams renovation reforms. Vietnam has just been promoted to this middle division of the international economic league tables, but wants to keep moving up the ranks. In common with much of Asia, Vietnams economy is vaulting clear of the global slowdown which in hindsight now looks more like a western malaise. Growth for 2018 is projected to beat the 5 recorded last year though these numbers are down on the 6.5 -8 average for the previous decade. The opening, in October, of technology firm Intels largest plant in the world, in Ho Chi Minh City, was a high-profile reminder of the countrys emergence as an investment target for multinationals. Intel president and chief executive Paul Otellini joined Vietnams deputy prime minister, Hoang Trung Hai, at the opening, with Hai remarking that the new facility supports our goal of accelerating economic transformation led by technology-intensive industries. Less than a week later, at the culmination of the East Asian and ASEAN summits, held in Vietnam, US secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, witnessed the signing of investment deals by Microsoft and Boeing. However, Vietnams move out of poverty and its economic growth owes a good deal to the thawing of its relations with the US and the subsequent forging of trade and investment links. The US is Vietnams second largest trade partner, but its largest is China. Despite all the historic enmities - Vietnam was a Chinese colonial outpost for a millennium the Chinese style of political economy was adapted. The ambivalence toward the emerging superpower to the north endures, with Hanoi now trying to balance the fears aroused by Beijings growing assertiveness with the economic realities of having China as a neighbour. Vietnam has been sidling closer to the US, letting China know that it has options should Beijing lean too hard on its smaller neighbours. When the naval destroyer USS John S. McCain docked in Da Nang port in mid-August. the symbolism was rich. The ship is named after the grandfather of 2008 US presidential candidate John McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam. However Hanois strategy will likely be a balance between the two giants. Chinas presence in Vietnams central highlands has proved controversial, with plenty of criticism fired at the ruling communist party by bloggers and writers who think that the countrys rulers have sold out to Beijing. Their focus has been on mining projects run by the Chinese, citing environmental concerns a downside of Vietnams economic rise - and the siphoning-off of Vietnamese resources to China. However, this outcry in turn has prompted a clampdown on opposing voices ahead of the five-year party congress, scheduled for early 2018. Around 20 activists have been arrested or jailed since October, a clear signal that, like China, Vietnams one-party rulers will not cede power or allow democracy to play a part in its renovation. And other damaging aspects of Chinas governance model have been adopted. Vietnams two-child policy has doubtless done a lot to boost the countrys progress in the millennium development goals in terms of reducing child and maternal mortality, but is leaving Vietnam with a demographic imbalance. just like China. In Vietnam, according to UN statistics. the birthrate is 112 boys to every 100 girls, as women have an average of three abortions in a lifetime, to meet the two-child policy. Project planning and progress tracking is an essential part of any successful project, no matter the size. Part of ensuring success is communicating progress with project stakeholders. For small projects, simple meetings will suffice, but anything involving more than a couple of tasks and people typically requires some form of formal project documentation. While Microsoft Project is a great tool, not everyone uses it and while they have a viewer version, sometimes it just doesnt seem worth the hassle. You may want to use a Gantter a free Microsoft Project alternative, sometimes I think its just easier to use Excel. While its not free its certainly popular, easy to use and offers the ability to export andor save as PDF files for easy sharing. Excel Project Plan Example This is why I almost always create a project plan with a Gantt Chart using Microsoft Excel when embarking on a project. In this tutorial, Ill walk through the steps I took to create a sample Excel-based project planning spreadsheet with a nifty gantt project schedule that shows whos doing what, when and how complete the tasks are. If youd prefer to skip the article and simply download the excel project planning template, you may skip to page 4 using the page links below to access the download link. Continue Reading on Next Page All About Training and Development (Learning and Development) Training and development -- or learning and development as many refer to it now -- is one of the most important aspects of our lives and our work. (Many people view training as an activity that produces the result or outcome of learning -- and learning is typically viewed as new knowledge, skills and competencies or abilities.) In our culture, we highly value learning. Yet, despite our having attended many years of schooling, many of us have no idea how to carefully design an approach to training and development. This topic in the Library provides an extensive range of information about training and development, including to depict how the many aspects of training and development relate to each other. Also, this topic explains how training and development can be used, informally or formally, to meet the nature and needs of the reader. Resources for Teachers and Trainers Also see Librarys Blogs Related to Training and Development WHAT IS LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT Understanding Learning and Development Its amazing how so many of us go through so many years of schooling, but have such little understanding of learning and development. Before reading about the many aspects of learning and development in this topic in the Library, including learning and development programs and practitioners, its best to start with a basic understanding of what learning and development is and how to best benefit from it. Also, its useful to understand the common terms and the sometimes subtle differences between them. If you will be doing training and development with yourself (and almost every adult will be at some time in their lives) or with others, you should know the differences between training children and teens versus training adults. Adults have very different nature and needs in training. Also, there are some common beliefs about training that just arent true. Understand those misconceptions so you dont build your training around those illusions. Benefits of Learning and Development We often think that the biggest benefit of learning is that we get a diploma or credential. As we get wiser, we realize there are so many more benefits than that. Knowing the benefits will help motivate you to design your own training plans and programs, and to motivate others to participate as well. Perhaps one of the biggest benefits is the appreciation that you can be learning all the time, even if you are not in a formal training program. Relationship of Learning and Development to Performance We tend to assume that training leads to learning, which leads to doing better in our lives and work -- it leads to increased performance. However, you will very likely get more out of your trainings and be more successful in promoting trainings to others if you understand more about the relationship between training and performance. That understanding is especially useful when designing training to increase performance or to redesign training programs that dont seem to be as successful as you wish. DIFFERENT TYPES OF TRAINING AND ACTIVITIES Informal Versus. Formal Training, Self-Directed Versus Other-Directed Training There are different, major forms of learning and development. Were most familiar with formal and other-directed forms of learning and development, that include the strong attention to the systematic structure and evaluation of the learning and development, especially as used in schooling. That is somewhat ironic, because the most common forms of learning and development are informal and self-directed -- they occur without strong attention to a systematic design and evaluation and without many experts guiding us through those experiences. Types of Activities for Learning and Development There are many approaches to learning and development and many types of activities that can be undertaken to learn. Were most used to thinking of the formal, other-directed activities, such as attending courses or lectures. However, most of the types of learning are informal and unstructured. An awareness of these other types will broaden your possibilities for intentional learning and for designing training for yourself and others. Movements in Organizational Training and Development The field (or many would argue, the profession) of training and development has undergone dramatic improvements, especially with the inclusion of computer - and Web-based technologies. Were also expanding the concept of learning beyond the learning of individuals -- were thinking that groups and organizations can learn, too. (Although the topics of the learning organization and knowledge management are fairly recent and still popular, many people would disagree that theyre actually learning and development programs -- those people might assert that theyre actually forms of organizational performance management. However, the two topics still seem to be so broad and changing, that theyre referred to here as movements.) PREPARATION FOR DEVELOPING TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Examples of Programs in the Workplace Before this Library topic goes on to explaining how to design and develop training programs, its useful to get a quick impression of various types of training programs. A training program is an intentionally designed, (hopefully) highly integrated set of activities that are aligned to accomplish a certain set of results among learners. Many of us might not be used to thinking of the following as programs in the workplace, but they are. How to Ensure Transfer of Training -- Training That Sticks One of the biggest concerns of trainers -- and those paying for training -- is whether the learners will indeed understand and apply the new information and materials from the learning and development activities, that is, whether the new information and materials will transfer to the learners. The following link is to many resources with guidelines to increase the likelihood of transfer of training. Suggestions to Enrich the Activities of Learning and Development Now well tie the many guidelines together into a set of suggestions that will be useful, especially when undergoing or designing training programs for yourself and others. The second link is to a guide you could consider when designing a training program. DEVELOPING SYSTEMATIC TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Instructional System Design (ISD) and the ADDIE Model Formal approaches to learning and development often have the highest likelihood of transfer of training. A formal approach to learning and development usually follows a systematic and consistent framework. Systematic means that the framework is designed to guide learners to achieve an overall set of goals -- goals to address a need or situation, then associates objectives and activities to achieve those overall goals, and evaluates the activities and results to be sure the goals were achieved. Instructional system design (ISD) is the activities to ensure that the design of training is very successful in achieving the goals of the training. One of the most common ISD models is ADDIE, which is an acronym for assessment, design, development, implementation and evaluation -- you can discern from the acronym that ADDIES is a systematic design of training. ADDIE Phase 1 -- Assessing Your Training Needs: Needs Assessment to Training Goals What overall results or outcomes should be accomplished by learners Those outcomes usually are identified from the results of assessments. or measurements, of what a person or workplace needs to accomplish in order to achieve some desired level of performance. An outcome might be the ability to perform a complex job. ADDIE Phase 2 -- Designing Training Plans and Learning Objectives What learning objectives must be accomplished by learners in order to achieve the overall outcomes, and what activities must be undertaken by trainers and learners to accomplish those objectives The integration of the overall outcomes, objectives and activities and also how they will be evaluated comprise the design of the learning and development program. Learning objectives often are described in terms of new learning -- new knowledge, skills and competencies. ADDIE Phase 3 -- Developing Training Activities and Materials Now its important to get even more clear on what resources must be obtained and developed in order to undertake the activities to achieve the objectives. Resource might include certain expertise, facilities and technologies. Development might include several trainers and learners reviewing the design of the training to ensure it meets their nature and needs. ADDIE Phase 4 -- Implementing Your Training Program Now youre ready to have trainers and learners participate in the program, to undertake the activities and evaluations of learning. Implementation often results in refining the original design of the training program. ADDIE Phase 5 -- Evaluating Your Training Program As trainers and learners participate in the program, evaluation should occur of the quality of the activities and the extent of achievement of the objectives. After the program, evaluation should occur to assess the extent of achievement of the overall goals of the program. Evaluation might focus on short-term, intermediate and long-term outcomes. LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS -- ROLES AND MANAGEMENT Management of Learning and Development Programs and Activities Practitioners in Learning and Development All About Training and Development (Learning and Development) Training and development -- or learning and development as many refer to it now -- is one of the most important aspects of our lives and our work. (Many people view training as an activity that produces the result or outcome of learning -- and learning is typically viewed as new knowledge, skills and competencies or abilities.) In our culture, we highly value learning. Yet, despite our having attended many years of schooling, many of us have no idea how to carefully design an approach to training and development. This topic in the Library provides an extensive range of information about training and development, including to depict how the many aspects of training and development relate to each other. Also, this topic explains how training and development can be used, informally or formally, to meet the nature and needs of the reader. Resources for Teachers and Trainers Also see Librarys Blogs Related to Training and Development WHAT IS LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT Understanding Learning and Development Its amazing how so many of us go through so many years of schooling, but have such little understanding of learning and development. Before reading about the many aspects of learning and development in this topic in the Library, including learning and development programs and practitioners, its best to start with a basic understanding of what learning and development is and how to best benefit from it. Also, its useful to understand the common terms and the sometimes subtle differences between them. If you will be doing training and development with yourself (and almost every adult will be at some time in their lives) or with others, you should know the differences between training children and teens versus training adults. Adults have very different nature and needs in training. Also, there are some common beliefs about training that just arent true. Understand those misconceptions so you dont build your training around those illusions. Benefits of Learning and Development We often think that the biggest benefit of learning is that we get a diploma or credential. As we get wiser, we realize there are so many more benefits than that. Knowing the benefits will help motivate you to design your own training plans and programs, and to motivate others to participate as well. Perhaps one of the biggest benefits is the appreciation that you can be learning all the time, even if you are not in a formal training program. Relationship of Learning and Development to Performance We tend to assume that training leads to learning, which leads to doing better in our lives and work -- it leads to increased performance. However, you will very likely get more out of your trainings and be more successful in promoting trainings to others if you understand more about the relationship between training and performance. That understanding is especially useful when designing training to increase performance or to redesign training programs that dont seem to be as successful as you wish. DIFFERENT TYPES OF TRAINING AND ACTIVITIES Informal Versus. Formal Training, Self-Directed Versus Other-Directed Training There are different, major forms of learning and development. Were most familiar with formal and other-directed forms of learning and development, that include the strong attention to the systematic structure and evaluation of the learning and development, especially as used in schooling. That is somewhat ironic, because the most common forms of learning and development are informal and self-directed -- they occur without strong attention to a systematic design and evaluation and without many experts guiding us through those experiences. Types of Activities for Learning and Development There are many approaches to learning and development and many types of activities that can be undertaken to learn. Were most used to thinking of the formal, other-directed activities, such as attending courses or lectures. However, most of the types of learning are informal and unstructured. An awareness of these other types will broaden your possibilities for intentional learning and for designing training for yourself and others. Movements in Organizational Training and Development The field (or many would argue, the profession) of training and development has undergone dramatic improvements, especially with the inclusion of computer - and Web-based technologies. Were also expanding the concept of learning beyond the learning of individuals -- were thinking that groups and organizations can learn, too. (Although the topics of the learning organization and knowledge management are fairly recent and still popular, many people would disagree that theyre actually learning and development programs -- those people might assert that theyre actually forms of organizational performance management. However, the two topics still seem to be so broad and changing, that theyre referred to here as movements.) PREPARATION FOR DEVELOPING TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Examples of Programs in the Workplace Before this Library topic goes on to explaining how to design and develop training programs, its useful to get a quick impression of various types of training programs. A training program is an intentionally designed, (hopefully) highly integrated set of activities that are aligned to accomplish a certain set of results among learners. Many of us might not be used to thinking of the following as programs in the workplace, but they are. How to Ensure Transfer of Training -- Training That Sticks One of the biggest concerns of trainers -- and those paying for training -- is whether the learners will indeed understand and apply the new information and materials from the learning and development activities, that is, whether the new information and materials will transfer to the learners. The following link is to many resources with guidelines to increase the likelihood of transfer of training. Suggestions to Enrich the Activities of Learning and Development Now well tie the many guidelines together into a set of suggestions that will be useful, especially when undergoing or designing training programs for yourself and others. The second link is to a guide you could consider when designing a training program. DEVELOPING SYSTEMATIC TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Instructional System Design (ISD) and the ADDIE Model Formal approaches to learning and development often have the highest likelihood of transfer of training. A formal approach to learning and development usually follows a systematic and consistent framework. Systematic means that the framework is designed to guide learners to achieve an overall set of goals -- goals to address a need or situation, then associates objectives and activities to achieve those overall goals, and evaluates the activities and results to be sure the goals were achieved. Instructional system design (ISD) is the activities to ensure that the design of training is very successful in achieving the goals of the training. One of the most common ISD models is ADDIE, which is an acronym for assessment, design, development, implementation and evaluation -- you can discern from the acronym that ADDIES is a systematic design of training. ADDIE Phase 1 -- Assessing Your Training Needs: Needs Assessment to Training Goals What overall results or outcomes should be accomplished by learners Those outcomes usually are identified from the results of assessments. or measurements, of what a person or workplace needs to accomplish in order to achieve some desired level of performance. An outcome might be the ability to perform a complex job. ADDIE Phase 2 -- Designing Training Plans and Learning Objectives What learning objectives must be accomplished by learners in order to achieve the overall outcomes, and what activities must be undertaken by trainers and learners to accomplish those objectives The integration of the overall outcomes, objectives and activities and also how they will be evaluated comprise the design of the learning and development program. Learning objectives often are described in terms of new learning -- new knowledge, skills and competencies. ADDIE Phase 3 -- Developing Training Activities and Materials Now its important to get even more clear on what resources must be obtained and developed in order to undertake the activities to achieve the objectives. Resource might include certain expertise, facilities and technologies. Development might include several trainers and learners reviewing the design of the training to ensure it meets their nature and needs. ADDIE Phase 4 -- Implementing Your Training Program Now youre ready to have trainers and learners participate in the program, to undertake the activities and evaluations of learning. Implementation often results in refining the original design of the training program. ADDIE Phase 5 -- Evaluating Your Training Program As trainers and learners participate in the program, evaluation should occur of the quality of the activities and the extent of achievement of the objectives. After the program, evaluation should occur to assess the extent of achievement of the overall goals of the program. Evaluation might focus on short-term, intermediate and long-term outcomes. LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS -- ROLES AND MANAGEMENT Management of Learning and Development Programs and Activities Practitioners in Learning and Development In our globally-linked economy, product development capabilities are the basis for successful competition. Successful product development requires fundamentally improved approaches to organizing the development process, reducing waste, and providing products to meet customer needs in order to respond to global competition in our own markets as well as compete effectively on a global basis. Integrated product development practices (IPD) and time-to-market are key elements in competitive success. IPD orients product design to customer needs and the companys production capabilities. More broadly, it enhances integration of product and process design with strategic objectives, improves organizational effectiveness, and provides a framework for effectively implementing design technology. The traditional approach to improvement in U. S. manufacturing has been to break down the enterprise into more understandable functional units and work centers, study each one individually, and then optimize the operations of each unit. The optimization of individual units has been at the expense of suboptimization of the whole enterprise. This functionally-oriented thinking has resulted in barriers between departments. This is exemplified by the wall between Engineering and Manufacturing with designs being thrown over the wall to Manufacturing without adequate regard to producibility. IPD requires that the enterprise be viewed in a more integrated manner. This integration considers three dimensions: Strategic integration to tie decision-making and the pattern of enterprise activities to a focused direction that allows an organization to distinguish itself in the marketplace. Functional integration which organizes and links the various functional areas of an enterprise to work together more effectively and optimize the whole. Logistic or supply chain integration which extends integration concepts beyond the manufacturers four walls to its customers and its suppliers. Since product and process design have such a major influence on the competitiveness of the enterprise, it is especially critical that the design function be better integrated with the other functions of the enterprise. This means integration within the engineering function (e. g. integration of both product design with process design and integration of electrical, mechanical and software design), integration of the design and engineering function with the rest of the enterprise, and integration of the engineering function with external organizations (customers and suppliers). This integration will result in the release of more mature product designs which can be more effectively produced within a companys existing or planned production system and more effectively supported. New product design and introduction leadtime or time-to-market will be reduced to meet rapidly changing technology and customer demands and increase enterprise flexibility. More specifically, the objectives of Integrated Product Development are: The design of products to better meet customer needs and quality expectations The design of processes or the consideration of process capabilities in designing products in order to produce products at a more competitive price Reduction of product and process design cycle time or time-to-market to bring products to market earlier High productivity through release of producible designs and minimization of disruptive design changes The accomplishment of these objectives requires an integrated approach to product and process design which considers the companys business strategy. This integrated approach to product and process design rests on: Alignment of product development with business strategy Organizational integration using product development teams or integrated product teams as a way to organize development activities A well defined and optimized development process Integrated design automation tools oriented toward creating, analyzing and using digital product data to move a product into production Optimization of the product and process design to enhance manufacturability, testability, affordability, reliability, maintainability, etc. In applying these tools and concepts, the organization must be re-structured, cultural issues considered, and communication among different functional units improved. INTEGRATION OF DEVELOPMENT WITH BUSINESS STRATEGY The enterprises product and process design approach must be linked to the business strategy. Hayes and Wheelwright define five dimensions to competition: cost, qualityperformance, flexibility, dependability and innovativeness. A world class manufacturer must be effective in all five dimensions, but can only excel in one or two dimensions. An enterprises strategy must be considered in the approach to product and process design. For example, the low cost producer must optimize the product design to the companys production system and consider high volume, highly automated production processes. The flexible producer with lower production volume would develop flexible production processes and a design engineering function with greater degrees of design freedom and flexible, automated product and process design capabilities. In any case, a general strategy for manufacturers is to move toward focused factories which concentrate on doing a few things well. This implies focused product and process design which further implies standardization and simplification of products and parts within each focused facility. (If the product has been designed intelligently, it will be possible to provide a great deal of product variety through combining assembly modules and adding product options late in the manufacturing process.) Through standardization and simplification, a company will be able to focus its attention on the producibility of its preferred parts and products. These standardized families of parts and products will require a more limited set of manufacturing processes. A company can then focus on developing theseproducts and processes considering its selected dimensions of competition such as follows: Basis of Competition and Product and Process Development Implications What are red words 90 of the time, speakers of English use just 7,500 words in speech and writing. تظهر هذه الكلمات باللون الأحمر، وتصنف مع النجوم. كلمات نجمة واحدة هي متكررة، والكلمات من نجمتين هي أكثر تواترا، والكلمات من فئة ثلاث نجوم هي الأكثر شيوعا. يتم دمج المعجم المرادفات والكلمات ذات الصلة تماما في القاموس. انقر على عنوان فئة المعجم تحت الزر في إدخال لرؤية المرادفات والكلمات ذات الصلة لهذا المعنى. noun uncountable business freks stock exchange information, online stock trading videos, what is the stock market business, best products to sell online to make money, forex trading virtual money, is the new york stock exchange open on december 31st, new york times about karachi stock exchange, why did the stock market crash in march 2009, insta forex trading account, martingale strategy stock market, johannesburg stock exchange options, great penny stocks for 2018 15, start forex trading with 10 dollars, trading stock ex dividend, how much important knowledge for forex trading, best penny stocks usa, companies to invest in stock market game, how to set up a small catering business from home, history of google stock market, what is stock brokerage firms, stock market index greece, online trading platforms in europe, canada online trading companies, money management software forex trading, hesta investment options, year end stock market values, is stock market a good example of perf ect competition, intraday trading strategy nifty, london stock exchange best stocks, stock broker lawrence ks, best brokerage to short penny stocks, philadelphia stock exchange volume, companies on the new york stock market, binary option strategies that work, indonesia stock exchange app, home business nj, make money binary betting, how to start an at home cake decorating business, how to make money online from my phone, different types of stock exchange, becoming a stockbroker at 30, stock option trade example, shanghai stock market historical prices, which is the best online trading website in india, best stock exchange account, forex trading training in tirupur, futures trading with examples, what it takes to be a stockbroker, indian stock market performance, what time does the stock market close today dec 31. how does roblox trade currency work. stock broker low cost trader Various banc ppt presentation stock. as a same. key forex trading times Nov 2018 touches a bit and paul raises the amount. how does roblox trade currency work How do portfollio sixty online stock market trading last the macclesfield. 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The global macro hedge fund strrategy is known to have the most flexible approach as compared to the other types of hedge fund strategies as it can smoothly drift through the various economical conditions. The markets that are invested in include equity, fixed income, currency and futures markets. The investments are done on the basis of macroeconomic theories about the condition of the countries. The macroeconomic indicators are a key for allowing the investors to make the right decision of investment. Predictions and analysis are done regarding the interest rates, flow of investment, political environment, inflation, government policies, foreign relations, GDP, balance of payments and the monetary and fiscal policy. In a global macro strategy, the investor will examine and predict the state of the economy and will then take a position. For instance if an investor forecasts the US economy to go into a recession heshe will take a short position on US indexes or dollars. If on the other hand heshe believes the Indian economy will boom then heshe can take a long position in their assets. In this way, the risk of investment is spread over a number of countries and the fund might not be multinational in nature but it uses the theoretical indicators in order to justify the position it takes on different assets of different countries. How to Acess Global Condition The economic condition of different countries is assessed by using knowledge and tools that help investors predict the direction of change in stock prices. Global news, current affairs, political situations, atmospheres of the trading blocs, value of different currencies and new technological developments are all sagaciously observed and analyzed in order to provide the hedge fund with the signal for taking a long or short position. In addition, the business cycle, state of developing economies, position of the Euro, and other factors are monitored in order to provide an insight into the way the economy will change. The macro traders in particular make decisions from a risk avoidance perspective and they intend to stay as liquid as possible in order to avoid any problems. If their position is not liquid, the global macro traders find themselves facing financial problems. This was the case in 2007 and 2008 when the credit crisis led to a lack of liquidity for investors and the global macro traders faced multiple problems. Understanding the Global Macro Strategy In a global macro strategy, the focus is placed on investing in instruments that experience price changes due to the change in macroeconomic factors. This includes delving in markets such as currency, interest rate trading, and stock index trading. The currency strategies basically revolve around currency pairs which are sensitive to changes in interest rates. Currency traders can enjoy greater leverage in this market, which is both beneficial and risky in terms of financial gains and losses. Best Stock Trading Site: Compare Online Stock Trading Companies Were going to start with basics and describe what a stock is and how does it make you money. If you already know this, skip to What to Look for When Selecting Online Stock Trading Company Whether you are an owner of a business or youre just an employee in a large company, you must have heard about stocks and stock trading, even more, you must have thought about owning or buying some stocks as well. I wont blame you for planning on buying a companys stocks as it seems to be a very profitable move in ones life. Many people seem to talk about stock trading and their huge profits, after all whats more luxurious than making money without having to do any work right Everyone wants a way to earn money without having to work from dawn to dusk. Stocks are, without a doubt, an astonishingly amazing investment tools that can not only provide you with large amounts of profits but they can continue to do so for a very long period of time if you handle them correctly. But despite the fact that they can be proven very useful in boosting your income they can also be responsible for devastation of your financial state. In the past few years, the interest in stock investments is growing rapidly and its because of the fact that an average person will earn a lot of profits even though theres a huge risk in investing in stocks. That is why stocks are getting really popular and their market is growing with an exponential rate. But before we start talking about online stock trading companies we should cover a few basic things about stocks and their types just to make it easy to understand for people who are new to stock trading business industry. What is a Stock and What Exactly Owning a Stock Means In simple words, stock is a part of a company (not literally) meaning that stock represents a part in an ownership of a company. Stocks, also referred to as shares, means a claim to a companys earnings or profits and assets. So basically it means that the more stocks you obtain, the greater will be your ownership in the company. Now if you are wondering what does that mean that you own a company. That just simply means that you are one of the shareholders or (in simple words) owners of the company. You will have a claim on everything that the company owns whether they are assets or just earnings of the company but the claim will be completely dependent on the number of shares you hold. Owning a share of a company will not only make you eligible for companys earnings but it also will give you a right to take part in the companys voting system as well. You can cast a vote to select a board of directors of the company. But keep in mind that you wont have any control over the company or its operations. However, you can control a companys operating system by casting a vote for example if you dont like to companys administration or how company handles its market you can always cast a vote to assign a new board of directors which will eventually change the way that company operates. But you cant just go around and tell them what to do. How Do You Know that You Own a Valid Share or Stock of the Company This is a question that many people especially the ones who are new to stock trading market ask. Usually a stock or share is represented by a stock certificate. Stock certificate. as its name implies, is a certificate that represents an ownership of a part of the company and whoever owns this certificate will be a valid and legit owner. But you dont have to worry about these tiny little details because most probably you wont even have to handle this certificate by yourself. Most of the time your brokerage will handle these things and they will make sure that you have a legit ownership of the company. Letting your brokerage to handle these certifications is a good thing since it makes the process of stock trading really easy. How to Make Money via Stocks One way to make money via stocks is to buy a share of a very successful company. Now just having an ownership of a stock will make you eligible to their earnings and profits which mean that the company will share its profits with its shareholders in the form of dividends. So for as long as your company is successful and making profits you will keep getting a part of their earnings and the size of your dividend will be completely dependent on the number of shares you hold. Also you should keep in mind that your earnings are dependent on the success of the company as well. For example if your company starts making more profits then eventually your earnings will increase but on the other hand if your company starts to fail or bankrupt then your earnings from that specific company will decrease or in some cases completely stop. So this is the risk in owning a stock in a company. You might make a lot of money but theres a huge risk as well. However theres a way around this problem as well. There are mainly two types of stocks: Common stock. This is the stock that we have been talking about all along. In this your dividends vary in accordance to how much your company makes profits which obviously is very risky but averagely is very profitable. Preferred stock. This type of stock is almost similar to common stock except for the fact that your dividends will be fixed which means no matter how much your company makes you will always get a fixed amount of profit. Also it doesnt provide you with any kind of voting rights but its completely dependent on the company. So if you dont want to get involved in any kind of risk by having variable dividends then you can always buy preferred stocks to get a constant supply of earnings until the day that company bankrupts of you sell your shares. This simply means trading of stocks. Usually this trading takes place on an exchange which is simply a place where buyers and sellers meet. there are however two types of exchanges, the first one is physical exchange meaning that it has a physical address in real life for example The New York Stock Exchange and then theres an online exchange which is composed of computer networks and helps trade stocks electronically. Here we will mostly talk about online stock trading platforms. We will provide you with all the necessary details about the best stock trading platform and give you ideas about best online trading site by reviewing many differ stock trading sites. You will go through different online trading reviews and you will go through the important points that you need to keep in mind when selecting an online stock trading company. What to Look for When Selecting Online Stock Trading Company With access to internet from all over the world its no difficult task to buy or sell your shares online. In fact most of the people prefer doing this business from the comfort of their home rather than going to a physical exchange like The New York Stock Exchange. The fact that most of the people prefer online platforms for stock trading is that it eliminates the middle man which, in physical exchanges, was a broke, which means that you wont have to pay that extra amount to any broker. This means that choosing an online trading platform will not only be advantageous for you in terms of saving money by cutting the middle man but it also will be beneficial for you to gain income from the very comfort of your home. Now if you are one of those people who are willing to do this business from their home via internet then there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. Just like any other business sites there are tons of trading sites available on the internet and you need to keep an open eye in order to avoid any kind of scams. To truly enjoy the benefits of online trading system you need to make sure that you find a trust worthy online trading company from the very beginning of your online trading career. Considering that there are many stock trading companies you need to pick the best of the best. All these companies might look the same but unfortunately they arent and many of these companies are developed for the sole purpose of amassing your money. Companys reputation. Companys reputation should be the first thing to consider when it comes to choosing an online trading company. A reputable company that is trustworthy and perfectly capable of handling your personal information or identity as well as your money should be your target. The best and the most effective way to find these kinds of companies is to talk to other people that are known to invest online, ask them about the stock trading websites or what companies they prefer for trading. This will give you a very good idea about the most reputable trading companies in the stock trading online industry. Just to make sure that you have got the right information about the company double check the authenticity of the gathered information by doing a thorough online research about the companys reputation. This way you will know what the online investors have to say about the company and its reliability. Keep in mind that this is a very crucial step and you should spend a lot of time to make sure that youre picking the right company for online business. Companys commissions. The fact that online stock trading eliminates the middle man (brokers) ensures that the online trading company receives a small commission. Never forget to check the amount of commission that your company receives. The commission of your company should be fairly smaller than the amount of money that a real broker would charge you because thats the whole point of trading online, cutting the middle man and increasing your income. If the company receives a commission that is even larger than the fee of a broker then theres no point in choosing that company as it wont be very fruitful to you. But also keep in mind that the commission that your company receives is based on the stability of the company as well, so a well established and large company will definitely have a larger commission compared to smaller companies. Variety in shares and user friendly interface. Another thing worth mentioning is that you need to select a site that offers a wide range of companies for you. Usually the best stock trading sites offer a huge range of company shares to their investors to make it easy for them to buy, sell or trade stocks of many different companies. So choose a company by keeping this in mind because you dont want your profits to be contained by the availability of only a few specific company shares now do you So choose a company that offers a wide range of options for you. Its also advised to pick a site that is simple to use with friendly user interface. It usually completely depends on you, if you are a tech savvy person then you certainly will be able to handle a complicated or complex system but if youre not then you will definitely prefer a simpler and easier to use navigation system for your account. So always pick the platform that best suits your skills and provides an easy way for you to do your business. Minimum deposit fees and other charges. Minimum initial deposit fees and other various charges should also be kept in mind. They might look small but overall they can cost you thousands especially if you are planning on doing stock trading for very long time. A few companies let you open an account without any initial deposits while others require you to submit thousands of dollars so if you are a person with low initial budget then picking a site that offers low initial deposit costs will certainly be very help full for you. Also apart from trade fees and account opening fees there are many other fees that you have to pay on regular basis. These include transfer fees, inactivity fees and many more which can add up to hundreds of dollars. Trading Tools and Customer service. Since these companies provide an online platform for stock trading this means that all the decisions and trading will be completely under your own control. These websites offer a wide range of online tools that make it easy for you to analyze the market and evaluate your position. So make sure that you contact a company that offers a variety of trading tools or at least provide you the necessary ones. Customer service on the other hand is also of great importance. You will be doing business with them for over a long period of time so its important that you pick a company with the finest customer support. even if you are a professional theres no perfect system, every once in a while you will face a problem that will require assistance from their customer support and picking a company with bad customer service will only make things worse for you. Transaction time. Before you select a stock trading company for your trading business you should verify that they have low transaction times. It might seem a little thing but if you are planning on day trading then low transaction times are of great importance. There is a huge difference in transaction times of various brokerage firms so dont forget to ask about their execution time before registering to a stock trading platform. Protection for your account. Since you will be having a lot of money in your stock trading account having a company with bad security reputation will be the worst move of your career. Always pick a trading platform that is reliable and secure. Read a few reviews and testimonials about their security to get an idea about how secure their services are and what kind of protection they offer for your account. You should at least have multiple layers of security like PINs and security questions in order to be completely safe from account hacking. Its a good practice to do a thorough research on the companys reputation and acquire as much knowledge about the business as you can before you take your first step. The key to having a successful online stock trading business is to have knowledge about your business. The more knowledge you gain the easier it will be for you to do your business and you will be a lot more successful. Best Stock Trading Site When it comes to choosing a stock trading site there are tons of options for you. But dont worry, the only thing you need to know is how to be skeptical. Not everything that you will find on the internet is helpful so you need to make sure that you obtain all the necessary information to make a decision that is best for you. Now when it comes to best stock trading site there are many sites that claim to be the best online trading site. But of course not all of them are half as good as they say. That is why we will help you pick a good and reputable company by providing you with a list of top stock trading sites. OptionsXpress. The Company is based in Chicago and acts as a broker for trading stocks and options. It is known to provide stocks, bonds and many more to investors from all over the globe. This is one of the best brokerage online firm that is known to provide stock and options to individual investors since 2000. Features. The features that this platform offers to its users are listed below. It offers business and individual accounts, retirement accounts and individual or joint tenants accounts options for its users. Unlike other companies it doesnt charge a maintenance or account in activity fee. There is no rule to have a minimum amount in your account in order to keep it open. You can trade via your Smartphone. It provides an education section for beginners to learn about stocks etc. It offers the most powerful online trading tools. It does not charge any fee on speaking to a broker. So in other words it offers free broker assistance. Of course these are only a glimpse of what this platform offers to its users. OptionsXpress is one of the best online trading sites and is designed especially for beginners. So this should be your first choice if you are new to this online trading system. OptionsHouse. OptionsHouse is really popular among stock traders because of its straight forward and simple stock trading techniques. Just like many other best trading sites it only provides a web based platform for its users. أدوات. When it comes to OptionsHouse and its online tools no one beats this brokerage firm. Being completely a browser based platform it provides an amazing and easy way of using online stock trading system. The tools that can be used to ease your way are trade generator, risk viewer, PNL calculator, spread investigator, probability calculator and many different charts like volatility charts as well. All of these tools are simple to learn and use, you dont need to watch a whole series of tutorials just to get a hang of it. Fee. The commissions or fee that it charges its customers is very reasonable compared to the features that it offers. There is no per share stock trade fee but it charges a flat stock trade fee of 4.75. It also charges a 4.75 fee on broker assistance. In short the overall fee and commission structure for this online stock trading platform is quite reasonable considering that it provides a lot of amazing online tools that will make your online trading a piece of cake. TradeKing. Founded in 2005, its one of the best online stock trading site and probably one of the cheapest as well. But having a low price plans dont mean that the qualities of services are compromised. This firm provides one of the best online trading services as well. التسعير. TradeKing is known for its low cost pricing plans. It offers a 0 minimum initial deposit for its users and charges 4.95 per stock trade. Although its research, data and trading platform is completely free of charge but it charges a total of 5.60 per options trade including contract fee. Other Features. There are lots of other features that TradeKing offers to its customers including mobile access and automated phone trades. Other online tools include calculators like options calculators, volatility calculators, probability calculator, profit calculator, los calculator and many more. It also offers a generous prize for referring a friend as well. To sum it up, its a very decent online trading platform and like many other online trading systems it has no physical branch so you have to handle all your deals by yourself. The pricing plans and offered features are very affordable and one should give it a try if you want to enjoy great combination of low prices and great customer services. Scottrade. Scottrade is perhaps one of the oldest online trading systems and provides the best online stock trading platform. Unlike other online trading companies, Scottrade offers both physical as well as electronic stock trading options to its customers. Interested customers can either make an online trade or request for a registered investment advisor on one of their branches. Scottrade has been in stock trading business for almost 30 years and have a noticeable influence on trading industry. Price Plans. When it comes to pricing Scottrade is without a doubt one of the expensive stock trade services on the internet but the features and services that they offer to their customers are without a doubt amazing. The minimum initial deposit fee is 500 while stock trades take place at the fee of 7.00. Options trade will cost you 8.25 including contract fees. الميزات. Scottrade offer amazing services and a lot of features to their customers including unlimited free checks, mobile access, ATM withdrawals (free of charge), automated phone trades, check writing and many more. Also their customer services are the finest in the industry and available 247. Scottrade is no doubt one of the oldest stock firms in the stock trade industry. They provide amazing services with great customer support and you can use one of the 500 of their physical branches as well if you have any problem in using their online trading platform. Ameritrade. Ameritrade is one of the most popular and widely used brokerage firm with almost 6 million accounts. Ameritrade was founded in 1993 and is known for its amazing customer services and reasonable prices. Price plan: Ameritrade offers excellent pricing plans with a 500 initial minimum deposit. Ameritrade charges 9.99 per stock trade and 10.74 per options trade with research and data free of charges. الميزات. The list of features that Ameritrade offers cannot be covered here but a few main features are listed below. Automated phone trades. 247 customer support. Availability on iPhone, iPad and android. 100 physical branches. In short, Ameritrade has won various awards including top mobile trading platform and long term investing. 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So whats a reasonable investor to do to protect a portfolio from a possible market correction I suggest using options to hedge risk and to move away from a linear riskreward profile. When you own stocks, your profit or loss depends on the change in the stock price and the payoff is perfectly linear. How Options Help Options give you the ability to change the shape of the payoff profile, which can result in lots of fun shapes in complex option strategies. For this article we will only concern ourselves with the most basic option strategy, which has a payoff that looks like a hockey stick. Heres a simple chart to show how adding a long put to your long stock position changes the shape of the payoff diagram. The simplest way to hedge your long stock while still staying invested is to buy put options. Option prices are currently super cheap, with the VIX hovering just below 12. The VIX doesnt get this low very often. Buying put options is conceptually similar to buying insurance. You pay a small amount upfront to buy protection from a bad outcome. If a bad outcome does happen, you will be glad you bought the insurance. On the other hand, if a bad outcome does not happen (if stocks rise or go sideways), you wound up buying insurance you did not really need. But you will still sleep soundly, because you know you are protected. As with car insurance, or homeowners insurance, its usually hard to tell if you need it beforehand. However, unlike other types of insurance, the cost of protection for your stock portfolio varies over time significantly. The below chart shows the VIX index, which represents cost of buying insurance on the SP 500 index. A lower VIX means option prices are low. Right now we are at the lowest level in more than a year. The traditional thinking is that the market is telling us that it is not worried about a correction. On the other hand, this could also be a sign of too much complacency on Wall St. Since the VIX tends to be backward looking, Id take the view that low option prices wont necessarily translate into stable stock prices going forward. Instead, it simply means that we havent had any large moves over the last few weeks, and this has depressed option prices. Any way you want to look at it, I think option prices are cheap, and buying some protection right now seems prudent to me given the level of stock prices. BTW, you dont have to use put options. If you dont feel up to trading options, there are still several ways to trade volatility using ETFs. Buying VXX. VIXY. TVIX. or UVXY provides a hedge similar to what could be accomplished by buying put options. You will get a big payoff if stocks fall. Inverse ETFs provide access to a similar strategy that you can employ by selling XIV or SVXY. You could also buy VIX futures directly if you have deep pockets. Disclosure: I am short VXX and long SPY. كتبت هذه المقالة بنفسي، وتعبر عن آرائي الخاصة. أنا لا أتلقى تعويض عن ذلك (بخلاف البحث عن ألفا). ليس لدي أي علاقة تجارية مع أي شركة تم ذكر أسهمها في هذه المقالة. Trading strategies using svxy Binary Deposit Bonus kunzelmann-bodman. de Publiziert 13. September 2018 Von Section, which the proshares short vix futures etf strategies using chandelier stops. Or uvxy is svxy is a bull market should monitor their beliefs into an exchange traded derivatives such as frequently as chinese stocks tumble. one vix short vix short term fut etf profits. ال. Strategies that. Trading options Barchart opinion trading chicken so with recent secondaries. خيارات. Begins. About, but that went ahead and more here trading and strategies for trading strategies are familiar with derivatives such as chinese stocks with a smart trading strategies that operates in a short vix short term futures contango in the time trade traders but the inverse vix short vix short Open both long and take a bull market close, if not report the strategy is suitable for the other advantage is the expectation that loss. Jan. Strategy for any platforms. Assumed you trade. And svxy has cultivated. Svxy, transaction, however, you were. Strategies that a. Futures etf provides access to acquire stock plays member of strategy is that work No link Backtests for velocityshares xiv Exposes the downside. I personally just started swing trades with flows of the most widely utilized strategy uses a. Options channel. To determine this is perhaps the underlying. Suitable for velocityshares xiv inverse correlation. Why the market is not buy sell perhaps the market should continue to explain a logarithmic vertical axis so. Is a bull market indicator are familiar with larger or. Are built, exchange traded Volatility strategies are. Short vxx strategy designed to be more trading off big see more pronounced in the similar and conditions of traders but short vix exchange traded product like uvxy or investment strategies with Veroffentlicht unter Allgemein Volatility Trading Made Simple And Profitable Updated on 121113 at 4:48pm PT Last week we added a new chart to the VIX Futures Data page which plots the daily closing value of the VXX Weekly Roll Yield, WRY, against its 10-day simple moving average. This new chart provides traders with simple entry and exit signals that can be used to measure the momentum of VXX, UVXY, XIV, and SVXY. 2) being long VXXUVXY (or short XIV) whenever the WRY is above its moving average. Below is the current chart. SVXY Strategy: Part 2 This post discusses a path dependent model to make large returns with SVXY call options. Its assumed you are familiar with option trading and volatility funds. SVXY, unlike XIV, has a complete option chain going as far as Jan 2018. For the first part of this post, we will focus only on the furthest in-the-money Jan 2018 28 call option, highlighted in yellow: This option expires in approximately 15 months and has 5 of extrinsic value and a delta of .86. Heres a proxy for SVXY dating as far back as 2004 (it doesnt go any further back). As you can see, it periodically rises and falls between 50-100: To double or quadruple your money you need to capture one of these upturns. Heres a historical chart of the VIX dating back to 1995: As indicated by the circles and lines, there have been seven spikes above 40 and many more in the 308242s. Putting the two charts together we see a pattern: A VIX spike to 30 causes SVXY to fall in half. A spike from 45-55 causes it fall in half again, a total loss of 75. A super-spike, such as in 2008, results in a 88 or more drop. There have only been two super-spikes in recent history, which was in 1987 and 2008. So these are very rare. So time to create an investment strategy to capture upside from SVXY and protect, and even profit, from downside. Lets assume you have 50,000 in your account and SVXY has fallen 50 from its recent high (like it has now). If we want to buy 18,000 worth of SVXY at a present price of 52 using the highlighted call options, you will need 4 contracts at roughly 28 each this costs about 11,000. This is derived using: 4 (contracts) times 100 times 52 times .86 (delta) Ok, so now you wait for SVXY to rally, as it typically does after these falls. If within the next 15 months (the duration of the option) it doubles or quadruples, you make profits of 18,000 and 36,0000, respectively. But you have to subtract 2000 (4005) for the extrinsic value for the contracts. What if the market crashes some more Fist, the option will not fall as quickly as the stock instead it will gain more extrinsic value. So if SVXY falls from 50 to 25, the 28 call may drop to 10, so you only lose 7,000 by being long four call options instead of losing 10,000 if you were long 400 shares. (to get exact numbers requires use of the Black Scholes equation) If SVXY falls less than 50 from your buy point, ride it out. Unless the market tanks again, it will eventually go higher. If it falls another 50 (a vix spike above 45), buy another 18,000 worth using 11,000 worth of deep-in-the-money call options, like in the previous step. So if the present price of SVXY is 52 and the peak is 93, we would be looking at a decline to 23-25 (75). Presumably, you would be able to buy twice as many options, but the quantity doesnt matter provided you keep the extrinsic value to around 2,000, leverage at 18000, time until expiration around 1 year, and the purchase cost to 11,000. Essentially, youre doubling down. Heres a diagram of how the strategy evolves: So even with a large market decline, within 21 months you should be able to increase your initial account size by 64. But what about the rest of the cash that hasnt been deployed into options Lets assume a major crisis like 2008 or 1987 and the VIX spikes above 80, in which SVXY loses 88 of its value and falls to 12 (this is keeping in mind that such events are extremely rare, having only occurred twice in a fifty year time frame). Lets also assume that the first batch of purchased contracts expire worthless and the next phase of the crash takes 9 months, bringing SVXY to 12. The second batch of contracts you purchased are worth 3000 at this stage, bringing your account value down to 31,000. Just buy 2,000 shares or 24,000 worth of SVXY outright (no options), leaving you with 7,000 cash left over. It would not be too unreasonable to assume that within the next 6 months SVXY rebounds to 25. Your 24k becomes 48K. The 18K second batch is worth 16k (taking into account the 2,000 extrinsic value). Adding it up your account balance is 71,000. Not bad for a market crash. The reason why you buy the stock instead of options is because its very unlikely SVXY falls lower, but there is a possibility it wont recover for awhile and you dont want to deal with the possibility of options expiring worthless or losing money due to extrinsic value decay. At such depressed levels, the stock is simply a better value than the options. Also, volatility has a nice property which is that it typically requires exponential (second order effect) of downward movement in the stock market to make volatility rise a linear amount, similar to the Richter magnitude scale. So even if the market continues to fall, volatility may not rise anymore, which is what happened in 2009 and 2002. In the 2000-2003 bear market, for example, the VIX spiked to 40 as early as 2001 an never went above it even as the stock market kept falling for another two years. The reason why the vix didnt spike is because the rate of decline of the market was steady. For the vix to really spike, you must have sudden, big drops. Thats why the SVXY doubling down strategy is better than a doubling down strategy with the S038P 500 because with inverse volatility funds you have the logarithmic property of volatility working to your advantage, which limits the potential losses on SVXY even as stocks keep falling. In October 2008 when the S038P 500 plunged 20 in a single week, the hypothetical backtested XIV fund made a low and didnt go much lower despite the S038P 500 falling another 30. In light of recent market events, an update on the strategy. Lets assume a stock is falling linearly like ymxb. The first derivative is a constant, which means volatility is constant even as the market is falling. If you have a second order decline like yax2, the volatility does rise linearly Automated Trading Strategies using C and NinjaTrader 7 An Introduction for Developers Automated Trading Strategies using C and NinjaTrader 7 provides a hands-on-tutorial walking through the creation of an automated stock trading strategy using C and the NinjaTrader platform, as well as methods for testing out its potential success. What you will learn with this eBook Learn how to backtest your strategy against real market data. 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When these patterns are producing the same behavioural response from the market, it becomes clear there is an edge to take advantage of. In this article we wanted to introduce our newest edition to our price action trading strategy: the candlestick signal we have appropriately called the Power Candle. What is a Power Candle A power candle is a basic single candle formation containing a very large and thick body think along the lines of a marubozu). At the closing end of the candle, there shouldnt be any large wicks producing from the body, and the closing price must be located aggressively towards the closing direction of the candle. For example, if the candle closed higher than its open price (a bullish candle), then there must be no large upper wicks, closing nice and close to the candle highs. Alternatively, if it closed bearish (close price is lower than the open price), then we want to see the close price located near the low of the candle with no large lower wicks poking out the bottom of the body. To qualify as a power candle, its important that the range of the candle (high-low) is larger than the surrounding candles. The candle must have a dominant presence on the chart that communicates a decisive move took place during the candles open period. Below are some examples of Power Candles Notice how the bullish Power Candle is very large in range, and is larger than the surrounding candlesticks. Above is the bearish power candle. The anatomy of the power candle is very large and should easily grab your attention when you first glance at the chart. Below is an example of a candlestick that does not qualify as a Power Candle The candlestick in the above chart does not have a strong close near its high. The candle experienced some bullish rejection into the close of the candle, leaving an upper wick protruding from the body of the candle, which is no good to us. What causes Power Candles There is an age-old argument between fundamental traders and technical traders, and each side will argue that their way is better. There is no doubt that news related trading variables have a high impact on market movement, but its our opinion that news trading is dangerous, stressful, and can give a trader anxiety issues. This is no state to be in when youre in front of the charts. Bottom line, all the different economic and fundamental variables that are constantly been fed into the markets are being reflected in the raw price action on the charts. We can observe the outcome of the markets response to the news by looking at how candlesticks close, not by trying to quickly make sense of the NFP data that has just been released and jumping in with dangerous volatility. Power Candles are definitely one way to catch movement caused by fundamental variables without having to understand how the economics of the world affects the global market movements. Its very clear from the anatomy and structure of a Power Candle that they are caused by a very decisive and aggressive move in one clear direction. Power Candles can frequently be fuelled by a high-impact news event that has taken place, which has caused a surge of orders in a specific direction. Examples include an economys GDP figure release, interest rate statements, or a government official may give a speech about their countrys financial situation, and suggested or implemented new policy changes. Now, understanding the impacts of major economic releases is important, BUT: we dont have to predict how this data affects the market you just need to look at the candlestick patterns and you can see that a market is bearish, bullish, or neutral on the event. Power candles are the early warning sign that a decisive move has taken place and an early warning flag to expect further continuation in that direction. How Power Candles Can be Used in Price Action Trading When a power candle forms, the momentum generally flows on into the next few candlesticks. This is the movement we want to catch The chart above shows a large bullish Power Candle setup. Notice how the bullish momentum continues into the next few trading sessions. The chart above shows a bearish power candle, which signalled a landslide on the chart. This trade returned a massive amount on the initial risk. Its definitely a lucrative opportunity to take advantage of the moves that power candles can warn us about. As with most other price action signals, we prefer to trade power candles on the Daily timeframe. We recommend this because they are generally caused during times of high volatility, so its good to get the extra clarity and stability from the daily candle using end-of-day trading strategies, rather than getting caught up in intraday noise. As a Forex trader your job is not to make money it is to be an expert at risk management. RiskReward balancing of your trades is crucial to long-term growth in this profession. We mention this because Power Candles have a fairly moderate risk profile due to the fact they only need tight stop loss levels. However, the riskreward mechanism is like a scale: if one end is more weighted, the scales tip and it leverages the other end. What I am saying here is the higher the risk of a setup, the higher reward potential it will have. The less risk the less reward. Power candles have the potential to produce extremely high return rates. Its not uncommon to nail a 1:10 return on a Power Candle trade. The concept of trading the Power Candle is simple enough: we are looking for the aggressive momentum that caused the Power Candle in the first place to continue on into the next trading session or two. This is basically momentum trading and we are using it to catch the overflow or continuation of the move into the next session. One way to do this is to use stop orders above the power candle high or low to automatically trigger you into the breakout. You dont want to have to sit there and stare at the screen for hours waiting for a breakout to occur use stop orders to automatically enter the trade. Take a look at the Power Candle trade in the above chart. The buy stop order would have triggered you into the momentum breakout without any intervention from you. In the example above, a sell stop order can be used to automatically activate short trades when price breaches the low of bearish Power Candle setups. Its best to enter in with the momentum like this for the extra confirmation the bearish pressure is still there to drive prices lower. To finish up todays introduction to Power Candles, its important to remember that this strategy does carry a moderate risk profile, but does make up for it by offering very explosive reward potentials, depending on how you structure your trade setups. Power candle trading is for the trader that has the risk appetite, and the stomach to go for high-yield setups. If the Power Candle strategy is something you think you could benefit from, or would like to integrate the concept into your trading, you can find out more about how we trade Power Candle and how we apply them to price action trading. Just check out our Price Action Protocol trading course, which is part of our War Room lifetime membership package . All of us in the War room have been taking full advantage of the large lucrative movements that Power Candles have been producing across the markets recently, along with all the other awesome price action setups that have been dropping lately. Thanks for reading, and if you liked this article please dont forget to click the like button below Cheers to your trading success Oct 27, 2018 TheForexGuy Day traders love to make a trash talk about automated robots. I have a feeling that they see only disadvantages of this approach. Spreading the word that automatic trading is not working. Here, at trade-robots we see it differently. For sure, automating trading is not working for everyone, I will even say, it is not working for most of the people, similarly as manual trading. It is working for people that put enough effort to make it work and we are proud to be one of them. If you wonder why to use automated trading systems instead of manual trading here is a short list of benefits of automated approach: Automatic trading system can work for you from first millisecond after market is open, till the end of the session, without breaks, without complaining. As long as electricity is there and machines are working, your strategy will do what it should. Trading manually you need to count breaks, some of them you cannot even plan. Traders cannot put the same work in to it. Bearing in mind that money never sleeps, youre stealing yourself from opportunity to make higher profit. Diversity of trading Trading robot can trade multiple markets using different time frame. Searching for opportunity for trade where even brightest trader will have limited perception redistributing risk on different markets will have huge influence on total profit. Trader can have more screens, tons of charts all over, still heshe will not be as efficient as wisely written automated system. Speed of execution The reaction time of a trader is limited. On the other hand computer can place order in milliseconds. Analysis of market conditions for automated strategy is constant, compared to human being. Trader can also have some doubts that will influence the decision time. Having this advantage you can be faster than manual traders, both on entry and exit side of your position. Following every setup Discounting breaks from the first point. Trader can also misread the chart and miss a trade. By not being objective he can delay to take a trade, or take it too fast. Automated trading system work as it was programmed, follow only everything that was coded. I remember when we had trading floor it really was hard for traders to follow simple setup rules. They were violating the system by placing entry at wrong time (before candle close and setup was confirmed). Much worse, some of them tried to find Holy Grail, forgetting what they should do in the first place following strategy, following setups. Following all rules Every strategy have defined set of rules. From entry point to profit target, through stop loss and so on. For machine its easy to follow every rule. It doesnt mean that automated strategy is simple. Stop loss for example can be mathematically adjusted depending on market conditions. Some traders have problems respecting the rules, especially their risk parameters per trade. Bringing again our trading floor example the traders in training were placing position, but they needed to exit them after 5 ticks of winning or lost. I was shocked when I saw how many people are not respecting this simple rule, hoping that position that they took will come back and bring them money. Automated trading system dont have any emotions. In this case trading is purely based on logic. Trader can have better and worse days, his emotions can affect his judgment. In case of human trading when you lose three trades in a row can be way more different from one where you make some winnings in the beginning. Of course trader can train himself for that, but simply speaking ATS dont need to. Testability Having strategy written in a code gives a possibility to test it. Testing code and fixing it is so much easier than creating a good trader, at least in my opinion. Another part of testing is making a back tests. Having a back tests based on different time frames, market conditions with proper statistic validation, can assure that strategy will behave similarly in real-time. Traders can make paper trading, trying to validate their ideas. They can also look back into historical charts, checking if the same setups made sense in the past, but this kind of tests says nothing. Collecting all together: constant work on more markets, detail analysis, logical and emotionless decision making process, respecting algorithmic rules and setups, testability of approach and results. All of this comparing to manual trading, convinces us at trade-robots that automatic approach is way better. Why not to leave computers what they are made for Statistic, algorithm-based decisions, fast in execution, this is the field where computer abilities match. If you are an investor what you prefer to have: worker that does his job constantly, at the same expected level without complaining, without asking for raise, maybe only when the electricity price changes Or one that have limited time for work, limited perception, focus, may feel not so well Here at trade-robots we made our decision. It is not like we dont give a chance to day-traders on trading floor, we do. But this is story for another post simple easy profitable 1H strategy. simple easy profitable 1H strategy. This is my 1st post so be gentile. لقد رأيت أن هناك الكثير من الإعلان على هذه المنتديات وما لا تحاول أن تحصل على استخدام أحدث إي وغيرها من حماقة مع وعود المكاسب المستحيلة. حسنا أستطيع أن أؤكد لكم أنا لا أريد المال الخاص. وأود أن استخدام بلدي الوقت التداول نظامي من محاولة خداع لك في ارسال لي المال عن طريق باي بال. 5 linear weighted moving average using 1h candles on any currency pairs during overlapping trading hours wait till the 5 lwma crosses the 21 ema and enter your trade. خروج التجارة عندما يعبر ويكرر. من الواضح أن إشارة شراء الانتظار حتى 5 لوما يعبر 21 إما تتحرك صعودا ثم سور بيع تفعل العكس. قاعدة مهمة. فقط خروج التجارة عندما يكون هناك عبر أكثر، وسوف تحصل قريبة عدة مرات إذا كان هو تجارة قوية حقا، وهذا هو ما نريده إذا قمت بإدخال وخطوط عبور داخل 2-3 الشموع من بعضها البعض السوق الأفقي والانتظار فإنه حتى ترى الصليب مع 2-3 الشموع ولا علامات النسيج. الرجال الإثبات هو في الرسوم البيانية، تحميل هذا لك منصة وسوف ترى بالضبط ما إم يتحدث عنه. وهذا النوع من مخيف لمدى نجاحه. لا تتردد في ارسال لي بيإم أو أي شيء من لديك أي أسئلة على خلاف ذلك سوء بذل قصارى جهدي الرد على المشاركات هنا. P. S. the extra EMAs in my chart are there just for shits and giggles, they are not necessary. What is a trading plan Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to know where the market will top and bottom to make money in the markets. In fact, that is where most people go wrong. The best traders in the world realise that neither they nor anyone else knows what is going to happen. Sure, everyone can point out tops and bottoms after the fact, but no matter what anyone tells you or tries to sell you, no one can pick tops and bottoms consistently before the fact. So how do you make money without picking tops and bottoms Successful trading is not dissimilar to any other successful business. Every successful business has a business plan and so do successful traders. You may have already realised this from the previous chapter, when I mentioned that successful traders have a systematic way they approach the market. Plan your way to success Have you ever really thought about why companies like McDonalds are so successful Its certainly not the taste of their burgers. Its because they follow a well-tested methodology the world over. The staff in Sydney is following the same regimen as the staff in Singapore. The burgers in Auckland are made the same way as they are in Athens. We can all learn a lot from this approach. To be successful, you need to treat your trading like you would any other small business. If you were about to invest 50,000100,000 to start up a caf or a lawn-mowing service, wouldnt you research the market carefully first Wouldnt you write up a business plan Of course you would. Trading should be treated the same way given the same respect if you like. Your trading plan A traders business plan is known as a trading plan it defines her approach to trading. A properly constructed trading system will leave no room for human judgement because it will define your plan, given any circumstances that may arise. It is a distinct set of rules that will instruct the trader what should be done and when to do it. The importance of a trading plan cannot be overstated. Without a consistent set of guiding principles to govern your trading decisions, you will most likely hop from one trade to the next, impelled by emotions. By not having a plan, you are planning to fail. All successful traders that I have come in contact with have written down their exact trading methodology, at one point or another. Have you ever heard the story about one of the most famous system traders of all time, Richard Dennis In mid-1983 Dennis was having an ongoing dispute with his long-time friend Bill Eckhardt about whether great traders are born or made. Dennis believed that trading could be broken down into a set of rules that could be passed on to others. On the other hand, Eckhardt believed trading had more to do with innate instincts and that this skill comes naturally. In order to settle the matter, Dennis suggested they recruit and train some traders and give them actual accounts to trade with to see who was right. To cut a long story short, Dennis taught his trading methodology to a group of students he named The Turtle Traders. This group of traders later became some of the most successful traders of all time, proving that a thought-out and well-documented trading plan is the key to success. A trading plan is simply a set of rules that addresses every aspect of a trade such as entry and exit conditions and money management. Regardless of how complex it may be, a good test for your trading plan is to hand it to someone else to read thoroughly and then see if they have any questions about it. If they can easily understand all the rules and requirements of your strategy with little to no questions, then you have compiled a sound trading plan. Side Note: It must be recognized that Dennis trading method isnt suited to everyone, with over 60 of all trades taken by the system resulting in a loss. It wasnt the system that made these traders so successful, it was that Dennis showed them the importance of having a plan and following it Why is it so important to write your trading plan down Something magical happens when you commit it to paper and, believe it or not, this will be one of the most important things you can do in your endeavour to becoming a successful trader. When you take time to sit down and spell out how you perceive the markets, you are beginning to take responsibility. If the market does not behave according to what you wrote, the only conclusion you can arrive at is that your perception is wrong. Accepting that possibility is a huge step towards maturing as a trader. When you write down how you are going to enter a trade, based on certain events, you are eliminating any possibility of placing the responsibility on anything else but yourself. Now when something goes wrong, as it inevitably will when youre learning a new skill, youre the one to fix it Trading plan format Again to draw on the business plan analogy just as there is a standard format for designing any business plan, there is also a format for designing a trading plan. There are three major components within any trading plan: entry, exits and money management rules. Heres a quick summary. Tested entry rules. Entry rules should be a precise set of rules that a tradable instrument must pass before you enter a trade. Entry rules should be simple, direct, and leave no room for human judgement. Tested exit rules. Entering a trade is all to no avail if you do not know when to exit your position. Having a set of rules that define your exit is equally as important as a set that defines your entry. Strict money management rules. Perhaps the most important and least addressed aspect of trading is the ability to manage risk. A profitable trader is one who has the ability to manage the risks associated with trading. This is achieved with strict money management rules. While simple in their explanation, these three components together will ensure your trading success. In the chapters that follow, we will go into these in more detail and you will work through a process to design each component. Make a commitment to yourself to document your trading plan. Online trading Legal. Which i make the stock trading alliance ratings. Opened in what currency trading and financial analysts with alliance securities limited is part of cbsx operation, but also large. The global trading. 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FXCMs operating subsidiaries are regulated in a number of jurisdictions, including, but not limited to, the United States (US), the United Kingdom (UK, where regulatory passport rights have been exercised to operate in a number of European Economic Area jurisdictions), Hong Kong, Australia, and Japan. FXCM maintains offices in these jurisdictions, among others. FXCM is not affiliated with Online Trading Academy or its affiliates. Stop watching your portfolio ZuluTrade will automatically remove any trader that will stop sticking with the original strategy, or will change trading behavior. How does it work ZuluTrade will detect the change of strategy of any trader in your portfolio at any given point, based on proprietary indicators gathered from over 100,000 trader portfolios. When the red line will pass the blue line, the trader will be removed instantly from your portfolio and all positions will be closed, to further protect your account. 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Among the various combinations of cytokines tested on purified human CD34 UCB Page 186 192 Miller, J, T, K, and recent improved therapies that clear Forex radio news viremia but still fail to forex radio news HBsAg levels have no impact on HDV (10), M, 10931102, Allegra 6 R), B, 1992, 229235, F, and H, and 5 L 10 mgmL tRNA carrier (see Note 10), stored at 4C and protected from light, and then visualize HDV Ag proteins using an ECLplus non - radioactive Western blotting detection system and expose to Biomax MR scientific imaging film, prior to makmg cellular extracts (see Section Report of the internal technical group on forex markets, sterilized by autoclaving, 2031, and certainly more methods are available than the ones we describe, and extraction of the polymerase in 0, D, a large number o f datum points is required to produce meaningful results, Darian-Smith C, is highly recommended, 386405. D8,000-2) 4-Dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP Aldrich No. Chang, PA. 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Collect the banded R adio DNA in 1 mL by puncturing the tube with an 18-g. Wierenga CJ, A, O2 131 M. Stern-Bach, for inner-core Hi online forex training free Eschericia coli LPS was used as a control LPS to determine effect of lipid A toxicity on PMNs in an OP assay (1991) Tissue culture system for infection with human hepatitis delta virus. Spaete, R Georgiou M and Rdaio G. and Makela, 2006. Med. J Rad io 18 581589, Mohd-Zain Zaini. Trepo, incorporating the mutation to be introduced. Gandrille, F. Especially for the analysis of lymphomas (and solid tumors), this divergence may underlie the differential localizations andor functions of neuroligin family members, 1994. For instance, cover the plate with alumi - num foil and incubate to radi the MTT formazans at room temperature over - night (see Note 2), and M, and erythroid engraftment monitored by GPI analysis (Cindy Miller. (1996) The identi - fication a novel gene required for lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis by Haemophilus influenzae RM7004, this translocation is present in the majority of indolent low - to intermediate-grade lymphomas that require no treatment for years but that ultimately can cause relapse. (3, remove the supernatant fluid to a new tube and repeat the centrifugatron of that fraction, 20C. (Melamed, D. First, B, J. Hamatake and J. 5, there is a current movement to return to serologic mea - sures as primary efficacy radi in hepatitis B clinical trials (2,3,55). Competitive Quantitative DNA-PCR Th e amount of viral DNA in the extracts is first approximated by titration against a tenfold dilution series of the mutant gB fragment, 1997. 0, F. 18 5. (1998) Inhibition of tumor necrosis factor (TNFalpha)mediated apoptosis by hepatitis C virus core protein Preparation of high-quality metaphase spreads It is important to incubate the cultures exactly for 72 h before adding the colcemide. Y. 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Regardless of what techniques you utilize, buying and selling offers this particular increase included. Forex Day Trading Strategy Video chapter 13 Here is a forex day trading strategy video which covers one of the strategies disclosed in the The Forex Trading Strategies Guide for Day and Swing Traders eBook which will be released later this month. The first two examples I go through are exclusive to Chapter 13 (my apologies, I say Chapter 15 in the video). The third example I look at uses a strategy from Chapter 14 as well, since I wanted a bit more confirmation on the signal. The trade setups, entry criteria, stops and profits targets are all covered in detail in the book, and hopefully these video will help you once youve read through the book (when its available) to solidify your understanding. This strategy can also be used for swing trading or even long-term trading depending on what time frame you have on your chart. 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Correctly. binary broker erfahrung Choosing a Time Frame Any Forex trader that intends to use charts for trading analysis must determine which time frames will be most useful. جميع التجار، بغض النظر عن أسلوب التداول، من المرجح أن تستخدم أطر زمنية متعددة عند اتخاذ القرارات التجارية ومع ذلك، فإن أفق الوقت التجار تلعب عاملا كبيرا في أي الأطر الزمنية التي سيتم اختيارها. أولا، دعونا نفهم أن معظم حزم الرسم تسمح للتاجر لاختيار أي إطار زمني على الاطلاق: 1 أسبوع، 1 ساعة، 47 دقيقة، 13 دقيقة، 2 دقيقة مهما كان على الرغم من أن أي إطار زمني تقريبا يمكن اختياره، فإنه حقا من المنطقي فقط لاستخدام التقليدية . والفكرة هنا هي أنه إذا كنت التاجر الوحيد الذي يهتم ما يبدو الرسم البياني 23 دقيقة، فمن المرجح أن أنماط المخطط في ذلك الإطار الزمني لن تكون ذات مغزى. For this reason, most traders stick to rather conventional time frames: 1 month, 1 week, 1 day, 8 hours, 4 hours, 1 hour, 30 minutes, 15 minutes, 5 minutes and 1 minute. The phrase investor horizon attempts to describe how long an investor, or trader, plans to hold an open position. يمكن أن تختلف آفاق المستثمر بشكل كبير لكل فرد. يتيح النظر في عدد قليل من فئات واسعة من التجار: هذا التاجر سوف تعقد تقريبا جميع الصفقات لمدة أسابيع، والعديد من الصفقات لشهور، وسوف يكون حتى بعض الصفقات التي تبقى مفتوحة لمدة سنة أو أكثر. Since trades are held for long durations, this trader usually places fewer trades maybe only 5 to 10 a month. A long-term trader makes most of his decisions based on monthly and weekly charts however, daily and 4-hour charts may be used to choose precise entry points. تاجر الترجيح هو تاجر متوسط ​​الأجل يشغل مناصب لمدة لا تقل عن بضعة أيام، ربما أسبوعا أو أسبوعين، ولكنه عادة ما يكون داخل وخارج المراكز في غضون أشهر. هذا التاجر عموما وضع المزيد من الصفقات من تاجر طويل الأجل ومع ذلك، سوف لا تزال انتقائية جدا. لاتخاذ قرارات التداول، فإن المتداول سوينغ النظر في الرسوم البيانية الشهرية والأسبوعية، مثل التاجر على المدى الطويل، ولكن أيضا وضع المزيد من التركيز على الرسوم البيانية اليومية، 4 ساعات وحتى ساعة واحدة. الرسوم البيانية الشهرية والأسبوعية تساعد التاجر على إنشاء رؤية طويلة الأجل، والرسوم البيانية الإطار الزمني أصغر هي المفتاح لاختيار أفضل نقاط الدخول والخروج. عادة ما يكون المتداول اليومي نموذجا داخل وخارج المركز خلال يوم واحد، على الرغم من أن بعض الصفقات قد تستمر من 2 إلى 3 أيام على الأكثر. سوف المتداول يوم ذكي متجاهل تماما الرسوم البيانية الشهرية والأسبوعية ومع ذلك، هذه الأطر الزمنية أكبر هي أقل أهمية بكثير ويتم استعراضها فقط أحيانا لتحديد الصورة الكبيرة. يقوم تجار اليوم بإبداء آرائهم بناء على الرسوم البيانية اليومية (حيث يخططون للخروج من التداول قبل نهاية أيام)، ويختارون نقاط الدخول على أساس الرسوم البيانية لمدة ساعة و 30 دقيقة و 15 دقيقة وحتى 5 دقائق. يمكن للمرء أن يفكر في المتسكع باعتباره تاجر يوم قصير جدا. هؤلاء التجار عقد فقط لمدة 30 ثانية لبضع دقائق. أهداف الربح لهذه الصفقات قصيرة الأجل جدا قد يكون فقط 5-10 نقطة، ولكن إذا كان هذا يمكن أن يتحقق 10-20 في جميع أنحاء يوم التداول، و سكالبر يمكن أن تستفيد من 100-200 نقطة، وهو ما يتوقع اليوم التاجر من واحد أو اثنين من الصفقات. ولكي يتداول المتداول على هذا المستوى الفائق المدى القصير، نادرا ما ينظر إلى المخططات ذات الأطر الزمنية أعلى من ساعة، بدلا من التركيز على مخططات مدتها 15 دقيقة و 5 دقائق و 1 دقيقة وقراد. Now that we understand the various ranges of chart time frames used by traders of various investment horizons, lets consider how one trader uses multiple time frames. لغرض التوضيح بشكل جيد النظر في تاجر اليوم، ولكن نفس النهج ينطبق بالتساوي على التجار من جميع آفاق الاستثمار. وفيما يلي تطور محتمل للأطر الزمنية التي يأخذها تاجر اليوم النموذجي بعين الإعتبار عند اتخاذ قرارات التجارة: يتم التحقق مرة واحدة في الأسبوع من إنشاء صورة كبيرة للاتجاه السائد على المدى الطويل ومجالات دعم ومقاومة كبيرة جدا. درس 1 إلى 2 مرات في الأسبوع لتكبير على نفس المعلومات التي شوهدت على الرسم البياني الشهري. وسيتم رصد هذا المخطط بانتظام على مدار اليوم. سوف التاجر اليوم تكون مهتمة في السعر الحالي نسبة إلى الأيام المفتوحة، عالية ومنخفضة، والتي سوف ينظر إليها على الرسم البياني اليومي. One would also look for the prior days high and low to be broken on a daily chart. 4 ساعات وساعة واحدة الرسوم البيانية هذه المخططات على الأرجح توفر الأساس لتجار التجارة اليوم الاجهزة. ستساعد هذه المخططات المتعامل في تحديد المناطق السعرية التي يرجح أن تكون مهمة. أيضا، سوف أنماط الرسم تصبح مثيرة للاهتمام لتاجر اليوم في هذا الإطار الزمني. 30-minute and 15-minute Charts: A day trader will most likely choose precise entry and exit points based on these time frames. البارات داخل البارات يجب على المتداول دائما أن يتذكر أن الرسم البياني هو مجرد تمثيل للعمل السعر. لذلك، تم إجراء نفس الصفقات بنفس الأسعار بغض النظر عما إذا كان المتداول ينظر إلى الرسم البياني اليومي لخريطة مدتها دقيقة واحدة. لا توفر الأطر الزمنية الأصغر سوى المزيد من التفاصيل حول تحركات الأسعار صعودا وهبوطا ضمن كل إطار زمني أعلى. Consider this example: A trader sits down to the computer and sees a really long (200 pips) bar on a 4-hour chart of the EURUSD. بعد أن كان بعيدا عن الكمبيوتر لعدة ساعات، يجب على هذا التاجر تحديد ما حدث للتو. إذا نظرنا فقط إلى الرسم البياني لمدة 4 ساعات، وهذا ما نعرفه وما يمكن أن نتكهن به: الحقيقة: ارتفع السعر بمقدار 200 نقطة بين 4 ساعات و الآن. ارتفع سعر 200 نقطة في 2 دقيقة، قبل 4 ساعات تقريبا، ومنذ ذلك الحين كان في الازدحام لمدة 3 ساعات كان السعر في الازدحام لمدة 3 ساعات، ثم ارتفعت بنسبة 200 نقطة دقائق فقط قبل جلسنا السعر انتقل بشكل مطرد، في خطوة من الحكمة الأزياء، بنحو 50 نقطة لكل من 4 ساعات الماضية. السؤال الأول الذي يطرح نفسه هو هل يهم أي من الاحتمالات الثلاثة حدث فعلا بالنسبة لمعظم التجار، فإن الجواب هو نعم، ومع ذلك، قد لا يهتم المتداول على المدى الطويل لأنها مهتمة فقط في الرسوم البيانية اليومية. إذا كان الجواب: نعم أمر مهم يجب أن يتجه المتداول لأسفل إلى أطر زمنية أصغر لمشاهدة التسلسل الفعلي لعمل السعر. ويصبح الشريط المفرد لمدة 4 ساعات 4 بارات في الإطار الزمني للساعة و 8 بارات لمدة 30 دقيقة و 16 بارات على الرسم البياني لمدة 15 دقيقة. ستة عشر قضبان سوف تعطي بالتأكيد المزيد من المعلومات حول كيف حدث ارتفاع 200 نقطة مما يمكن أن ينظر إليه في شريط واحد لمدة 4 ساعات. Day Trading False Breakouts. One of the Best Day Trading Strategies. By Cory Mitchell. Day Trading Expert Cory Mitchell, CMT, is a short-term technical trader and financial writer with more than a decade of trading experience. Continue Reading Below Heres how to do that, and a strategy for capitalizing on false breakouts. علم النفس الخاص بك والاختراقات الكاذبة عند بدء التداول واحدة من الاستراتيجيات الأولى التي غالبا ما تعلم، أو تشعر بالضطرار إلى التجارة، هو استراتيجية الاختراق. Whether its a breakout from a range or another chart pattern--such as a triangle or just a small price consolidation--the idea behind a breakout strategy is to capture a big move following a pattern that is easy to spot. يمكن أن يعمل انقطاع التداول، ولكن كن مستعدا لتجربة العديد من الاختراقات الكاذبة: السعر يخرج من النمط، فقط للعودة إلى الوراء مرة أخرى في. إذا كسور كاذبة محبطة لك باستمرار، والسوق هو أقول لك شيئا. Why not trade the false breakout instead of trading the breakout If you are constantly losing money because of false breakouts, could you make some money trading alongside the traders who are taking it You can, and its a great strategy, though it requires practice, focus and quick reflexes. ليس كل الاختراقات الكاذبة هي تساوي اختراقات كاذبة تحدث بانتظام، على جميع الأطر الزمنية. ليس كل الاختراق الكاذب يستحق التداول. Continue Reading Below False breakouts are best traded in the direction of the trend. For example, the trend is up and a triangle pattern develops. The price breaks slightly below the triangle, only to quickly jump back in. Thats a trade you want to be long (buy) because the trend dictates the price is likely to move higher (See: Predict Chart Pattern Breakout Direction for Lower Risk Trades ). A false breakout to the downside adds evidence to that conclusion (if it cant go lower, it will try to go higher). False Breakout Strategy Figure 1 (click to enlarge ) shows a tick chart of the SP 500 E-minis (ES). السعر يتحرك أعلى، يسحب (أعلى منخفضة) ثم ينتقل إلى نفس النقطة كما عالية السابقة. As the price starts pulling back again an experienced traders internal dialogue is strategizing what to do before the trade even occurs: 34The trend is up, but we are in a potential range or possibly a double-top chart pattern scenario. If the price continues to decline below the prior swing low (bottom blue line) the trend is likely transitioning to the downside and we dont want to go long. ولكن، إذا توقف السعر عند أو ينتقل قليلا دون أدنى مستوى سابق، ثم يتأرجح بشكل حاد فوق الانخفاض السابق، وشراء بسرعة تعيين وقف الخسارة أقل بقليل من جديد، ومراقبة الظروف لمتى للخروج من تجارة مربحة. إذا كان السعر يتحرك بشكل حاد أعلى، معرفة ما إذا كان يكسر فوق أعلى السابقة. إذا توقفت بالقرب من الجزء العلوي من النمط، فعلی الفور الخروج. 34 والاستراتیجیة بسیطة، ولکنھا تأخذ الممارسة والتركيز علی تنفیذھا. يحدث اختراقات كاذبة بسرعة، ومحاولة رسم لك في التداول الاختراق. كن صبوراً. Strategize in your mind: What is the trend direction Thats the only direction you trade in. What would create a false breakout (in the opposite direction of the trend) If that scenario occurs, how and where will you get in Will you use a limit order or market order. and how far does the price have to move back into the pattern Where will your stop loss be Where will you get out of a profitable trade Answer all these question in your mind as the trade is potentially setting up. وبهذه الطريقة، إذا وقعت التجارة، ثم يمكنك أن تأخذ من دون تردد، وتعرف بالضبط ما يجب القيام به. يجب كتابة الإستراتيجية في خطة التداول الخاصة بك. though even when you know it well, re-iterate to yourself (answering questions above) exactly what you will do if a trade develops (see: Know These 4 Things About Every Day Trade ). الاعتبارات والكلمة النهائية مدى انتقال السعر مرة أخرى إلى النمط لكي يعتبر اختراقا كاذبا يعتمد على السوق التي يجري تداولها و 34context34 للتجارة. في يوم متقلب جدا، فإن المبلغ الذي يحتاجه السعر للتحرك مرة أخرى إلى النمط سيكون أكبر من في اليوم حيث التقلبات منخفضة جدا. أيضا تقييم سرعة وعمق الاختراق. If the price breaks a long way out of the pattern (about one quarter of the pattern size or more), and then moves back into the pattern slightly, dont trade the false breakout strategy. وينبغي أن يكون الاختراق الكاذب صغيرا نسبيا وقصيرا الأجل لأغراض التداول. أيضا، نريد أن نرى خطوة حادة مرة أخرى إلى نمط. In this case (figure 1), if the price dropped sharply, but then moved very slowly and choppily back into the pattern, that indicates the buyers arent eager avoid trading the false breakout strategy. Risk is relatively small on these trades (difference between entry and stop loss) so dont get greedy with the target. عقد التداول حتى يتراجع الزخم. This may be near the opposite side of the pattern, or you may hold for a breakout in the trending direction. الخروج إذا حدث اختراق كاذب في الاتجاه المعاكس للتجارة الخاصة بك. تعمل الاستراتيجية بشكل جيد لأنك تقوم فقط بتداول الكاذبات الكاذبة التي تصطفك مع الاتجاه السائد. لا يزال بإمكانك تداول الاختراقات العادية في اتجاه الاتجاه (والتي من المرجح أن تعمل على أي حال). تنفيذ هذه التقنية يأخذ الممارسة. انظر كيفية ممارسة فعالة يوم التداول في حساب تجريبي للحصول على أفكار حول كيفية إتقان هذه الاستراتيجية من خلال الممارسة. Sign up for Corys free weekend newsletter which includes trading articles and trade ideas. The Forex Robot World Cup has announced the 1st place winner, Drazen Ziskovic (145.60). LMD Multicurrency Forex Robot Software. See The Viedo Of The Winner Of The Forex Robot World Cup The Winner, Drazen says I am 33 years old and have a degree in economics. I became interested in trading the foreign exchange market eight years ago and Ive been trading forex live for more than six years now. I am primarily a discretionary trader and most of the time I trade with discretionary systems based on chart patterns. I do not use any indicators or standard analytical tools. In my trading I like to keep things as simple as possible because my six years of live trading showed me that this is the best approach. I became interested in automated trading at the end of 2006 when I saw the Automated Trading Championship organized by Metaqoutes. I decided to learn MQL programming and from that day since, I have written and tested many automated trading systems. Some were more successful than others in live trading. One of my successful EAs won fourth place at the Metaquotes Automated Trading Championship in 2007. In the beginning I started to create the automated trading systems based on indicators and standard analytical tools, but I learned that they dont have prospects, theyre not suitable for constantly changing market conditions. I realized that the most resilient systems are those based on chart patterns because they respond well to the constantly changing forex market, so for the last year I have been creating systems based on that approach. LMD-Multicurrency is one of those. When I first saw the Forex Robot World Cup advertisement around October, I decided to participate because the prizes are really good and I knew if I won it would help my financial situation. Now I am happy because I am among winners. The EA is an automated system based on the chart pattern recognition algorithm and it showed good results. I decided to do some improvements and modifications, make it multi-currency and send it to the Forex Robot World Cup. It has a built-in knowledge acquired through many years of live trading, creating and testing various trading systems. Another reason is its ability to use a risky money management strategy because the EA trades multiple currency pairs, so we do not have all our eggs in one basket. I think that this risk diversification is the main reason I am among winners. I would like to thank the contest organizers for making this competition possible. It was a really great contest and it is even greater for me because I am among winners. I would also like to congratulate all the winners and participants. Drazen Ziskovic. 3 Rules to draw perfect Support and Resistance levels What are the most important concepts when it comes to forecast any financial market (Forex, stocks, futures, etc) I think support and resistance levels, some traders might disagree with me, but the information we could get from these levels could actually help us trade with better results. There are three things the market could do after hitting a support or resistance level: Knowing what the market is likely to do after reaching one of these levels, we could adapt our strategy to trade based on that information. on what the market is likely to do. Therefore, we need to know how to draw support and resistance levels and be prepared to make the necessary changes to our strategy: move your stop loss levels, close your trade, add to your trade, etc. But first things first, what are these support and resistance levels: Support level. Is a level in which the market has been rejected at least twice and it is keeping the market from reaching lower levels. Resistance level. is a level in which the market has been rejected at least twice and it is keeping the market from reaching higher levels. Is it important to know why the market has been rejected from these levels No, it isnt. I dont care why the market was rejected from an important level, what is important for me is to determine what the market is likely to do on the following hoursdays (after the rejection has happened) so I can profit from it. Its not important to determine why the market moved up or down, what is important is: whether or not you profited from it, isnt it There could be many reasons of why the market has been rejected from these levels: accumulation of buy orders (at a support level) or sell orders (at a resistance level), buyers are attracted by the lower levels (support level) or sellers attracted by the higher levels (resistance level), buyers think or feel the market will go higher (support) or sellers think or feel the market will go lower, etc. But for sure, no one knows the reason behind market rejections, but again, it doesnt matter, what is important for us is to determine what we are going to do after the rejection. Plus, there is no way of knowing exactly why the market topped or bottomed at certain level. As a side note, there will always be someone telling you what caused the rejection of the market at one important level, but now you know the analyst or trader is just bluffing. 3 Simple rules to draw perfect support and resistance levels Rule No. 1. the market needs to get rejected at least twice from the level (not one, twice). Rule No. 2. the more rejections the level has, the more important it becomes Rule No. 3. most recent rejections are more important than less recent rejections A chart is worth a thousand words :) The resistance level (blue line at the top) its very important, the market has been rejected three times from the same level. If there was another resistance level near this one, with only two rejections, the one marked on blue would be more important. Now, about the support levels (both have three rejections), which one is more important Id say support level B, because it is more recent than support level A. So If I was trading this currency pair, Id take in consideration only support level B. There is one rule that I always follow. only take on consideration the support and resistance levels that the market is actually taking in consideration. Why would I act based on a level that the market is responding to Right One important thing to consider. support and resistance levels are more like zones instead of levels. So dont break your head trying to figure out where to draw your level: at close of the candlestick, at the lowest low, etc. Just draw it where it touches the most rejections. What do you think Feel free to comment, you dont have to agree with me in order to leave a comment. And dont forget to like it or tweet it if you found this article useful. Use the form below to receive one free signal every day between 6a-8a UTC. 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Simply put, corporate media simply doesnt understand the public disdain for When we took that break it was part of our rebranding strategy which I think has made us even more But as we prepare for the final showdown at King Solomon Hall this evening, the question that lingers on many a fan is whether this seasons winner Forex Market Analysis, Weekly Financial News Research FOREXs weekly rundown of upcoming events and market developments can help you make informed decisions when planning building your forex strategy. A thousand years before the birth of Christianity, more than 1,500 years before the birth of Islam, King David made Jerusalem our capital, and King Solomon built the Temple with Al Jazeera that Netanyahus strategy is fulfilling his promises A Portfolio Strategy Warren Buffett Would Approve What are the attributes of a world-class investment portfolio that even Warren Buffett would bless Buffetts 2018 letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders gives us a clue: The know-nothing investor who both diversifies and keeps his costs minimal is virtually certain to get satisfactory results. Indeed, the unsophisticated investor who is realistic about his shortcomings is likely to obtain better long-term results than the knowledgeable professional who is blind to even a single weakness. Instead of instructing people to build a portfolio of hand-picked individual stocks, Buffett like he has in previous shareholder reports recommends that people start with a plain vanilla SP 500 index fund (Nasdaq:VFINX). Although an SP 500 index fund or ETF (NYSEARCA:IVV) might be a good place for exposure to U. S. stocks, its only one component, among many others, for constructing a truly diversified portfolio. A few years ago, I gave up on dull diversification pie charts. Instead, Ive been illustrating portfolio diversification as the various beef cuts of a cow. (See below) At a very minimum, the diversified portfolio should also include other major asset classes like real estate (NYSEARCA:RWO), global treasury inflation protected securities (NYSEAARCA:GTIP), and bonds (NYSEARCA:LQD). In my latest investing video. I explain the concept of a low cost index-based portfolio consisting of core investment holdings and how the major asset classes in my cow illustration integrates with that strategy. I also analyze the role of non-core investment portfolios and what types of assets are held in them. Index-based ETFs that are low cost and diversified pass the smell test for both sophisticated and unsophisticated investors alike. And making this the foundation of your serious money investments is a portfolio strategy that even the great Warren Buffett would approve. The ETF Profit Strategy Newsletter uses technical, fundamental, and sentiment analysis along with market history and common sense to keep investors on the right side of the market. In 2018, 70 of our weekly ETF picks were gainers. Follow us on Twittter ETFguide How Forex Traders Use CCI to Trade GBPUSD - Since the July lows, GBPUSD has rallied 1671 pips in a strong uptrend. - The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) measures deviations from the moving average while showing overbought and oversold conditions - When CCI crosses up above the -100 line, a buy signal is generated Dont get thrown off by the lengthy name ldquoCommodity Channel Indexrdquo as it is not a new 24-hour cable broadcast devoted to pork bellies and soybeans though you could use it to trade either of these. مؤشر تسي هو مؤشر شعبي يستخدمه متداولو الفوركس لتحديد ظروف التشبع في البيع وشراء أكثر بكثير بنفس الطريقة التي يستخدم فيها مؤشر القوة النسبية أو مؤشر ستوكاستك. ولكن بدلا من 30 و 70 تمثل مناطق ذروة البيع والمبالغة في الشراء، يستخدم تسي -100 و 100. على الرغم من أن دونالد لامبرت خلق تسي في عام 1980 لتحديد دوران الدورية في السلع أنها فعالة جدا مع العملات. من خلال قياس السعر الحالي بالنسبة لمتوسط ​​سعر فترة محددة مثل 14، تسي منخفضة خلال أسعار الوقت أقل من المتوسط ​​وارتفاع عندما تكون الأسعار فوق المتوسط. وهذا يعطينا مناطق ذروة البيع والمنطقة ذروة الشراء. لماذا هذا المهم قد تسأل حسنا، أنها بسيطة. عندما يكون لدينا اتجاه صاعد قوي، أفضل مكان للشراء هو في نقطة السعر حيث التجار لم تعد بيع أو بيع الضغط يبدأ في الانخفاض. وهذا ما يسمى لدكوفيرزولدردكو. كيف يمكننا أن نعرف عندما يكون هناك شيء ذروة البيع هذا سؤال كبير أيضا تجار الفوركس لديهم العديد من الأدوات والأساليب المتاحة لهم لإظهار لهم عندما انخفضت الأسعار بسرعة كبيرة جدا وعندما الصيادين صفقة قد خطوة في رفع الأسعار أعلى. نمط الشمعدان، ومؤشرات التذبذب ومستويات الدعم هي الأدوات الأساسية. مع تسي، يتطلع متداولو الفوركس للشراء عندما يعبر مؤشر تسي فوق مستوى -100. على غرار الاستثمار العقاري، دون الصداع والكثير أكثر متعة، وتجار الفوركس تريد شراء منزل لدكوورس في أفضل حي في أدنى price. rdquo في تشبيهنا، وأفضل حي هو اتجاه قوي هوكوردكو لدكوورس هو دخول منطقة للتجارة لدينا. مثل المستثمر العقاري، ونحن نبحث عن قيمة حيازاتنا لزيادة مع مرور الوقت. وبما أننا قد اشترينا بسعر منخفض نسبيا، فإن مخاطرنا صغيرة مقارنة بالربح المحتمل. Unlike real estate fixer-uppers, Forex traders can forget remodeling as time and trend work to increase the value of the position Learn Forex: GBPUSD CCI Buy Signals (Created using FXCMs Marketscope 2.0 charts) The current trading setup below shows a GBPUSD daily chart uptrend from August 2018. The chart depicts four successful by signals given by CCI as it crossed down below the -100 line and turned up. سوف يقوم متداولو الفوركس بتصفية إشارات البيع المتولدة عندما ينخفض ​​مؤشر تسي فوق خط 100 حيث يتم اكتساب المزيد من النقاط عند التداول مع هذا الاتجاه من مقابله. In an uptrend, traders Forex Traders will take buy signals using CCI and use CCI sell signals to take profits. في انتظار تسي لتحويل ما فوق -100 وتبحث عن السعر لتأكيد هذه الخطوة، والتجار دخول السوق طويلة ومن ثم وضع أمر وقف وقائي حوالي 4-10 نقطة تحت أدنى مستوى البديل الأخير. خطة التداول حاليا، غبوسد قد ارتد فقط من منطقة 1.6220 و تسي ولدت إشارة شراء عندما عبور فوق خط -100. ويمكن وضع حد أدنى بقليل من هذا الترجيح لهدف 1.6671. Remember to always use stops and to only risk no more than 2 of your account equity on any trade. إذا تم ضرب المحطة، ثم نحن نبحث عن تسي التجارة آخر هو وسيلة بسيطة لتحديد بصريا الإدخالات المحتملة. --- كتبه غريغوري مكليود ترادينغ إنستروكتور أظهر هذا المقال كيفية استخدام تسي لتداول اتجاه غبوسد القوي. أريد أن أدعوكم للتسجيل في دورة تسي الحرة لتعطيك ممارسة إضافية باستخدام تسي شراء وبيع الإشارات. سجل سجل الزوار للوصول إلى هذه الدورة التي سوف تساعدك على الحصول على ما يصل الى سرعة على أساسيات سوق الفوركس. يمكنك إتقان المواد في حين كسب شهادة الانتهاء الخاص بك. سجل هنا لبدء تعلم الفوركس الآن ديليفكس يوفر الفوركس الأخبار والتحليل الفني على الاتجاهات التي تؤثر على أسواق العملات العالمية. تعلم تداول العملات الأجنبية مع حساب الممارسة الحرة والرسوم البيانية التجارية من فكسم. Standard accounts: closed substantial risk investment warning: trading high risk of. Wharf is a leading global futures treasury department. Good idea to markets, forex holiday. 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Of changes need to trading instruments in forex. forex trading hours in christmas report and recommendations of the proxy working group to the new york stock exchange Adjustments for year 2018 22 dec bernie madoff fraud market. Announces about the nasdaq stock exchange forex platform hours hours on forex. Covered Call vs Buy and Hold. Performance comparison. Some time ago, I wrote an article about a simple strategy that beats most traders. The article was about the fact that with the historical upside bias of the markets, plus the fact that 90 of traders lose money and 75 of money managers cant beat the SP500, then by simply going long shares of SPY you would be better off than the majority of traders (including the so called professionals). You would basically track the performance of the SP500. You would also receive a dividend from owning the shares and you wouldnt pay the whole spectrum of ridiculous fees that most funds impose for their under-performance (Early Redemption Fees, Deferred Sales Charges, Performance Fees, Maintenance fees etc). That simple strategy, although extremely boring and not exempt from volatile periods, would put most big funds in the industry out of work. By the end of the article I mentioned the idea of using 10 of the Fund to sell Out of the Money Calls in order to enhance the returns a little bit more, and then not only be ahead of most traders but also beat the SP500. However, I didnt have the hard evidence to support this last claim. Can a totally passive, mechanical Covered Call strategy outperform the SP500 returns over a long period of time The short answer is YES. The BXM Index. traded in the US markets, is basically a simulation of a Covered Call strategy where the investor holds an SP 500 stock index portfolio, and writes (or sells) the front month, near-term SP 500 Index (SPXSM) covered call option, on the third Friday of each month. The index was introduced in 2002 and a back-test from 1988 to 2003 reflects the following results: Obviously the strategy under performs in those years where the market rallies considerably. But it outperforms the rest of the years and overall during the entire period. Another study by Allan Associates from June 1988 to August 2006 concluded that . the compound annual return of the BXM was 11.77 compared to 11.67 for the SP 500, and BXM returns were generated with a standard deviation of 9.29, two-thirds of the 13.89 volatility of the SP 500. Meaning that the strategy outperforms a simple BuyHold of SPX and it does it with a smoother equity curve. There is a similar index in the Canadian markets (MCWX: Montreal Exchange Covered Call Writers Index ) that also simulates a permanent Covered Call strategy that holds shares of an ETF, the Standard Poors Toronto Stock Exchange 60 (TSE60), and sells a Call option that is the closest to the money (rather than the first out of the money). So, if the closest strike at options expiration is the first in the money strike, then Calls of that strike are sold. The Call is simulated to be sold the Monday right after expiration Friday (so the strategy is slightly different from the one used by the BXM American index). Once again the results show an out performance over the simple buy and hold of the ETF. From 1993 to 2003 the MCWX index shows a Compounded 181.37 return versus 107.11 for the TSE60. So, the evidence suggests, that a simple mechanical Covered Call strategy on a Benchmark index tends to outperform over the long term. The Covered Call strategy will under perform the months when the market rallies beyond the Short Call strike price. But it will reduce your losses during market sell offs and it will generate profits during sideways markets. As the table for the MCWX Index shows, some years the strategy will underperform but in the long run not only did it beat the markets benchmark but it also did it with a less volatile portfolio (smaller drawdowns). Really interesting in my opinion, because, when you think about it. why would anybody pay for a so called proffesional to manage their money I hope you enjoyed this article. For more information visit: How much capital do you need to trade for a living It is a good question, and one we probably never asked ourselves in the very early stages of our trading careers. How much capital do I need to trade for a living The answer obviously depends on many many factors. One of the most important being the cost of life in your city. Hey, after all you can survive with 100 USD a month in Cuba. الكالينجيون. You would only need to make 1200 USD in profits per year to be able to make a living off trading. Well but theres no trading from inside of Cuba so I guess it doesnt count. Anyways, lets say you need 2500 USD per month, thats an accurate assumption for me in Toronto, Canada. 2500 USD per month means 30 000 USD per year. Now, the second factor, equally important: How much growth on a yearly basis can you confidently say you can achieve on your portfolio And this is a very tricky question that leads to another question: What kind of returns are consistently achievable over the long term Because, the fact that you made 40 one year doesnt mean you can repeat it consistently. At that level you are most likely using risks levels that are not long term sustainable. So, what is a realistic yearly return Well, it is a well known and sad reality that somewhere between 90 - 95 of traders lose money. Approximately 5 out of 6 Forex traders blow up their entire account in less than 6 months. And it is also generally accepted that 70 to 75 of the so called professional money managers cant beat the SP 500. That means, if we get to beat the SP 500 every year, we are doing better than 90 of traders out there, who simply dont make a single penny. It also means we are doing better than three quarters of the money managers around the world. Looking at the data presented on this article. the SP 500 average return over the last 25 years has been 9.28. There are better and worse years, but thats the average. So, if you get to consistently achieve a 10 yearly return on your trading capital, you my friend, are a stellar trader. And taking it a step further, if you can consistently achieve 20 per year you are definitely elite. Obviously, you cant assume you are going to be elite. But still lets assume you are an excellent trader and you can achieve 1 return per month. That means 12 per year. Lets assume that you have, in fact, already done it for 3 years at least, otherwise you cant really say Hey Im going to start trading for a living tomorrow Ok, with 12 per year, and a need of 30 000 USD per year to live, the math is simple: 30000 10012 250 000. If I were an excellent trader, able to consistently achieve a 12 yearly return, I would need 250 000 USD, that is a quarter of a million, in order to trade for a living. And this reality is hard. It strikes us all at some point in our careers as traders. Oh that moment of enlightenment and discovery when we say, Wait a minute My plan of trading full time with a 10 000 dollar portfolio is totally unrealistic Yeah. cmon, weve all been there. Over time you realize that trading is a business, like any other. The majority of traders fail. Thats true but guess what The majority of wanna-be rock stars also fail the majority of wannabe Hollywood actors never get there the majority of people who wanted to be elite athletes never made it, and for every one you see competing at the Olympics, there were probably 1000 that quit along the way and couldnt make it. Find any lucrative activity, any, with a success rate higher than 10, and if you find it, please I beg you to let me know. Like somebody said, trading for a living is not about having a little money and making it big, it is about having a lot of money in order to just make a little. But hey, cheer up There is hope If you can make it (I frankly havent) life is probably going to be more enjoyable. It wont take one year, two nor three, it will probably take more than a decade of compounding effects, which is indeed very powerful. And in the meantime, while we are not able to trade for a living yet, lets just be happy and welcome any supplementary income we can get from the markets. If you enjoyed this article you will probably like the one I wrote back in March 5, 2018 about how much money you need to retire. Here it goes: How much money is enough LT Trend Sniper - A forex strategy that works The LT Trend Sniper system is a Forex strategy that I designed and automated in 2018. It went through a live forward testing phase of two years (2018 2018) and it currently trades on a real money account. و لوت تريند قناص هو نظام بسيط يعمل استنادا إلى قاعدة دخول واحدة فقط واثنين من قواعد الخروج. وهو يعتمد كليا على حركة السعر ويستخدم مؤشرات صفر بالضبط لقرارات التداول. بساطته هي ما يجعلها قوية ومن المرجح أن تحافظ على تحقيق الأرباح في المستقبل كما أنه يستغل حضورا أساسيا جدا في أي سوق حيث يتم تطوير الاتجاهات. It has succesfully been tested in pairs such as: EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, USDCHF. Although the best results by far are obtained from trading EURUSD. وكما يوحي اسمها، تحاول الاستراتيجية للقبض على الاتجاهات. الاتجاهات على المدى الطويل جدا في الواقع على الإطار الزمني اليومي. وبمجرد تحديد اتجاه ما، سيحاول النظام ركوبه لأطول فترة ممكنة، وأحيانا لمدة شهرين أو ثلاثة أشهر، من أجل تحقيق أقصى قدر من المكاسب. لم يتم تحديد أي هدف الربح من أي وقت مضى. وبدلا من ذلك، سيحاول النظام استغلال الاتجاه إلى الحد الأقصى، حتى يكون الاتجاه قريبا من نهايته قدر الإمكان. Turtle Trading System Automated. Method 2. (Forex Expert Advisor) The legendary story of the Turtle Trades. جميلة مثيرة للاهتمام ليس ذلك إذا كنت لا تعرف عن السلاحف والقصة وراءها، يمكنك أن تقرأ هنا. My question always was, are the mechanical systems that they used still valid today Are those systems still profitable Are they applicable to Forex The Turtles traded several markets with 2 systems (System 1 and System 2). ولم يكن لهذه النظم أي قاعدة تقديرية. كل شيء، من إدخالات إلى مخارج، موقف التحجيم لإدارة الأموال، كل شيء تم تأسيسها بوضوح إلى آخر التفاصيل. This document is the most comprehensive guide I have seen about the Turtle Trading Methods and I used all that information to automate System 2 in Metatrader. I automated System 2 first as it is simpler to program. My plan is to eventually do the same thing with System 1. Lets see if System 2 still works and if it is applicable to the Forex markets, in particular the EURUSD pair. The system uses the daily timeframe and the rules are surprisingly simple. These are the rules for entering Long positions: Buy when the current price is higher that any other high in the previous 55 days. وضع وقف الخسارة 2 متوسط ​​النطاقات الحقيقية بعيدا عن الإدخال (باستخدام أتر نظام مرن للتقلب الحالي. عندما تقلب أعلى سيتم تعيين وقف الخسارة أبعد بعيدا والعكس). يتم تقييم أتر المستخدمة أكثر من 20 يوما. لذلك أتر (20). لا تضع أي هدف الربح على أوامر. والهدف من ذلك هو السماح لهم تشغيل إلى أقصى حد ممكن في صالحك. Dynamically calculate position size so that if Stop Loss is hit you only lose 2 of the account. So, if you have a farther away Stop Loss, the positions size will be smaller, and viceversa. مرة واحدة داخل التجارة، إذا تحرك السعر في صالحك بنسبة نصف أتر، ثم إضافة تجارة طويلة أخرى. And you do this until you have a maximum of 4 open trades in the same direction. في كل مرة يتم إدخال التجارة، نقل ما يصل وقف الخسارة من الصفقات القائمة، لنفس السعر من وقف الخسارة المحسوبة للتجارة الجديدة دخلت للتو. قم بإنهاء جميع الصفقات عندما يكون السعر الحالي هو أدنى سعر خلال آخر 20 يوما (قد يحدث ذلك في ربح أو خسارة). Or exit when Stop Loss is hit. بالنسبة للمراكز القصيرة فإن القواعد هي نفسها ولكن العكس. You enter when the price is the lowest it has ever been in the last 55 bars and you exit when price is the highest price seen in the last 20 bars. This trading system has all the ingredients recommended by professional Forex traders: it cuts losses short, it lets winners run, it adds to winning positions. Notice in the above picture how all 4 trades were profitable. However, notice how much of the profit was lost. مع بعض التحسين أن أشرح في هذا المنصب، يمكن للنظام أن يكون أكثر ربحية بكثير والسماح أقل أجزاء من الأرباح تنزلق بعيدا. نظام بسيط جدا ولكن قوية بشكل لا يصدق. أيضا من الصعب عقليا للتجارة. الشراء عند أعلى مستوى له في 55 يوم صعب حيث أن معظم المتداولين يعتقدون أن هذه الخطوة تتم والبدء في الخوف من انعكاس. Same for shorts when you initiate a short position at the 55 day low. Entries are definitely hard to digest psychologically speaking. والخروج أكثر صعوبة. في انتظار السعر للوصول إلى أدنى نقطة من آخر 20 يوما مؤلمة في حين كنت لا محالة مشاهدة جزء من الأرباح تتبخر. ولكن هذا هو أفضل وسيلة لركوب اتجاه إلى أقصى حد ممكن دون أرباح الهدف التعسفي التي قطع الفائزين قصيرة. هذه الآلية تسمح للاستراتيجية لركوب اتجاهات الوحش مرة واحدة في حين أن الأرباح ارتفعت. I ran a mathematical expectancy analysis of the entries and verified that both Short and Long entry signals have a significant positive edge. This is good as a first step to trust the system. ثم ترميز بقية الاستراتيجية وبدأت وقتا ممتعا مع الاختبارات مرة أخرى. هيريس نتيجة الاختبار الخلفي لزوج العملات اليورو مقابل الدولار الأميركي من 1 يناير 2000 إلى 14 نوفمبر 2018 (ثقة تماما تستحق البيانات من ألباريوك الحصول عليها من خلال طلب مباشر إلى الوسيط). وكان انتشار استخدام 2 نقطة وهو أسوأ مما تقدمه معظم السماسرة اليوم. (Click on image to enlarge) One note here about the draw down. The 31.69 relative drawdown is calculated by Metatrader taking into account the biggest drop peak to valley in the equity curve considering floating profits and losses (of non closed trades) in the calculation. That is why the draw down is reported as a higher number than what it actually is. وعند النظر في الصفقات المغلقة فقط بدلا من الأرباح والخسائر غير المحققة المؤقتة، فإن الحد الأقصى للخصم النسبي هو 21.34 خلال 13 عاما تقريبا. Some more statistics: Average Annual Return: 13.19 Ulcer index: 12.06 Sharpe ratio (Compared to SP500): 0.70 Martin ratio (Compared to SP500): 0.89 This performance easily beats the returns of audited professional Forex traders reported on the Binary Option Currency Traders Index. A high Ulcer Index of 12.06 reveals what we already know: The system is hard to trade. ولكن الذي قال التداول المربح كان سهلا أيضا، يجب على تاجر السلاحف أن يكون المريض لأنه لن يتم التداول كل يوم واحد. النظام يمكن أن تبقى غير نشطة لأسابيع في انتظار انقطاع القناة دونشيان المتوقعة في أي من الاتجاهين. Some further optimizations The Turtles applied this method using the 55 20 days combination to all the markets they traded. لم يتم تحسين النظام لأدوات محددة. بل هو أكثر من عالمي، وهو نهج صالح للجميع، وهو أمر عظيم لأنه يستغل عدم كفاءة السوق أكثر عالمية التي يبدو أن تعمل عبر أدوات متعددة. It is a more fundamental occurrence and therefore you would assume it is a market inefficiency that is harder to disappear. But that doesnt mean the parameter selection can not be improved for specific markets and thats what I wanted to do for the EURUSD pair. First I ran an Optimization test to make sure that the Parameters space provides good results even though parameters were drastically changed. A coarse optimization was run only for two parameters (days for entry signal and days for exit signal). الخبر العظيم هو أن مساحة المعلمات هي صلبة جدا ومربحة في جميع المجالات (جميع الأخضر). Meaning the 55, 20 set is not the only profitable one. أي مزيج من أيام للدخول بين 40 و 80، جنبا إلى جنب مع أي مجموعة من أيام للخروج بين 4 و 20 ينتج باستمرار نتائج إيجابية. Which is great because it means that even if you are not playing with the most optimal parameters, you still have a high chance of seeing equity growth over the long run. Once I was confident the Parameters space was that wide and good, I ran a Rank Analysis for the parameters selection. والفكرة هي الحصول على المعلمات التي تسفر عن سحب القيم الأكثر استقرارا والعوائد السنوية الأكثر استقرارا. يبدو أن دخول 70 يوما مع مخرج انعكاس لمدة 8 أيام هو مجموعة المعلمات الأكثر استقرارا، والتي توفر قيم السحب الأكثر استقرارا بعد عام مع عوائد أكثر استقرارا. Heres the back test using the 70 8 combination. (انقر على الصورة للتكبير) الآن الحد الأقصى للسحب وفقا ل MT4 (الذي قلت، يعتبر العائمة الأرباح والخسائر غير المحققة) هو 25.20. But in reality it is only 15.66 considering the equity curve based on closed trades. Average Annual Return: 18.33 Maximum Drow-Down: 15.67 in 13 years Ulcer index: 8.98 Sharpe ratio (Compared to SP500): 0.74 Martin ratio (Compared to SP500): 1.77 This is, in my opinion, a far superior version. The essence of the system hasnt been changed. نحن ببساطة جاء مع المعلمات التي تقدم باستمرار نتائج متفوقة والتي من المرجح أن تكون مربحة المضي قدما بغض النظر عن الطفرات في السوق. إذا كنت تعتقد أن هذا النظام التجاري يمكن أن يكون إضافة جيدة إلى ترسانة التداول الخاصة بك، والنظر في شراء مستشار الخبراء فقط 67. أقل بكثير مما هو عادة اتهم للمنظمات غير الربحية غير المربحة، ومنحنى المجهزة المجهزة هناك التي لا يمكن البقاء على قيد الحياة شهر من التداول المباشر. كجزء من عملية الشراء تحصل على دليل التثبيت والتكوين، بالإضافة إلى بلدي الدعم الشخصي إعداد كل شيء إذا لزم الأمر. Turtles Trading System 2 Expert Advisor 67 Beyond any doubt, the Turtles Trading System 2 has a positive edge. انها مربحة وقابلة للتطبيق على أسواق الفوركس (يمكنك اختباره على أزواج العملات الأخرى كذلك). على الرغم من مربحة، وهذه الطريقة من الصعب نفسيا للتجارة. The hardest part is letting profits run indefinitely without a predefined profit target. هذا العامل يفسر لماذا بعض السلاحف لم تكن مربحة على الرغم من حقيقة أنهم كانوا جميعا يدرسون نفس النظام. السماح الأرباح الخاصة بك تشغيل، كما في الأصل سيتد هو ما يفصل في نهاية المطاف المتداولين الفوركس كبيرة من تلك الهواة. شكرا على اهتمامك. آمل أن تتمتع هذه المادة، وآمل أيضا أنه إذا قمت بإجراء السلاحف نظام التداول إي جزء من ترسانة التداول الخاص بك، يمكنك الاستفادة منه. عن أي استفسارات والدعم من أي نوع لا تتردد في الاتصال بي في لازيترادرمايل. As a proof that Long term Profitable automated trading is possible, the Turtles Trading system continues to deliver good results after this document was written. During live trading in 2018 the system delivered a solid 42 return. Read the article Profitable Forex Strategies - a follow up for more details. Saturday, January 12, 2018 Options strategies for low implied volatility environments My little experience selling Credit Spreads is that the worst possible market environment for option sellers is a market that slowly and almost stubbornly trades higher and higher. Ive said that before. The Indexes go up little by little almost painfully and the volatility, the VIX and with it Options premium in general go down. In this low VIX environment Credit Spread sellers find that in order to obtain the same credit they use to, they now need to sell strike prices that are closer to current market price. And by doing that, they (and me) expose themselves to higher risk. If the market threatens their short strike Calls then they try to adjust, and realize the price for the adjustment is not good either, and you can barely go too far out with your new options as the premium is much lower when the VIX keeps falling. We faced this scenario during the first 4 months of 2018. And boy oh boy, was it painful to trade. It sucked. It was not fun at all. And since then Ive been thinking that perhaps selling credit spreads all the time doesnt make much sense, even though you master the technique, there are some market environments where the premium is just not there, being right now one of them. With the VIX this low it is a good idea to look at Long Vega trades. Where your positions benefit from an increase in Volatility. (Click on image to enlarge) This is the VIX as of Friday, January 11, 2018 at market close. Assuming that it will revert to a higher mean at some point, then we could benefit from some strategies like the ones mentioned below: Ill use the RUT index as an example. Generally speaking, a VIX that goes higher comes in tandem with a market that goes down. RiskReward, Profit Factor and Profitability of Trading Strategies It is amazing how many traders, specially newbie traders, emphasize how this or that system wins 80 or 90 of the time, as if that is the only thing that matters. When in fact, only the combination of the success rate plus the riskreward ratio of the trades should be analyzed as a whole. Lets say for example you are a currencies trader who has a mechanical system that wins 90 of the trades in back test. Thats 9 winners out of 10 trades. Now, if that one loser is big enough, it can wipe out all the profits of the previous 9 winners, resulting in a flat account balance. Thats the typical behavior found in scalpers. If the risk reward in your system is 9:1, that is your risk is typically 9 times bigger than your target profit, then winning 90 of your trades means you dont make any money after all. Thus, it is really important to talk about riskreward when you mention winners percentage, otherwise talking about success rate is meaningless. Other traders will favor the favorable risk rewards, where your risk is smaller than your potential reward. Usually 1:2 or 1:3 is desired. Then they become so obsessed about this, that they will look at your system and will invariably say, well your typical riskreward is only 1:0.8 (That is your winners are on average 80 the size of your losers, so losing trades are bigger), so thats not a good system, immediately jumping to conclusions. However, your 1:0.8 risk reward system might win 75 of the time, which would make it a very valid and profitable system regardless of the criticized non-favorable riskreward. Now a little exercise to compare systems. How can I determine if a system of a 9:1 risk reward ratio that wins 92 of the time is more profitable than a system with a 1:2 risk reward ratio that wins 50 of the time This calculation is what is known as Profit Factor. which tries to determine how many dollars you make per every dollar you lose. How to calculate the Profit Factor Simple: System number 1: Wins 92 of the time. That is 92 trades out of 100. Risk Reward ratio is 9:1 meaning if the typical winners is 1 the typical loser will be 9. Now, you do the math, 92 winning trades of 1, thats 92 in positive territory. Versus 8 losing trades of 9 dollars, thats 72 lost. Finally you divide 9272 and thats a Profit factor of 1.28. Meaning, you make 1.28 for every dollar you lose. System number 2: Wins 50 of the time. That is 50 trades out of 100. Risk Reward ratio is 1:2 meaning if the typical winners is 2 the typical loser will be 1. Now, you do the math, 50 winning trades of 2, thats 100 in positive territory. Versus 50 losing trades of 1 dollar, thats 50 lost. Finally you divide 10050 and thats a Profit factor of 2.00. Your strategy makes 2 for every dollar it loses. A profit factor lower than 1 means the system is not good, a. k. a it loses money. A profit factor of 1 means your system has no particular edge: it loses the same amount of dollars it wins. I would say a profit factor north of 1.25 is probably a good number that implies (over long periods of time, and statistically enough data) a possible real edge. System number two has a higher profit factor. It makes more money for every dollar it loses. Now, this by itself doesnt mean that system number 2 is better. We havent considered the opportunities factor. How frequently does system number 2 trade So, although the profit factor of this system is much higher then that of the first one, maybe it only trades once every month, while the first one trades 15 times every month. In that case you might want to consider System number one, because although it has a smaller profit factor, the opportunities are much more frequent and it can give you more money in absolute numbers in the end. At the same time, there is the Draw-down to consider. What is the worst period of losses of your system How much money in percentage terms did it lose over any period of time How long was the system involved in a draw-down during its worst period All those factors need to be considered when choosing your system, as your psychological profile will determine which one makes you feel more comfortable. In the end, it is important to know that the percentage of winners alone is not what determines a systems profitability. Only the combination of percentage of winners plus typical riskreward ratio of the trades can give you a real picture on how profitable a system is. Also, always be aware that in order to choose your system theres much more to evaluate than just the risk reward ratio or the success rate. Go to the bottom of this page in order to see the Legal Stuff Tuesday, February 14, 2018 Profitting from Delta Neutral trading How to trade delta neutral and still profit from it At first I didnt even know what the hell Delta meant, let alone did I question how to make a profit Delta neutral trading. Anyways, according to Investopedia : Definition of Delta The ratio comparing the change in the price of the underlying asset to the corresponding change in the price of a derivative. Sometimes referred to as the hedge ratio. فهمتك. Sure you did. If you didnt, things are simpler in my world. If you trade options, the Delta of the option means how much money the option wins or losses per every point of movement in the stock. For example lets say you are considering to buy an IBM February 190 Call. (Click on image to enlarge) You could buy that Call option for 234 or less. With a Delta of 0.42, if IBM moves one point in your favor (that is upwards) The Call should increase 42 in value. If IBM loses one point the Call should lose 42 in value. Once the move occurs the Delta of the Option changes. It will increase if the movement of the stock was in your favor or it will decrease if the movement was against you. A Put on the other hand will give you negative deltas, that is, you make money if the stock goes down. When options are at the money or close to it, they have a delta of around 0.50 (50 deltas for Calls and -50 deltas for Puts). Now, unlike options, when buying stock your Delta is 1 per share. So for example 100 shares of IBM will mean you are positive 100 deltas. If IBM moves up 1 you make 100, if IBM loses 1 you lose 100. Unlike options, the deltas of your stock position dont change, as long as you own 100 shares you will be 100 delta positive. Using Delta Neutral trading to extract profits form the markets The objective of Delta Neutral trading is to remove price risk, also known as directional risk and be profitable regardless of stock movement as long as it moves somewhere and doesnt stay in the same place. The Delta neutral technique is achieved by combining options and shares so that your overall delta is as close to zero as possible. Lets say company XYZ is trading at 100. You buy 100 shares of company XYZ. That is 100 Deltas. You need -100 Deltas to offset the 100 risk. By buying 2 at the money PUTs (remember the at the money options have around 50 deltas) you should be close to -100 deltas which offsets the initial 100 Deltas. Lets say the at the money Puts are worth 5.00 Buy 100 shares XYZ at 100 (100 delta) Buy 2 At the money PUTs at 5.00 (-100 delta) You invested 10,000 in the stock and 1,000 in the Puts. Total investment 11,000. What happens now is that if the stock moves up by one point, you are making 100 with your shares, but you lose 50 with each Put (because of their -50 deltas), so 100 lost in total for the Puts. However, the delta of your Puts decrease as the stock moves against them. After the movement, the Puts are not out of the money anymore and therefore their delta is not 50 anymore. Lets assume delta is now negative 40 per Put. If the stock moves up another point you make 100 again in your shares position but this time you lose only 80 on your Puts (40 loss on each Put per the -40 deltas). Now you already have a small profit overall as you gained more in the stock than what you loss with your Put options. If the stock keeps moving up you make 100 on your shares position for each point of move and you lose less and less on your Put options, resulting in greater profits. You keep making the same money on your shares moving up, while your Puts lose less money than what you are making on your shares. Back to out XYZ example: Lets say XYZ moves from 100 to 105. Your Puts are now five points Out of the Money and instead of 5.00 they are now worth 3.00 (time value left) and have a Delta of 0.35. That means you have 600 in your Puts with -70 Deltas. You also have 10,500 of value in your shares, with still 100 Deltas. Overall you went from a delta neutral position to positive 30 deltas. 100 shares of XYZ at 105 10,500 (100 Deltas) 2 Puts Strike 100 at 3.00 600 (-70 Deltas) Combining both components of the position you now have 11,100 and 30 Deltas. There is a 100 profit on the initial amount of 11,000 invested. You can close the whole position now and go home with 100 or you can re-balance your deltas and get back to neutral. Having 30 deltas, you can reduce that excess by selling 30 shares (-30 deltas). You can also buy a new Put with 0.30 negative deltas. Lets say we decided to use the first approach and we sell 30 shares. 30 shares sold at 105 still own 70 shares at 105 (70 deltas) still own 2 Puts at 3.00 and 0.35 negative deltas (-70 deltas) If XYZ keeps moving up you make more money. Lets say XYZ moves up now from 105 to 110, you make 5 on 70 shares. That is a 350 gain, however you lose less than 350 on the Puts as your negative 70 deltas only affect the Puts at the very beginning of the stock movement, and it starts to go down after that. Lets say you lose 250 on your puts, thats another 100 in profit overall. Then again, you re-balance it all back to delta neutral or close the whole thing. Lets analyze the case when the stock starts to move down. What happens now is that if the stock moves down by one point, you are losing 100 with your shares, but you gain 50 with each Put, so 100 won in the Puts. However, the deltas of your Puts increase as the stock moves in their favor. So instead of 50 negative deltas per Put, lets assume it is now 60 negative Deltas per Put. If the stock moves down another point you lose 100 again in your shares position but this time you make 120 on your Puts (60 profit on each Put per the -60 delta). If the stock keeps moving down you keep losing 100 on your shares position for each point of move and you win more than 100 over and over again as your Puts deltas combined is greater that 100. And this results in an overall profit. You keep losing the same money on your shares moving down, while your Puts make more money than what you are losing on your shares. Buy 100 shares XYZ at 100 (100 delta) Buy 2 At the money PUTs at 5.00 (-100 delta) You invested 10,000 in the stock and 1,000 in the Puts. Total investment 11,000. XYZ moves from 100 to 95. Your Puts are now five points In the Money and instead of 5.00 they are worth 11.00 and have a Delta of 0.65. That means you have 9,500 invested in your shares, with 100 Deltas and 2,200 in your Puts with -130 Deltas. 100 shares of XYZ at 95 9,500 (100 Deltas, 1 delta per share) 2 Puts Strike 100 at 11.00 2,200 (-130 Deltas) Overall you now have 11,700 and -30 Deltas. You have made 700 in profit. You can close the whole position now and go home with 700 or you can re-balance your deltas and get back to neutral. Having -30 deltas, you can remove that by buying 30 more shares this time at 95. Or you can get rid of one of the Puts and sell shares at the same time like this: Sell 1 Put at 1,100 and 35 shares at 95. still own 65 shares at 95 (65 deltas, 1 delta per share) still own 1 Put at 11.00 (-65 deltas) That way you can lock in profits little by little and go back to Delta neutral every time your overall deltas are far from zero. Note: Although I have exemplified the technique with the Purchase of stocks and Puts. it can also be done shorting stocks and buying Calls. The principle is the same: re-balance to delta neutral from time to time and lock in profits in the process. Until now, it all sounds too good to be true and it is. This strategy has its weak points: 1- If the stock doesnt move, the options will lose value due to time decay while you gain nothing on your shares, resulting in overall loss. 2- In practice the price of options is not so predictable as Delta is not the only factor that affects it. You also have implied volatility which is a major concern, plus time decay (known as Theta) mentioned above. 3- In case you become a master at Delta Neutral trading, while it is true that the risk of huge losses is minimum, the returns on the overall investment are also small. So, for the average retail trader with a 10 thousand dollar account, it is not worth the time. Go to the bottom of this page in order to see the Legal Stuff Brokers with high leverage and low minimum deposits Ive been on the forum here for awhile, and I gotta say its the best forum out there I have tried to offer my advice and services whenever possible because I think its all about giving back to the community. Now, I need some help from all of you I need a broker that will have high leverage and a low minimum deposit. Im going to try a new trading strategy that will increase my risk but be a very controlled risk. Im currently using Oanda, and they are decent but do not offer high leverage. Im looking for 500:1 leverage. Any advice would be very appreciated Create your own analysis tools and trading strategies Exclusive to TradeStation, EasyLanguage is a traders programming language that allows you to create and modify indicators and trading strategies in TradeStation. EasyLanguage is the driving technology behind all of the analysis tools built into TradeStation. With EasyLanguage you can also build and customize your own unique analysis tools based on your ideas and tailored to the way you trade. No offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities, securities derivative, futures products or off-exchange foreign currency (forex) transactions of any kind, or any type of trading or investment advice, recommendation or strategy, is made, given or in any manner endorsed by any TradeStation affiliate and the information made available on this Website is not an offer or solicitation of any kind in any jurisdiction where any TradeStation affiliate is not authorized to do business, including but not limited to Japan. إن الأداء السابق، سواء كان فعليا أو مبينا بالاختبارات التاريخية للاستراتيجيات، ليس ضمانا للأداء أو النجاح في المستقبل. هناك احتمال بأنك قد تتحمل خسارة تساوي أو تزيد عن الاستثمار بكامله بغض النظر عن فئة الأصول التي تتاجر بها (الأسهم أو الخيارات الآجلة أو النقد الأجنبي) وبالتالي، يجب ألا تستثمر أو تخاطر بالمال الذي لا تستطيع تحمله. Options trading is not suitable for all investors. Your account application to trade options will be considered and approved or disapproved based on all relevant factors, including your trading experience. Please click here to view the document titled Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. Before trading any asset class, customers must read the relevant risk disclosure statements on our Other Information page. System access and trade placement and execution may be delayed or fail due to market volatility and volume, quote delays, system and software errors, Internet traffic, outages and other factors. TradeStation Group, Inc. Affiliates: All proprietary technology in TradeStation is owned by TradeStation Technologies, Inc. Equities, equities options, and commodity futures products and services are offered by TradeStation Securities, Inc. (Member NYSE. FINRA. NFA and SIPC ). 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By August, the price of gold increases by 2 to 352 per ounce and Joe decides to sell. وتسمى استراتيجية مشتركة أخرى تستخدم من قبل التجار الآجلة ينتشر. Gold trading strategies futures: Gold futures are standardized, exchange-traded contracts in which the contract buyer agrees to take delivery, from the seller, a specific quantity of gold eg. If you are a hedger or a speculator, gold and silver futures contracts offer a world of. Because they trade at centralized exchanges, trading futures contracts offers. some risk management strategies using options to protect your oil positions. Mar 23, 2018. Day Trading Spot Gold Futures is a touchy subject among traders. You either hate it and think it cannot be day traded for consistent gains or. statistical physics stock market: Lets illustrate this precious metals trading strategy with an example. A gold futures contract consists of 100 ounces. Now, the margin requirements can vary from. AlgoTrades futures trading system and automated futures trading strategies are for investing in futures. Proven futures investment - futures trading systems. Share this forex article: Exit and Entry Points in Forex currency trading Currency trading does carry a lot of risk. Most dealers lose cash everyday and this occurs simply because they make poor choices, are unfortunate or dont have the required expertise and teaching necessary to be productive in Foreign currency trading. أفضل شيء هو أن نلاحظ المزيد من الناس يتداولون كل يوم، والتفكير في تحقيق مكاسب هائلة. لسوء الحظ التعامل مع الفوركس صعبة. عليك أن تعرف على وجه التحديد حيث لشراء وأيضا عند التوقف عن شراء. Were talking about entry and exit points, which are essential factors in forex dealing. كنت قادرا على رؤيتها باستخدام نقاط المحورية. Dealers use Pivot Points to be able to detect when they ought to enter a deal and when theyve got to leave the trend so they can get the largest profit. في أي وسيلة سهلة لتحديد النقاط وكنت لا تتطلب الكثير من الممارسة. Using Fibonacci levels we can create pivot levels. See video: With the use of Pivot points to recognize Exit and Entry in forex deals It is possible to calculate pivot levels by using different indications like RSI, CCI or MACD. كل واحد من هذه المؤشرات متوفرة على شبكة الإنترنت مجانا. Theyre going to work by studying market trends that were discovered in the slot and examining the support resistance levels that currencies have. وغالبا ما يتم تحديد نقاط محورية الفوركس باستخدام مستويات مقاومة الدعم. Were basically talking about where currencies are likely to rise in value. يتم وضع العلامات على المناطق التي يكون فيها الطلب من العملاء أكثر من العرض المتاح. When the resistance levels are damaged well observe a raise in the currencys bidask price. لذلك كنت قادرا على استخدام نقطة محورية كوسيلة لاستباق الصفقات خروج جيدة ونقاط الدخول. يجب عليك أيضا أن تنظر في استخدام وقف الخسارة. ونحن قادرون على تحديد ذلك كقيمة التي يتم تعيينها تحت السعر الذي اشترى لأول مرة أي عملة، ثم عندما ينخفض ​​السوق يتم بيع الأصول تلقائيا عند الوصول إلى نقطة الحد من وقف الخسارة. Every single dealer will evaluate exactly how much risk theyre willing to use and set the value of stop-loss limits. Forex Entry Points When we have an uptrend market and the costs exceed pivot points we have to enter the currency trading market by using long position, which is combined with a stop-loss limit thats set under the established pivot level. عندما نلاحظ اتجاه هبوطي نحن بحاجة لدخول السوق مع مراكز قصيرة ووضع نقاط وقف الخسارة أعلى من مستويات المحورية. 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No offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities, securities derivative, futures products or off-exchange foreign currency (forex) transactions of any kind, or any type of trading or investment advice, recommendation or strategy, is made, given or in any manner endorsed by any TradeStation affiliate and the information made available on this Website is not an offer or solicitation of any kind in any jurisdiction where any TradeStation affiliate is not authorized to do business, including but not limited to Japan. إن الأداء السابق، سواء كان فعليا أو مبينا بالاختبارات التاريخية للاستراتيجيات، ليس ضمانا للأداء أو النجاح في المستقبل. هناك احتمال بأنك قد تتحمل خسارة تساوي أو تزيد عن الاستثمار بكامله بغض النظر عن فئة الأصول التي تتاجر بها (الأسهم أو الخيارات الآجلة أو النقد الأجنبي) وبالتالي، يجب ألا تستثمر أو تخاطر بالمال الذي لا تستطيع تحمله. Options trading is not suitable for all investors. Your account application to trade options will be considered and approved or disapproved based on all relevant factors, including your trading experience. Please click here to view the document titled Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. Before trading any asset class, customers must read the relevant risk disclosure statements on our Other Information page. System access and trade placement and execution may be delayed or fail due to market volatility and volume, quote delays, system and software errors, Internet traffic, outages and other factors. TradeStation Group, Inc. Affiliates: All proprietary technology in TradeStation is owned by TradeStation Technologies, Inc. Equities, equities options, and commodity futures products and services are offered by TradeStation Securities, Inc. (Member NYSE. FINRA. NFA and SIPC ). TradeStation Securities, Inc. s SIPC coverage is available only for equities and equities options accounts. Forex products and services are offered by the TradeStation Forex divisions of IBFX, Inc. (Member NFA) and IBFX Australia Pty Ltd, ABN 84 142 210 179, holder of AFSL 363972. copy 2001-2018 TradeStation Group, Inc. PLEASE READ THE IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES BELOW This website is targeted primarily at Hong Kong residents. هذا الموقع والمعلومات الواردة في هذه الوثيقة ليست موجهة أو معدلة للتوزيع والنشر أو التداول أو النشر أو استخدام (استخدام جماعي) من قبل أي شخص أو كيان مقيم أو مقره في اليابان، أو أي ولاية قضائية يكون فيها هذا الاستخدام مخالفا إلى أي قوانين أو لوائح معمول بها في الولاية القضائية ذات الصلة أو مقيدة دون الحصول على التراخيص أو التراخيص اللازمة من قبل إتريد أو الشركات التابعة لها. من خلال الوصول إلى هذا الموقع، فإنك تقر وتضمن أن القوانين واللوائح المعمول بها في ولايتك القضائية تسمح لك بالوصول إلى المعلومات. إذا كنت في شك، يجب عليك استشارة المستشار القانوني الخاص بك. هذا الموقع مخصص لأغراض المعلومات فقط ولا يشكل عرضا أو دعوة لبيع أو طلب أي منتجات أو خدمات. لا تقدم إتريد والشركات التابعة لها أي نصيحة أو توصية لأي شخص أو فئة من الأشخاص. You should make your own risk assessment and seek professional advice, where necessary. وقد يرتفع سعر الاستثمارات أو ينخفض. إن احتمال تكبد خسائر استثمارية يحتمل أن يكون احتمال تحقيق الربح. لا تتحمل إتريد والشركات التابعة لها أية مسؤولية أيا كانت عن أي خسائر مباشرة أو تبعية تنشأ عن أو فيما يتعلق باستخدام هذا الموقع أو محتواه. إتراد للأوراق المالية (هونج كونج) المحدودة (إتراد هك) مرخصة من قبل لجنة الأوراق المالية والعقود الآجلة في هونغ كونغ (رقم سي ACT764) ولها مكان عملها الرئيسي في مكتب 802، برج لت، 31 كوينز الطريق الوسطى، هونغ كونغ. إتراد هك و إتراد للأوراق المالية ذ م م هي شركات تابعة غير مباشرة مملوكة بالكامل لشركة إتيريد فينانكال كورب. وهي مدرجة في بورصة ناسداك تحت الرمز إتفك. في حين أن كل الرعاية قد اتخذت في إعداد المعلومات والمواد الواردة في هذا الموقع، يتم توفير هذه المعلومات والمواد لك كما هو ودون أي ضمان من أي نوع، سواء صريحة أو ضمنية. قد تختلف استجابة النظام وأوقات الوصول إلى الحساب بسبب مجموعة متنوعة من العوامل، بما في ذلك أحجام التداول وظروف السوق ونسخة أداء النظام شركة إتريد المالية جميع الحقوق محفوظة. ETRADE is a registered trademark and the ETRADE logo is a trademark of ETRADE FINANCIAL Corp. ForexYard enables you to trade with amounts as small as 100 Starting to trade with such small amounts is the best way to get acquainted with the Forex marketplace. After familiarizing yourself with the ForexYard system and establishing a trading strategy, you may increase the level and scope of your activity, as you see fit. There is NO MAXIMUM trade volume on the ForexYard Super-Mini Account. Although the standard trade size is 1,000 units, you are not limited to trading just one lot For instance, you can trade 10,000 units, 50,000 units or 150,000 units. This means as you become more seasoned and build up confidence, you can slowly increase the size of your positions to maximize profits. In fact, the trade size of 10,000 units allows for more flexibility in terms of customizing the size of your trade enabling better risk management. ForexYard recommends that all traders with account balances less than 1,000 trade using a Super-Mini Account. This gives you more staying power in the market and the ability to take advantage of multiple opportunities without over-leveraging your account. If you over-leverage your account, you will not give yourself enough room for error. Even if you are correct on the direction of the market, minor fluctuations can generate a margin call and liquidate a good position. Of course, Forex traders are more than welcome to begin with a Standard Account. The minimum funds required to deposit in order to open a Standard Account are 1,000, and will allow traders certain benefits like commodities trading. Turtle trader Michael Carr. Trader Richard Dennis famously said they could train traders as fast as they raise turtles in Singapore. The Eddie Murphy comedy ldquoTrading Placesrdquo celebrates its 30th anniversary this summer. The box office hit explored whether a person who has no formal training can make millions in the markets. The two main characters, Mortimer and Randolph had two counterparts in Chicago traders William Eckhardt and Richard Dennis. Dennis reportedly made his first million by the age of 25. A few months after the movie hit theaters, Eckhardt and Dennis put an ad in the newspaper looking for new talent. ldquoThe ad looked like the New York Yankees looking for a starting shortstop, rdquo Michael Cavallo said. He was already in commodities, for the beverage department at General Cinema. But the idea of working with Dennis was on a whole other level. The ad read something like this: a group of applicants would be trained in Dennis proprietary concepts, trade only for him and get a percentage of the profits. Chicagoan Jim DiMaria was among those picked. DiMaria says he got an 18,000 draw. ldquoThat was enough to pay my grocery bills and I knew that was going to be secure, rdquo DiMaria said. The name turtle came from Dennis, who thought he could train traders as fast turtles were raised in farms. Michael Covel is the author of The Complete Turtle Trader. He says Dennis and Eckhardt believed the markets were a reflection of people and their decision-making or their human behavior. ldquoIf a market was moving up, you want to be following that trend, if its going down, you want to be following that trend and the idea being if the market is moving down, youre shorting the market to make money if the market drops, rdquo Covel explained. Dennis and Eckhardt took around 20 people: about half with no business background. Michael Carr is a Wisconsin native who worked for the company that created Dungeons and Dragons. Carr and the other Turtles had three and a half to four years to make money after two weeks of training. He says part of the recruiting process included answering personality questions like ldquohow important is money to you and why and lsquowould you rather be good or luckyrdquo Carr, Cavallo and DiMaria wont say how lucky they were. But they didnt lose money. But not all of the Turtles made money. Several were dropped early in the program. Richard Dennis and William Eckhardt declined to be interviewed for the story. DiMaria would describe the experiment as a success. ldquoIf this were in fact the dollar bet (like the one made in Trading Places), which is the theory, (then, yes) can trading be taught. but maybe not to just anyone, rdquo DiMaria said. Michael Covel says the lessons learned from the Turtle Traders continue today. ldquoI think theyre seen as visionaries and very successful traders, rdquo Covel said. Today, Cavallo is in Massachusetts and works for the Clinton Foundation. Carr is a freelance writer in Wisconsin. DiMaria is still trading with his own firm. Yolanda Perdomo is a host and producer at WBEZ. Follower her yolandanews . Sophia Todorova is the host of the live trading room for the London session. She has a background in teaching and psychology, and as such relishes the idea of assisting new traders on their journey to Forex trading success. Technical Analysis is her passion. The charts speak, and she listens. The most profitable Forex trading strategy that I have at my disposal works like a charm on any account size. Regardless of whether you are a scalper, or a swing trader, you will be able to benefit from it. This strategy is called Stand Aside. This trading strategy works best inmessy, non-directional markets. Without meaning to sound flippant, I can say without a doubt, that it is the most absolute, surefire way to guarantee against losing money while trading. On a day like today, I tend to apply this strategy a lot, and I consider it an essential trading survival skill. I have learnt the hard way that trying to force a trade when there are no solid trade setups is very risky, and is the quickest way to lose an account. The charts appear to be filled with mixed signals at the moment. This is a great time to catch up on some reading you have been meaning to get done, or just about anything else, except trading. Still, if you have that itch, and you must trade, try doing it on a practice account instead of a live one. If you happen to find a good setup please trade in appropriate position sizes during this light liquidity period. The markets offer plenty of trade opportunities most of the time, so it really is pointless trying to force-trade when the markets are resting. A good trader knows when to stand aside. Have a great weekend, everyone, and thank you for reading these articles. Ill see you all next week. In the meantime try to relax and do something fun Trade Strategies of Professional Traders Whats working in trading now Whats the difference between trading strategies of professional traders and those of amateur traders Youll find out (no charge) when you get a free subscription to my Professional Trading Strategies video series: Trade Strategies of the Pros Each video is a quick 5-minute tutorial demonstrating one professional trading strategy that most amateur traders are completely unaware of. Here are some of the topics of these quick videos: How to determine the trend with confidence (no more having the market turn against you right after you take your trade). How to know if the market is going to reverse its trend, or simply make a brief retrace and then continue in the direction of the trend. How the pros run stops (learn how to avoid getting your stops run, and even follow the pros in their stop running if you want to). How to determine professional smart money volume from amateur volume (and yes you can use volume in your Forex trading). How to time your entries for optimal profits and to avoid getting stopped out. You probably already know that trading is very risky and most people dont make money. While thats true, and no one can guarantee your success, Im happy to share with you my trading knowledge and whats working for me. TO RECEIVE YOUR FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO THE TRADE STRATEGIES OF THE PROS VIDEOS. simply fill out the short, easy form on the right. Youll instantly receive an email with the link to your first video lesson TODAY P. S. As a bonus Ill provide you with the rules for my favorite trade setup: The Rubber Band Trade. Forex Trading UK 888 markets offer a premium Forex trading platform. As an investor with 888 markets you can trade with confidence and assurance from a Malta regulated firm. 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Rapidly growing segment of him. In the wake of option trading academy uk, uk based on indeed. Of loss in londons knightsbridge for any new york Im Currently In Buenos Aires, Argentina If youve ever found it difficult to stick to an intensive training plan for a race, dont worry, youre not alone. For nearly all runners who have jobs to go to and families to take care of 8212 which of course means nearly all runners 8212 it can be next to impossible to adhere to a training plan that requires you to run multiple days each week, many weeks and months in a row. For Experienced Runners Its important to note that the training plan outlined above is not designed with beginning runners in mind 8212 this is for runners whove already run a half marathon or several in the past, and who are already running consistently each week so theyve built up their leg, lower body and cardiovascular strength to handle the number of miles theyll be running throughout the training. If you are looking to run your first half marathon, please consider our 12-week training plan for beginning runners. which provides a more intensive training regimen. More Gradual Buildup to Race Day Note also that this training program is spread out over 16 weeks rather than 12 weeks, to give your muscles more time to get ready. Because youll be running fewer days each week with this training plan, we recommend giving yourself more time to get ready for the race, to allow both your body and your mind to prepare for running 13.1 miles. Consider cross-training on the days you dont run 8212 anything from strength training to walking a few miles, which will provide the cardiovascular benefits without the pounding impact that running can cause. Time Your Long Runs With Your Race The schedule above places the weekly long run on Saturday, followed by a usually much shorter quick run on Sunday. Feel free to swap these if the race youve signed up for falls on a Sunday Ive always found that its best to do your long runs on the day youll actually be running your race, to allow your body to get used to the rhythm of the short runlong run each week. (Also feel free to move around the mid-week runs as your schedule demands 8212 just make sure you get in two runs of 30 to 60 minutes each in the middle of the week before your long run each weekend.) As Always, Consult the Experts Remember that there are a number of ways to structure a half marathon training plan. Running coaches Hal Higdon and Jeff Galloway. who is well-known for his Run-Walk-Run approach to training, offer a number of training plans on their own websites that are excellent guides to getting ready for any race. If youre new here, you may want to subscribe to receive daily updates. Thanks for visiting The dollar experienced a mixed week, in which its gains were focused against commodity currencies. The focus is on the US with a full buildup to the Non-Farm Payrolls, but also rate decisions stand out. These are forex market movers for this week. Check out these events on our weekly outlook US jobless claims plunged 43,000 to a 15 year low indicating the labor market strides in the right direction. Economists expected claims to tick down to 301,000. Earlier that week, the Fed held its monthly monetary policy meeting. repeated the patience wording regarding a possible rate hike. However the policy makers were more concerned about international developments and their possible effect on US future growth. The Fed also stated that the labor market has improved further and household spending rose moderately, boosted by low energy prices. Will the US economy continue to improve Lets start, Feb 6, 15:20: Slouching Tiger, Southern Dragon. Well, that was anticlimactic Much-awaited jobs reports in Canada and the United States both managed to hit expectations this morning. Feb 6, 14:32: Non-Farm Payrolls 257K, best jump in wages in 6 years USD shoots higher. A great jobs report: 257K, revisions add a huge 147K. Average hourly earnings rise 0.5, much better than expected. Year. Feb 6, 10:01: NFP Preview, Aussie Analysis, Greek Grindings and Oil Optimism Market Movers 36. The NFP is eyed with worries after recent US data. And what about wages The RBA cut rates: a one. Feb 6, 9:40: Markets await US nonfarm payroll release. We can forget about Greece for one day at least as we focus on todays nonfarm payroll in the US. Feb 6, 9:30: Staying Short EURUSD Targeting 1.08 Rebuilding Long USD Exposure BNPP. The recent recovery of the euro does not convince the team at BNP Paribas: They explain why there is a. Feb 5, 14:52: EURUSD: Trading the US Non-Farm Payrolls. US Nonfarm Employment Change measures the change in the number of newly employed people in the US, excluding workers in. Feb 5, 14:30: US labor costs leap 2.7, jobless claims 278K mixed data sends dollar down. US jobless claims rose to 278K, better than expected, from a revised 267K last week. The 4 week moving average. Feb 5, 10:46: ECB opposes greece bailout deal. Greece took a bit of a body blow late yesterday as the ECB has made it clear that it is. Feb 4, 16:00: US ISM Manufacturing PMI 56.7 points no disappointment. The ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI came out just above expectations at 56.7 points. However, the employment component fell sharply from 55.7. Feb 4, 15:32: China Preemptively Cuts RRR Ahead of Lunar New Year. Asian equity markets from Japan to Jakarta are broadly higher as the Peoples Bank of China cut the bank reserve. Feb 4, 14:15: ADP Non-Farm Payrolls miss at 213K, but accompanied by an upwards revision. You can add another disappointment to the list: ADP shows a gain of 213K private sector jobs in January 2018, slightly. Feb 4, 13:47: Negative interest rates: The new weapon in the forex wars. Quantitative easing has been around some seven years in its current form, but now another monetary policy tool is gaining. Feb 4, 10:10: EURUSD recovers. The dollar bull run continues to take a pause for breath and the danger now is that a broader correction. Feb 3, 19:37: Dollar Drowns Selloff has a risk on flavor EUR, GBP, AUD and CAD rally. The dollar is sold off aggressively with EURUSD shooting above 1.15 and returning to the pre-QE days, AUDUSD climbing above. Feb 3, 16:00: US factory orders plunge 3.4 another blow to USD. The streak of bad news keeps coming against the greenback: factory orders fell by 3.4 in December. In addition, Novembers. Feb 3, 15:35: RBA Joins Global Disinflationary Battle. The war against global deflationary pressures rages on, with the Reserve Bank of Australia becoming the fifteenth central bank in. Feb 3, 9:58: RBA surprises with a rate cut. Even though the euro has hardly staged what you would refer to as a relief rally, markets have reacted positively. Feb 2, 19:19: V-Shaped EURUSD, Oil, Greece and lots more Talking Markets with George Avidon. I had the honor and pleasure to speak with George Avidon of Unusual Activity, powered by Financial Juice. We spoke. Feb 2, 16:00: ISM Manufacturing PMI falls to 53.5 USD down. A disappointing read from the US manufacturing sector: a big drop of 2 points in the ISM PMI to 53.5. Feb 2, 14:31: US Core PCE Price Index slips to 1.3. The Feds favorite inflation figure is not going in the right direction: it slipped from 1.4 to 1.3 yy. Other. Feb 2, 8:40: USDCHF: Remains On The Offensive. USDCHF: With a second week of strength seeing further bullishness the past week, additional bull pressure is envisaged. However, watch. US ISM Manufacturing PMI: Monday, 15:00. Manufacturing PMI declined in December, coming in at 55.5 following 58.7 in the previous month. Economists forecasted a higher reading of 57.6. Manufacturing output is constantly expanding however, the rate of growth has eased in the fourth quarter. Companies express growing uncertainty about the outlook in 2018, especially regarding exports. Regarding the fall in oil prices, some ISM members think it would have a good impact on the manufacturing sector while others disagree. Manufacturing PMI is expected to reach 54.9 this time. Australian rate decision: Tuesday, 3:30. Australias central bank has kept its interest rate at a record low for 17 months amid the economic transition from mining investment. Many economists believe a rate cut is in order since the economic growth has not picked up to offset the sharp decline in mining investment. Low interest rates may boost investments in the non-mining sectors. بالإضافة الى. Falling commodity prices like iron and oil will weaken export revenues. ولا يتوقع حدوث أي تغيير في المعدل الآن. NZ employment data: Tuesday, 21:45. New Zealands Unemployment rate was better than expected in the third quarter, falling to 5.4 from 5.6 in the prior quarter. Employment expanded 0.8, higher than the 0.5 gain reached in the second quarter and better than the 0.6 rise forecasted by analysts. However, on a yearly base, employment expanded 3.2, below the 3.7 seen in the previous quarter. New Zealands employment market is predicted to grow by 0.8, while the unemployment rate is expected to drop to 5.3. تغيير الوظائف غير الزراعية في أدب في الولايات المتحدة: الأربعاء، 13:15. U. S. private sector employment gained 241,000 jobs in December, beating forecasts of a 227,000 job addition. The increase was broad based and was not affected by oil-related companies that experienced a dramatic fall in crude prices, suggesting the US labor market is resilient and does not depend on any one industry. U. S. private employment is expected to gain 221,000 this time. US ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI: Wednesday, 15:00. Service sector activity expanded at the slowest pace in six months, reaching 56.2 in December, after posting 59.3 in November. Economists expected a reading of 58.2. New Orders Index was 2.5 points lower than 61.4 registered in November. Employment Index declined 0.7 points, reaching 56.0 and Prices Index plunged 4.9 points to 49.5. Service sector is forecasted to grow to 56.6. UK rate decision: Thursday, 12:00. The Bank of England policymakers voted unanimously to leave rates at s record-low in January amid tumbling inflation. Both Martin Weale and Ian McCafferty, formerly opposing such a move, had a change of heart as falling oil prices threatened to weaken further the already subdued inflation. The ongoing improvement in the unemployment rate and wage growth didnt persuade MPC members to vote for a change in policy. Following this statement, economists pushed back their forecast for a rate hike to early 2018. US Trade Balance: Thursday, 13:30. The U. S. trade deficit contracted in November to an 11-month low reaching 39 billion, the smallest since December 2018. Falling crude oil prices helped to strengthen domestic demand, but exports fell 1.0 to 196.4 billion in November, suggesting the slowing global economy may start to affect the US market. Economists expected deficit to reach 42.3 billion. U. S. trade deficit is expected to contact further to38 billion. مطالبات البطالة الأمريكية: الخميس، 13:30. The number of Americans filing initial claims for unemployment dropped sharply to a 15 year low, indicating the US labor market continues to strengthen. However, the unbelievably low figure can be also attributed to a holiday-shortened week. The 43,000decline was much better than the 301,000 addition forecasted by analysts. The four-week moving average, fell 8,250 last week to 298,500. The number of claims is expected to reach 277,000 this time. Canadian employment data: Friday, 13:30. Canadas labor market had another mild setback in December, shedding 4,300 positions after contracting 10,700 jobs in November. The unemployment rate remained unchanged at 6.6. Full-time employment in December grew by 53,500 jobs, while part-time work dropped by 57,700 indicating the overall picture is quite positive. The 12-month gain was 185,700 positions, an increase of 1.0. while the six-month moving average for employment growth was 22,100 jobs, up from 21,300 in November. Canadas labor market is expected to increase by 5,100 jobs, while the unemployment rate is expected to reach 6.7. US Non-Farm Employment Change and Unemployment rate: Friday, 13:30. U. S. job growth edged up in December, rising 252,000 after a revised jump of 353,000 in November. Meanwhile, the jobless rate declined to a 6.5 year low of 5.6. However, despite the positive figures, wages did not increase in December a worrisome sign which may compel the Fed to leave rates unchanged for an extended period. Us job market is expected to add 231,000 positions. The unemplolyment rate is forecsted to remain unchanged. جميع الأوقات بتوقيت جرينتش. Thats it for the major events this week. Stay tuned for coverage on specific currencies In our latest podcast, we do a Fed rundown analyze the Greek elections and discuss the suffering Aussie audio mp3podtracptsredirect. mp3forexcrunchwp-contentuploads201801Market-Movers-January-30.mp3audio Forex market hours pacific standard time By: pyros Date: 05.05.2018 Bra daytrading aktier, freeware binary options, depression make money, historical earnings stock market returns by year, stock market losers 2018, forex trading hours days, forex trading education in chennai. I interspersed my aunt immediately and they again doubled and re-invest the platform. Available Udp The equatorial peculiar can vary from few weeks to a forex market hours pacific standard time. Used Udp The gearing invite can double marrket few months to a trading. 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Building 038 Backtesting Trading Systems January 30, 2018 by Andrew Selby One of the books that had a powerful impact on my thoughts on trading and markets early in my career was Michael Covels Trend Following. One of the most powerful sections of that book is the printed annual returns of the trend following traders Covel profiles. I was always fascinated by the idea that these traders used automated systems to produce some of the most mind boggling returns I had ever heard off. Covels Trend Following was also my introduction to the legendary story of The Turtles, which he told the expanded version of in his book The Complete Turtle Trader. The Turtles were a famous experiment that was the result of a bet between Richard Dennis and William Eckhardt where Dennis attempted to prove that trading could be taught and that there was nothing inherently special about his trading. With the Turtles stories, I once again saw a strong focus on trading systems. While I have always been interested in the fact that these wildly successful traders build and test their own systems, I have always considered that to be well beyond the scope of my abilities. To be completely honest, it has been much easier to simply proceed with the stock investment strategies that are promoted in the newspaper that I read. I wouldnt even know how to start the complicated process of building and testing a trading system. Heres The Problem: By strictly (sometimes) following the rules of someone elses stock trading system, I have gone almost an entire year now without buying a stock that increased in price following my buy. Since I bought PCLN on February 14, 2018, I have lost money on ten straight trades. I could argue that 2018 was a very choppy market that was very difficult to make money in. I could also argue that almost all of my losses can be attributed to my own emotional errors. I can (and have) very easily argue that the experience I gained from my 2018 trading will pay enormous dividends if I just stick to the system. I believe that the style of trading I have been using for the past few years is absolutely legit and can be profitable. I know a number of traders who were very profitable in 2018 using very similar systems. I believe that with time and experience I can eventually trade profitably. The Nagging Idea Of A System: I just cant seem to shake the idea of building and testing trading systems. I keep wondering what it would be like to trade without having to put in any discretionary input whatsoever. If emotions have been one of my biggest problems, why not check them at the door and try a completely systematic strategy With this nagging idea in my head and my disgust with my current track record, I decided to get curious. One of the great things that has come from running this blog is that I have made acquaintances with a number of very successful traders. With all these questions about my style, my results, and this nagging idea about systems, it occurred to me that I could simply ask an expert . As simple as it sounds, this was revolutionary to me. I simply sent a message to a respected systems traders that asked Where should I look to get started learnings about systems He recommended that I read Stan Weinsteins Secrets For Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets and Curtis Faiths Way Of The Turtle. Ironically, both of these books were already sitting on my bookshelf. He also recommended I read books by Robert Pardo and Perry Kaufman and look at backtesting software like Wealth Lab Pro and Tradingblox. Here it was. I have a starting point. Evolution Or Timesuck The big question for me now is whether this curiosity is my evolution to the next level of trading or if Im just wasting time that could be spent analyzing charts and breaking down my emotional decisions. I guess only time will tell. For the time being, I am going to continue trading the way I always have, however I intend to be much more selective about my trades. Like Jim Rogers said in his Market Wizards interview, I am going to wait till there is money sitting in the corner and all I have to do is go pick it up. I am also going to pursue an education into building and backtesting systems and see where that takes me. It may take me right back to the style I already have or it might make me the next John Henry (except Id buy the Pirates). Either way it should make for an interesting blog. I am also very curious as to what my readers think about trading systems. Is this worth exploring or am I just wasting all of our time Watch a Movie During Treatment Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas) FREE Forex Scalping Robot Developed By Camilla Lindberg Has A Win Ratio Of 96.1 And Max Drawdown Of 11.31 Download this FX Trading Robot FREE that has been developed by Camilla Lindberg. Attend this Auto FX Firing Pin Trader FREE webinar held every week where Ken Herbert, a professional trader who has more than 10 years of trading experience will show you how he made 8,165 pips in the last 8 months. This comes out to be 1000 pips per month. At the end of the webinar, you can download the system FREE. There are many scalping robot available in the market but this forex scalping you will get FREE. The developer of this forex scalping robot. Camilla Lindberg has been trading forex professionally for many years now. She lost money in the first two years. Then she broke even for the next two years. For the last 3 years, Camilla is making good money. Camilla has the experience of developing trading software for small hedge funds. She has developed this forex scalping robot with her team of programmer. In less than 4 minutes you could have in your hands a powerful forex scalping robot that will trade for you when you are at work. If you work full-time and cant be at your computer all that often, then maybe this is the answer. It wont cost you a penny, and heres what it can do for you: It will trade for you automatically. You could be at work, on the golf course or in the movies, it doesnt matter, because theres nothing for you to do. The scalping robot has a 96.1 win ratio. That means you are going to see a lots of positive entries in your account. This forex scalping robot has a 11.31 maximum draw down, that means you wont be risking that much. The system has been proven and tested by 3rd party MT4 verification. Heres the best part. The logic behind this forex scalping robot is fully transparent no more robots trading blind Full support including detailed user manual and video, upgrades and help from a team of professional traders and programmers. I cant think of any reason why anyone wouldnt try this. Just download this forex scalping robot and test it on your demo account first for one full month: Ive been getting a lot of positive feedback about this little robot, so make sure you get it before they start charging for it. After one month of forward testing on the demo account, you should take a detailed look at the performance statistics of this robot. If it works good on the demo account, open a mini account with a deposit of 250 and trade with this FREE Forex Scalping robot on a live account for one more month and see how much return it makes. img srcmedia. avapartnerbannersp369485172.gif tag33247tag2 Risk graphs are the graphical representation of the underlying risk of a stock andor option position. In this article, were discussing an option risk graph. In order to understand the inherent risks of an option position, traders can use a risk graph to see the profitloss possibilities of certain outcomes. For example, if a trader buys an at-the-money 25 call option on ABC stock for 175.00 (100 x 1.75 175), the trader can see the profitloss implication of the position through a risk graph. Heres the risk graph of the option position described above As you can see, if the price of ABC stock is under 25 at expiration, the option expires worthless. But remember, the maximum loss in buying a call is limited to the price the trader pays for the option. In this case, its 175. Thats why the blue line is flat to the left of the 25 mark. But if the stock is above the strike price of 25 at expiration, the call buyer will make money. Thats why the blue line starts rising once the 25 area is breached. Needless to say, there are hundreds of different outcomes for different option strategies. Good option trading software automatically generates risk graphs once the options strategy is input. Trading Station Web FXCM Inc. a publicly traded company listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: FXCM), is a holding company and its sole asset is a controlling equity interest in FXCM Holdings, LLC. فوركس كابيتال ماركيتس ليميتد (فكسم لت) هي شركة تابعة غير مباشرة لشركة فكسم هولدينغز، ليك. All references on this site to FXCM refer to FXCM Inc. and its consolidated subsidiaries, including FXCM Holdings, LLC and Forex Capital Markets Limited. إن شركة فوركس كابيتال ماركيتس ليميتد مرخصة ومنظمة في المملكة المتحدة من قبل هيئة السلوك المالي. رقم التسجيل 217689. معالجة الضرائب: تعتمد المعاملة الضريبية في المملكة المتحدة لأنشطة الرهان المالي على ظروفك الفردية وقد تكون عرضة للتغيير في المستقبل، أو قد تختلف في ولايات قضائية أخرى. Trading Station Web Trading Station Web offers over 40 instruments, with basic and complex orders, powerful technical indicators, advanced tools, all on a flexible interface. Whether at home or at work, Trading Station Web is a convenient way to trade your FXCM account. Enter your User ID and Password into the platform to access your new demo. Your User ID and Password were emailed to you. تحذير مخاطر عالية المخاطر: ينطوي تداول عقود الصرف الأجنبي على الفروقات على الهامش على مستوى عال من المخاطر، وقد لا يكون مناسبا لجميع المستثمرين. هناك احتمال أن تتمكن من الحفاظ على خسارة تتجاوز الأموال المودعة الخاصة بك، وبالتالي، يجب أن لا تكهنات مع رأس المال الذي لا يمكن أن تخسره. قبل اتخاذ قرار تجارة المنتجات التي تقدمها فكسم يجب أن تنظر بعناية الأهداف الخاصة بك، والوضع المالي والاحتياجات ومستوى الخبرة. يجب أن تكون على دراية كاملة بكافة المخاطر المصاحبة لعمليات تداول على الهامش. يوفر فكسم المشورة العامة التي لا تأخذ في الاعتبار الأهداف الخاصة بك، والوضع المالي أو الاحتياجات. يجب ألا يفسر محتوى هذا الموقع على أنه نصيحة شخصية. توصي فكسم بطلب المشورة من مستشار مالي منفصل. يرجى النقر هنا لقراءة التحذير من المخاطر الكاملة. فكسم هو لجنة العقود الآجلة المسجلة التاجر والتجزئة بائع الصرف الأجنبي مع لجنة تداول السلع الآجلة وعضو في الرابطة الوطنية للعقود الآجلة. NFA 0308179. FXCM is provisionally registered with the CFTC as a swap dealer. FXCM Inc. a publicly traded company listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: FXCM), is a holding company and its sole asset is a controlling equity interest in FXCM Holdings, LLC. فوركس كابيتال ماركيتس، ليك (فكسم ليك) هي شركة تابعة للتشغيل المباشر لشركة فكسم هولدينغز، ليك. All references on this site to FXCM refer to FXCM Inc. and its consolidated subsidiaries, including FXCM Holdings, LLC and Forex Capital Markets, LLC. Please note the information on this website is intended for retail customers only, and certain representations herein may not be applicable to Eligible Contract Participants (i. e. institutional clients) as defined in the Commodity Exchange Act sect1(a)(12). copy 2018 Forex Capital Markets. كل الحقوق محفوظة. 55 Water St. 50th Floor, New York, NY 10041 USA Member Since Mar 22, 2018 31 posts forexstriker Oct 18 2018 at 21:13 (edited Oct 18 2018 at 21:13 ) A list of brokers that have confirmed in writing they will continue accepting US customers after October 18, 2018 with no leverage restrictions: Revised List 10-18-10 2:10 pm CST Fin FX (added 10-15-10 C Franks (finfx. fi ) Forex4You (added 10-13-10 Jake) Forex FS - Australia (added 10-16-10 Jake) Forex Metals (Panama) (added 10-18-10 Jake) FOREX MMCIS: (added 10-13-10 Jake) ForexClub. biz (added 10-18-10 Jake) FXCast (added 10-17-10 Will accept US citizens if they provide a InvestTechFX - Canada (added 10-14-10 Terri Horton) NordFX (added 10-17-10 Jake) PrimeBank Forex (added 10-15-10 Abhay) RFXT (Lebanon) (added 10-18-10 Jake) RVMarkets (added 10-13-10 Jake) SmartTrade FX - Canada (added 10-17-10 Jake) Uni-FX (UAE) (added 10-18-10 Jake) United World Capital (added 10-14-10 Jake) Member Since Feb 22, 2018 1396 posts vontogr (togr) Apr 24 2 014 at 11:47 quite often my followers ask for advice for list of broker accepting US citizens, but without the ridiculous limit imposed to trading, like low leverage, etc. As Caesar has higher profitability with higher leverage I did some research and found this list. I have not much experience with these so you should let us know your evaluation for these brokers. good broker - FinFx problematic when you make profit:) - ForexBroker inc or any Russian broker bull AssetsFX (Finland) --- ECNSTP broker --- see post 2078 for more info Platform: MT4. -- Min. initial deposit: 200 USD. -- Max. leverage: 100:1. -- Min. position size: micro lot (0.01 std lot) -- Spreads: variable (from 0 pips) plus commission (5.20 USD round-turn per std lot, or 0.052 USD round-turn per micro lot) Email: Contact Us. AssetsFX -- Tel: 358-40-324-4839 bull Fin FX (Finland) --- ECNSTP broker --- see posts 1116, and 2023 for more info --- --- also see FinFX Brokerage Overview Platform: MT4. -- Min. initial deposit: 150 USD. -- Max. leverage: 200:1. -- Spreads: EURUSD 3 pips, GBPJPY 7 pips. Email: infofinfx. fi bull MRC Markets (Russia) --- ECNSTP broker --- not regulated --- exercise extra due diligence --- --- see FSA Alert --- Financial Services Authority Platform: MT4. -- Min. initial deposit: 200 USD. -- Max. leverage: 500:1. -- Spreads: EURUSD 2 pips, GBPJPY 7 pips. Website: MRC Markets bull Tallinex (Estonia) --- ECNSTP broker --- regulated --- see posts 1978, 1979, and 1980 for more info Platform: MT4. -- Min. initial deposit (micro account): 100 USD. -- Max. leverage (micro account): 400:1. -- Spreads (micro account): EURUSD 2 pips (avg), GBPJPY . Website: Tallinex - FX Trading Software bull Renesource Capital (Latvia) --- ECNSTP broker --- see post 1971 for more info --- --- regulated by Financial and Capital Markets Commission (FCMC), Latvia Platform: MT4. -- Min. initial deposit (micro account): 10 USD. -- Max. leverage: 100:1. -- Spreads: EURUSD , GBPJPY . Website: Online trading FOREX trading ECN Forex trading --- new web address Email: inforenesource. eu bull X-Trade Brokers (XTB) (Poland) Platform: XTB Trader (MT4). -- Min. initial deposit: 500 EUR. -- Max. leverage: 100:1. -- Spreads: EURUSD 2 pips, GBPJPY 7 pips. Website: Options trading, forex, CFD, commodities, indices, platform bull Varchev Financial (BulgariaUK) --- regulated in both countries --- see posts 1305, 1814 and 1815 for more info Platforms: MT4, mobile MT4. -- Min. initial deposit: NONE. -- Max. leverage: 500:1 (small position size), 100:1 (large position size). -- Spreads: EURUSD 3 pips, GBPJPY 6 pips. Website: Varchev Brokers - Forex trading --- new web address bull ForexCENT (Czech Republic) --- see posts 1972, and 1974 for more info WARNING: see posts 2111 and 2113 for recent information on this broker. Platforms: . -- Min. initial deposit: . -- Max. leverage: . -- Spreads: EURUSD , GBPJPY . Website: Trade Forex from 1 cent - ForexCENT Mediterranean Middle East Africa bull ForexBrokerInc (Malta) --- see posts 1801, 1802, 1803, 1960, 1961, 1966, and 1994 for more info Platforms: MT4, SIRIX Webtrader. -- Min. initial deposit: 5 USD. -- Max. leverage: 500:1 (ECN Micro acct). -- --- Spreads: EURUSD 1 pip commission (ECN Micro acct), GBPJPY pips commission (ECN Micro acct). Website: Forex Broker Inc Forex Trading CFD Trading bull IKOFX (Cyprus) --- not regulated --- exercise extra due diligence --- Platform: MT4. -- Min. initial deposit: 1 USD. -- Max. leverage: 500:1. -- Spreads: EURUSD 2 pips, GBPJPY 7 pips. Website: FOREX CURRENCY TRADING FOREX BROKER FOREX TRADING METATRADER4 IKOFX bull Arab Financial Brokers (Kuwait) WARNING: see posts 2112 and 2113 for recent information on this broker. Platforms: AFB Platform (MT4), AFB Multi Terminal (MT4). -- Min. initial deposit: 50 USD. -- Max. leverage: 400:1. -- Spreads: EURUSD 2 pips, GBPJPY. pips. Website: Islamic Investment, Forex Trading, Commodities Brokers, Oil Trading - AFB Email: customercareafb. kw bull FXGlory (United Arab Emirates) --- not regulated --- exercise extra due diligence --- --- see posts 1561, 1562, and 1563 for more info Platforms: . -- Min. initial deposit: . -- Max. leverage: . -- Spreads: EURUSD , GBPJPY . Website: Glory Way LLC Best brokerage on the World bull FXVV Capital Markets Ltd (United Arab Emirates) --- not regulated --- exercise extra due diligence --- --- see posts 1477, 1478, 1486, 1582, 1822, 1833, and 1834 for more info Platform: MT4. -- Min. initial deposit: 10 USD. -- Max. leverage: 1,000:1 for account balance up to 1,000 USD. -- -- Spreads: EURUSD 1.5 pips ( commission 8 USD per std lot), GBPJPY ( commission 8 USD per std lot). Website: Home FXVV Capital Markets Ltd - Forex, Online Trading, Currency Trading, ECN Forex Broker Email addresses: not published --- Telephone contact: 971 4374 1436 customer support (UAE) bull FX Company (Mauritius -) --- not regulated --- exercise extra due diligence --- Platforms: MT4, MT5 beta. -- Min. initial deposit: 100 USD. -- Max. leverage: 500:1. -- Spreads: EURUSD 2 pips, GBPJPY 8 pips. Website: FxCompany. Online Forex Trading Systems Platforms, Automated Forex Trading Software bull PaxForex (Seychelles) --- see posts 1412, 1581, 1814, 1816, and 2067 for more info Platform: MT4. -- Min. initial deposit: 10 USD (mini acct.), 400 USD (std. acct.). -- Max. leverage: 500:1. -- Spreads: EURUSD 1.3 - 5 pips, GBPJPY 4.7 - 6 pips. Website: PaxForex - Forex Bonus and Contest Gold Silver Currency Trading CFD - PaxForex bull ProfiForex (Seychelles) --- regulated by Seychelles International Business Authority (SIBA) --- --- see posts 1561, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1710, and 1814 for more info Platform: MT4. -- Min. initial deposit: 0.10 (for Cent Account). -- Max. leverage: 500:1. -- Spreads: EURUSD 2 pips, GBPJPY 7 pips. Website: Profiforex Dealing Center bull Real Trade (Seychelles) --- see posts 1310 and 1409 for more info Platform: Real Trader 4 (MT4). -- Min. initial deposit: 20 USD. (Monthly interest paid on free margin) -- Max. leverage: 500:1. -- Spreads: EURUSD 1 pip, GBPJPY 5 pips. Website: Forex Trading - Real Trade - Best Forex Broker bull Forex FS (Australia) --- see posts 1814, 2058 and 2106 for more info Platforms: MT4, JForex (Dukascopy) Web Platform -- Min. initial deposit: 500 USD. -- Max. leverage: 300:1 (currencies), 140:1 (metals) -- Spreads: EURUSD 2 pips, GBPJPY 3 pips. Website: FOREX FS - HOME bull SmartTradeFX (Hong Kong) --- see posts 2032 and 2034 for more info Platforms: MT4 (ECN), Web Trader (STP), Mobile Platform (STP). -- Min. initial deposit: 25 USD. -- Max. leverage: 100:1. -- Spreads: EURUSD 0.9 pips comm (10 USD per std lot), GBPJPY 4.6 pips comm (10 USD per std lot). Website: SmartTradeFX - Forex CFDs FX 4X Trade Currency Trading Forex Email: SmartTradeFX - Leave a Message --- Phone: 1-888-613-7839 (toll-free from N. America) Central America Caribbean bull forex-metal (Panama) --- not regulated --- exercise extra due diligence --- --- see posts 1308, 1309 and 1409 for more info Platform: MT4. -- Min. initial deposit: 0 USD. -- Max. leverage: 500:1 (for balance up to 500), 200:1 (for balance over 500). -- Spreads: EURUSD 2.3 - 3.9 pips, GBPJPY 5 - 8 pips. (Spread rebates are offered.) bull FX Choice (Belize) --- see post 1407 for more info Platforms: MT4, ECN. -- Min. initial deposit: 10 USD. -- Max. leverage: 200:1 (MT4), 100:1 (ECN). -- Spreads: EURUSD 0.5 - 1.5 pips, GBPJPY 2 - 5 pips. Website: FX Choice bull Real Forex (Belize) --- unregulated broker incorporated in France, owned by Finocorp (Belize) --- --- exercise extra due diligence Platforms: . -- Min. initial deposit: . -- Max. leverage: . -- Spreads: EURUSD , GBPJPY . Website: Real-Forex Exclusive ECN broker bull StrategemFX (Belize) --- see post 1681 for more info Platforms: . -- Min. initial deposit: . -- Max. leverage: . -- Spreads: EURUSD , GBPJPY . Website: Forex Focused Brokerage for Professional Traders and Asset Management bull Pellucid FX (Anguilla - British West Indies) --- unregulated --- see posts 1982 and 1988 for more info Platforms: MT4, Webtrader. -- Min. initial deposit: 200 USD. -- Max. leverage: 400:1. -- Spreads: EURUSD , GBPJPY . Email: supportpellucidfx --- New accounts: salespellucidfx bull Traders Way (Dominica) --- Russian broker registered in Dominica (do not confuse with Dominican Republic) --- see posts 1316, 1564, 1809, 1810, and 1814 for more info Platforms: MT4, CT Trader. -- Min. initial deposit: 1 USD for DD account, 10 USD for ECN account. -- Max. leverage: 500:1 up to 1K account, 200:1 for 1K-10K account, 100:1 for 10K-100K account -- Spreads: EURUSD 2 pips, GBPJPY 5.5 - 7 pips. Website: Best Forex MT4 Broker Online Trading Micro ECN Fixed Variable Spread Traders Way Volatile option trading strategies Volatile option trading strategies Author: Craigslist-USA-only Date of post: 13.12.2018 Stock market put definition, how much money do accountants make a year, how does the craigslist guy make money, best forex indicators swing trading, dulcolax money maker, futures trading practice account, 10 easy ways to make money in 2018. Temporary, Set, Span Short A. 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A formative evaluation (sometimes referred to as internal) is a method for judging the worth of a program while the program activities are forming (in progress). They can be conducted during any phase of the ADDIE process. This part of the evaluation focuses on the process. Thus, formative evaluations are basically done on the fly. They permit the designers, learners, instructors, and managers to monitor how well the instructional goals and objectives are being met. Its main purpose is to catch deficiencies ASAP so that the proper learning interventions can take place that allows the learners to master the required skills and knowledge. Formative evaluation is also useful in analyzing learning materials, student learning and achievements, and teacher effectiveness. Formative evaluation is primarily a building process which accumulates a series of components of new materials, skills, and problems into an ultimate meaningful whole. - Wally Guyot (1978) In addition, prototyping is used in formative evaluations to test a particular design aspect by using one or more iterations. A summative evaluation (sometimes referred to as external) is a method of judging the worth of a program at the end of the program activities (summation). The focus is on the outcome. All assessments can be summative (i. e. have the potential to serve a summative function), but only some have the additional capability of serving formative functions. - Scriven (1967) The various instruments used to collect the data are questionnaires, surveys, interviews, observations, and testing. The model or methodology used to gather the data should be a specified step-by-step procedure. It should be carefully designed and executed to ensure the data is accurate and valid. Questionnaires are the least expensive procedure for external evaluations and can be used to collect large samples of graduate information. The questionnaires should be trialed (tested) before using to ensure the recipients understand their operation the way the designer intended. When designing questionnaires, keep in mind the most important feature is the guidance given for its completion. All instructions should be clearly stated. let nothing be taken for granted. History of the Two Evaluations Scriven (1967) first suggested a distinction between formative evaluation and summative evaluation. Formative evaluation was intended to foster development and improvement within an ongoing activity (or person, product, program, etc.). Summative evaluation, in contrast, is used to assess whether the results of the object being evaluated (program, intervention, person, etc.) met the stated goals. Scriven saw the need to distinguish the formative and summative roles of curriculum evaluation. While Scriven preferred summative evaluations 8212 performing a final evaluation of the project or person, he did come to acknowledge Cronbachs merits of formative evaluation 8212 part of the process of curriculum development used to improve the course while it is still fluid (he believed it contributes more to the improvement of education than evaluation used to appraise a product). Later, Misanchuk (1978) delivered a paper on the need to tighten up the definitions in order to get measurements that are more accurate. The one that seems to cause the greatest disagreement is the keeping of fluid movements or changes strictly in the prerelease versions (before it hits the target population). In Paul Saettlers (1990) history of instructional technology, he describes the two evaluations in the context of how they were used in developing Sesame Street and The Electric Company by the Childrens Television Workshop. CTW used formative evaluations for identify and defining program designs that could provide reliable predictors of learning for particular learners. They later used summative evaluations to prove their efforts (to quite good effect I might add). While Saettler praises CTW for a significant landmark in the technology of instructional design, he warns that it is still tentative and should be seen more as a point of departure rather than a fixed formula. Saettler defines the two types of evaluations as: 1) formative is used to refine goals and evolve strategies for achieving goals, while 2) summative is undertaken to test the validity of a theory or determine the impact of an educational practice so that future efforts may be improved or modified. Thus, using Misanchuks defining terms will normally achieve more accurate measurements however, the cost is higher as it is highly resource intensive, particularly with time because of all the pre-work that has to be performed in the design phase: create, trial, redo, trial, redo, trial, redo, etc. and all preferably without using the target population. However, most organizations are demanding shorter design times. Thus the formative part is moved over to the other methods, such as the use of rapid prototyping and using testing and evaluations methods to improve as one moves on. Which of course is not as accurate but it is more appropriate to most organizations as they are not really that interested in accurate measurements of the content but rather the end product 8212 skilled and knowledgeable workers. Misanchuks defining terms puts all the water in a container for accurate measurements while the typical organization estimates the volume of water running in a stream. Thus, if you are a vendor, researcher, or need highly accurate measurements you will probably define the two evaluations in the same manner as Misanchuk. If you need to push the traininglearning out faster and are not all that worried about highly accurate measurements, then you define it closer to how most organizations do and how Saettler describes the CTW example. Steps in the Evaluation Phase Guyot, W. M. (1978). Summative and Formative Evaluation. The Journal of Business Education. 54(3):127-129. Misanchuk, E. R. (1978). Uses and Abuses of Evaluation in Continuing Education Programs: On the Frequent Futility of Formative, Summative, and Justificative Evaluation. San Antonio, Texas: Paper presented at the Adult Education Research Conference, 4-78. Saettler, P. (1990). The Evolution of American Educational Technology. p350. Englewood, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, Inc. Scriven, M. (1967). The methodology of evaluation. R. W. Tyler, R M. Gagne, M. Scriven (eds.), Perspectives of curriculum evaluation. pp.39-83. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally. Optimal trading strategy and supplydemand dynamics Here i will explain about Optimal Trading Strategy And Supplydemand Dynamics. Many people have talked about Journal of financial markets elsevier. But in this post i will explain The journal of financial markets publishes high quality original research on applied and theoretical issues related to securities trading and pricing more clearly than another blog. Optimal trading strategy and supplydemand dynamics anna obizhaeva and jiang wang first draft: november 15, 2004 this draft: april 8, 2006 abstract. High frequency trading: price dynamics models and market making strategies cheng lu electrical engineering and computer sciences university of california at berkeley. Pages 5 binary options trading strategies for beginners binary options charts binary options trading system strategy for binary options binary options trend lines. Read more on High frequency trading: price dynamics models and market. Robin is the george gund professor of finance and banking at harvard business school. he works in behavioral and institutional finance with a particular focus on. The journal of financial markets publishes high quality original research on applied and theoretical issues related to securities trading and pricing. Academia. edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. Tuomas sandholm. professor carnegie mellon university computer science department 5000 forbes avenue pittsburgh pa 15213 director electronic marketplaces laboratory. You can find more explanation in Binary options strategies articles and trading strategies. Above you can read article and ebook that discuss about Optimal Trading Strategy And Supplydemand Dynamics. So it became clear that Most investors have probably never seen the pl of a high frequency trading strategy there is a reason for that, of course: given the typical performance. A Case Study (Published Oct. 22nd, 2018) Strategy Design II (Published Aug. 24th, 2018) Strategy Design I (Published Aug. 23rd, 2018) Portfolio Building (Published July 26th, 2018) Still More DEVX (Published July 23rd, 2018) More DEVX V6 (Published July 3rd, 2018) Connecting Dots (Published June 16th, 2018) Trading Perspectives (Published June 1st, 2018) Cheating by Spoofing (Published April 27th, 2018) Portfolio Math I (Published January 30th, 2018) Trading Short Term (Published January 2nd, 2018) DEVX V6 Revisited (Published Novermber 25th, 2018) A Unique Approach (Published Novermber 11th, 2018) A Donor Within (Published Novermber 6th, 2018) Winning by Default II (Published August 11th, 2018) One For All (Published August 3rd, 2018) Winning by Default (Published July 28th, 2018) Test Summary (Published July 20th, 2018) Nest Egg on Support (Published July 13th, 2018) Trade Automation (Published July 1st, 2018) Deviation X (Published June 18th, 2018) Swinging It (Published June 18th, 2018) Developing an optimal trading strategy The main objective of the dissertation is to develop an optimal trading strategy also considering the execution cost of each trading step, using stochastic dynamic programming. More explicitly, the following problem is proposed and solved: Given a fixed block of shares to be executed within a fixed finite number of periods, and given price dynamics that capture price impact, i. ه. the execution price of an individual trade as a function of the share traded and other state variables, find the optimal sequence of trades (as a function of the state variables) that will minimize the expected cost of executing within periods. There has been a tremendous interest and consequent growth in terms of equity trading, partly due to the advent of a large number of mutual and pension funds. In these situations, the impact of trading costs has been assuming increasing importance. Trading costs or execution costs are costs that are associated with the execution of investment strategies which include commissions, bidask spreads, opportunity costs of waiting, and price impact from trading. There has been studies where although the performance certain funds have been showed to perform very well compared to market, but actual performance was significantly different (Perold (1988)). The difference arose due to the inclusion of the execution costs. This shortfall is surprisingly large and underscores the importance of execution-cost control, particularly for institutional investors whose trades often comprise a large fraction of the average daily volume of many stocks. Our Guarantee To You No Quibble Money Back Guarantee We are so confident in our ability to produce top level academic work that we are prepared to back it with a No Quibble, Money Back guarantee So the problem of developing an optimal trading strategy, considering the execution costs also comes in to perspective. There are various methods to do this. Here dynamic programming is used to derive an optimal trading strategy considering the execution costs. The use of dynamic programming though not new in financial economics, is novel here by the fact that the trading steps is takes time and the present steps affects the price and thus the costs in the future. Dynamic programming is a method for solving complex problems by breaking them down into simpler sub problems. It is applicable to problems exhibiting the properties of overlapping sub problems which are only slightly smaller and optimal substructure. When applicable, the method takes far less time than the usual methods. The key idea behind dynamic programming is quite simple. In general, to solve a given problem, we need to solve different parts of the problem (sub problems), then combine the solutions of the sub problems to reach an overall solution. Often, many of these sub problems are really the same. The dynamic programming approach seeks to solve each sub problem only once, thus reducing the number of computations. This is especially useful when the number of repeating sub problems is exponentially large. Top-down dynamic programming simply means storing the results of certain calculations, which are later used again since the completed calculation is a sub-problem of a larger calculation. Bottom-up dynamic programming involves formulating a complex calculation as a recursive series of simpler calculations. The term dynamic programming was originally used in the 1940s by Richard Bellman to describe the process of solving problems where one needs to find the best decisions one after another. By 1953, he refined this to the modern meaning, referring specifically to nesting smaller decision problems inside larger decisions, and the field was thereafter recognized by the IEEE as a systems analysis and engineering topic. Bellmans contribution is remembered in the name of the Bellman equation, a central result of dynamic programming which restates an optimization problem in recursive form. The word dynamic was chosen by Bellman to capture the time-varying aspect of the problems, and also because it sounded impressive. The word programming referred to the use of the method to find an optimal program, in the sense of a military schedule for training or logistics. This usage is the same as that in the phrases linear programming and mathematical programming, a synonym for optimization. Dynamic programming is both a mathematical optimization method and a computer programming method. In both contexts it refers to simplifying a complicated problem by breaking it down into simpler subproblems in a recursive manner. While some decision problems cannot be taken apart this way, decisions that span several points in time do often break apart recursively Bellman called this the Principle of Optimality. Likewise, in computer science, a problem which can be broken down recursively is said to have optimal substructure. If subproblems can be nested recursively inside larger problems, so that dynamic programming methods are applicable, then there is a relation between the value of the larger problem and the values of the subproblems.5 In the optimization literature this relationship is called the Bellman equation. Dynamic programming in mathematical optimization In terms of mathematical optimization, dynamic programming usually refers to simplifying a decision by breaking it down into a sequence of decision steps over time. This is done by defining a sequence of value functions V1. V2. Vn. with an argument y representing the state of the system at times i from 1 to n. The definition of Vn(y) is the value obtained in state y at the last time n. The values Vi at earlier times in-1,n-2. 2,1 can be found by working backwards, using a recursive relationship called the Bellman equation. For i2. n, Vi -1 at any state y is calculated from Vi by maximizing a simple function (usually the sum) of the gain from decision i-1 and the function Vi at the new state of the system if this decision is made. Since Vi has already been calculated for the needed states, the above operation yields Vi -1 for those states. Finally, V1 at the initial state of the system is the value of the optimal solution. The optimal values of the decision variables can be recovered, one by one, by tracking back the calculations already performed. Struggling with your essay Universiteacute Paris-Diderot, Paris, France copy 2018 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). Received 29 May 2018 revised 30 June 2018 accepted 14 July 2018 When executing their orders, different strategies are proposed to investors by brokers and investment banks. Most orders are executed using VWAP algorithms. Other basic execution strategies include POV (also called PVol)for percentage of volume, ISImplementation Shortfall, or Target Close. In this article dedicated to POV strategies, we develop a liquidation model in which a trader is constrained to liquidate a portfolio with a constant participation rate to the market. Considering the functional forms commonly used by practitioners for market impact functions, we obtain a closed-form expression for the optimal participation rate. Also, we develop a micro-founded risk-liquidity premium that allows better assessing the costs and risks of execution processes and giving a price to a large block of shares. We also provide a thorough comparison between IS strategies and POV strategies in terms of risk-liquidity premium. Optimal Execution, Optimal Liquidation, High-Frequency Trading Stock traders buy and sell large quantities of shares and cannot ignore the significant impact their orders have on the market. In practice, traders face a trade-off between price risks on one hand and both execution costs and market impacts on the other hand. Traders liquidating too fast indeed incur high execution costs but being too slow exposes the trader to possible adverse price fluctuations, effectively leading to liquidation at lower-than - expected prices. For that reason, traders usually split their large orders into smaller ones to be executed progressively. Research on optimal executionor optimal liquidationmainly focuses on this issue of optimally splitting those large orders. To provide an optimal rhythm for the liquidation process, the most classical framework is the one developed by Almgren and Chriss in their seminal papers 1 -3. This framework has largely been used and enriched either to better fit real market conditions or to enlarge the scope of modeling possibilities: Black-Scholes dynamics for the price has been considered1, attempts to generalize the model to take account of stochastic volatility and liquidity were made 4. and discussions on the optimization criterions and their consequences on optimal strategies are also in the literature (see for instance 5 -8 ). The CARA (or mean-variance) framework is predominant in the literature and it has been studied for instance in 9. and in 10 that also considers block trade pricing. Very interesting results in the case of IARA and DARA utility functions are presented in 11. Following the seminal paper by Obizhaeva and Wang 12. many authors also tried to model market impact in a different fashion, using transient market impact models. Eventually, the literature recently went beyond the question of the optimal rhythm and focused on the tactical layer, i. ه. on the actual way to proceed, using for instance dark pools 13 -15 or limit orders 16 -18 . Most of the articles in the literature, be they dedicated to the strategic layer (optimal scheduling) or to the tactical layer (liquidation over short slices of time), focus on IS strategies 2. In this article, we consider strategies constrained to have a constant rate of participation to the market. These execution strategies, called POV or PVol strategies, are more common in practice than IS strategies, although they are suboptimal. Strangely, they are not dealt with in the literature and the goal of this paper is to fill in the blank. Instead of choosing a trading curve of Almgren-Chriss-like models for IS strategies, we optimize one single parameter: the participation rate. Noticeably, for most functional forms used in practice for the execution cost function, the optimal participation rate can be found in a closed form. This is interesting for at least three reasons. First, for trading, an optimal participation rate is easy to communicate on and does not need any complex tool to be used in practice as opposed to the trading curves of most IS strategies. Second, the formula obtained is a function of risk aversion and it can then be inverted to implicit risk aversion from traders behavior. Third, the closed-form formula obtained for the optimal participation rate allows writing a closed-form expression for the risk-liquidity premium of a block trade. In effect, transactions involving large blocks of shares cannot be based on Mark-to-Market (MtM) prices and we provide a micro-founded risk-liquidity premium to be added or subtracted to MtM values. Risk-liquidity premia being already known for IS strategies (see 10 ), we provide a comparison between POV-based liquidity premia and IS-based liquidity premia. In Section 1, we present the setup of the model. In Section 2, we compute a closed-form expression for the optimal participation rate of a POV strategy and the associated risk-liquidity premium. We then discuss the results and analyze the influence of the parameters. In Section 3, we provide numerical examples to illustrate our model. 2. Setup of the Model Let us fix a probability space equipped with a filtration satisfying the usual conditions. We assume that all stochastic processes are defined on . We consider a trader with a portfolio containing shares of a given stock 3 and we assume that he is willing to unwind his portfolio. The velocity at which liquidation is carried out depends on market conditions. Among them, market volume usually has an important role and we introduce a market volume process assumed to be continuous, deterministic,4 and such that. To model liquidation, we introduce an inventory process by: where the strategy belongs to one of the following admissible sets: if one wants to model liquidation using an IS strategy over the time window. This is the classical Almgren-Chriss framework 1 -3 (see also 9 10 ). if one wants to model a POV strategy in which the volume traded by the trader is assumed to be proportional to the market volume process: the participation rate being . In both cases, the problem faced by the trader is a trade-off between price risk, encouraging trading fast, and execution costmarket impact, encouraging unwinding the position slowly. We consider that trades impact market prices in two distinct ways. Firstly, there is a permanent market impact (assumed to be linear 5 ) that imposes a drift to the price process : Secondly, the price obtained by the trader at time is not because of what is usually called instantaneous market impact (or execution costs). To model this, we introduce a function verifying the following hypotheses6: is strictly convex, This allows to define the cash process as: where the execution cost is divided into two parts: a linear part that represents a fixed cost per share. linked to the bid-ask spread for instance, and a strictly convex part modeled by . One of the main goal of this paper is to maximize over the objective function, where is such that and is the absolute risk aversion parameter of the trader. 3. Solution of the Problem and Block Trade Pricing To solve our optimization problem, a first step consists in computing the value of the cash process during the liquidation process: Proposition 1 Let us consider and implicitly defined by . 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